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Efficient Location Tracking Using Sensor Networks H. T. Kung and D. Vlah WCNC 2003 Speaker : Chi-Chih Wu.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Location Tracking Using Sensor Networks H. T. Kung and D. Vlah WCNC 2003 Speaker : Chi-Chih Wu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Location Tracking Using Sensor Networks H. T. Kung and D. Vlah WCNC 2003 Speaker : Chi-Chih Wu

2 Outline Introduction STUN: Scalable Tracking Using Networked Sensors DAB: Drain-and-Balance Method for Constructing Message-Pruning Hierarchies Evaluation Conclusions

3 Introduction The method will need to handle a large number of moving objects at once Tracking consists of detecting and monitoring locations of real-world objects Air traffic control Fleet tracking We focus on improving the energy efficiency of such schemes

4 Introduction Example : A downtown area of a city may consists of a street grid and buildings that prevent pedestrians from moving around arbitrarily. Further, it is uncommon for a city-dweller to roam around uniformly at random; a more likely trajectory consists of spending time within some local region, and occasionally making long-range transitions

5 Introduction

6 Example : We consider a large-scale disaster recovery or battlefield scenario. It may be unusual for every participant to move uniformly across the entire field; rather, due to organizational structure, the movement may be constrained so that there is little traffic between different units, while movement within units is quite high

7 Introduction Example : let us examine a large natural habitat, such as a national park, that scientists may wish to monitor. Once more, it is unlikely to observe animals moving around uniformly. The animals may be living in herds; different types of animals may avoid trespassing upon each others ’ territory; or there may be various natural obstacles like hills or undergrowth that restrict movement in certain regions, etc.

8 STUN: Scalable Tracking Using Networked Sensors The STUN Design the objects we wish to track A natural limit on their speed Our method uses a hierarchy to connect the sensors The leaves are sensors the querying point as the root the other nodes are communication nodes

9 STUN: Scalable Tracking Using Networked Sensors Detecting Event

10 STUN: Scalable Tracking Using Networked Sensors Performance Metrics: Communication Cost Delay

11 STUN: Scalable Tracking Using Networked Sensors


13 DAB: Drain-and-Balance Method for Constructing Message-Pruning Hierarchies


15 Evaluation







22 Conclusions This paper made two main contributions STUN (Scalable Tracking using Networked Sensors) the DAB (drain-and-balance) method for building STUN hierarchiesthat take advantage of information about the mobility patterns of the objects being tracked


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