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Week 3: The Power of Story. Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 2 M ONA.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3: The Power of Story. Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 2 M ONA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3: The Power of Story

2 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 2 M ONA

3 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 3 S UPER B OWL

4 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 4 V ACATION

5 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 5 D IET

6 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 6 K IEFER


8 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 8 P RESIDENT

9 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 9 B ORN- A GAIN C HRISTIAN

10 Week 3: The Power of Story

11 Ready to communicate like a walk-across-the-room person? Realize that… Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 11 Stories—and the words used to tell them—are powerful! Meaningful Light-giving Healing Knowledgeable Grace- filled Abundant Humble

12 Ready to communicate like a walk-across-the-room person? Realize that… Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 12 Stories—and the words used to tell them—are powerful! God has a story…learn to tell it well!

13 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 13 “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” —John 5:24, NIV

14 Ready to communicate like a walk-across-the-room person? Realize that… Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 14 Stories—and the words used to tell them—are powerful! God has a story…learn to tell it well! YOU have a story…learn to tell it well!

15 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 15 Before

16 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 16 BeforeAfter

17 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter Striving

18 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful

19 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-Destructive

20 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy

21 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy Guilty

22 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy GuiltyLiberated

23 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy GuiltyLiberated Fear-stricken

24 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy GuiltyLiberated Fear-strickenConfident

25 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy GuiltyLiberated Fear-strickenConfident Despairing

26 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 17 BeforeAfter StrivingGrateful Self-DestructiveHealthy GuiltyLiberated Fear-strickenConfident DespairingHopeful

27 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 18 Let Us Hear from You!

28 Week 3: The Power of Story | slide 19 Send your 100-word before-and-after faith story to [church to insert email address] by [church to insert date]! Remember: keep it brief, humble, easy to understand… and real! Let Us Hear from You!

29 Week 3: The Power of Story

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