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Godliness 2 Peter 1:6. Godliness “well”“to worship” + earnestly paying reverence to God.

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Presentation on theme: "Godliness 2 Peter 1:6. Godliness “well”“to worship” + earnestly paying reverence to God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Godliness 2 Peter 1:6

2 Godliness “well”“to worship” + earnestly paying reverence to God

3 Godliness The Bible provides all we need to know 2 Peter 1:3 We do not need to use manipulation to cause people to commit themselves to God. We do not need gimmicks or tricks to cause people to commit themselves to God. We do not need to “dress up” the gospel to cause people to commit themselves to God. The Bible tells us what godliness is and how to develop it.

4 Godliness “Godliness” implies outward actions 1 Timothy 2:9-10 If we claim to be devoted, we should certainly show this devotion by the way we live our lives!

5 Godliness With growing godliness we have promise of blessings 1 Timothy 4:7-8 1 Timothy 6:11 There is great reward in godliness. It is something to be practiced.

6 Godliness Godliness is more than “form” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Form: an outward shape without the reality (Robertson's Word Pictures)‏ We are warned about people with a “form of godliness” They claim to be godly, but their actions spy them out.

7 Godliness How can we be guilty of having only a “form of godliness”? We may believe the right things but not have the essence of Christianity. We may worship every time the doors are open but not really worship. We may worship correctly in all things, yet live a life of sin. We may worship properly and avoid sin but never add the attributes and activities God expects: evangelism, protection of others and training others in the faith. We may be BUSY doing things for the church yet not accomplish what God wants—Revelation 3:1-3

8 Godliness Godliness implies correct doctrine. 1 Timothy 6:3-4 We cannot be truly godly—truly devoted to God—without correct doctrine. Some say the only thing that really matters is dedication, love and sincerity, but these are not enough if they do not lead us to the right beliefs. “The doctrine of God accords with godliness” Doctrine corresponds with godliness—is in agreement with it Doctrine that is not according to godliness is the same as doctrine that does not correspond with sound words Verse 4 shows us the kind of person who holds to doctrine that is not sound.

9 Godliness Godliness Makes Sense 2 Peter 3:11-12 This world is going to pass away. How should you live as a result? God calls for our love and devotion to Him and His Word.

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