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Situation Reporting An Input Writer’s Guide. SITREP 2 Administrivia n Sign-In Sheet n Pagers and Cell Phones to Stun n Fire Exits and Safety n Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Situation Reporting An Input Writer’s Guide. SITREP 2 Administrivia n Sign-In Sheet n Pagers and Cell Phones to Stun n Fire Exits and Safety n Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Situation Reporting An Input Writer’s Guide

2 SITREP 2 Administrivia n Sign-In Sheet n Pagers and Cell Phones to Stun n Fire Exits and Safety n Course Length: 90 Minutes n Certificate Issued (DFTO Training)

3 SITREP 3 Objectives n Describe the audience of the Situation Report n Describe the use of the Situation Report n List the changes to the Situation Report Format n Describe the routing for Situation Report Inputs n Differentiate between good and poor Situation Report (SITREP) inputs.

4 SITREP 4 Audience n The President n Secretary of Department of Homeland Security n Emergency Response Branch Director

5 SITREP 5 Format Changes n Separate Formats for RST and ERT n Only current info – no more italics n Focus on analysis n Fewer attachments and tables n Overall shorter report

6 SITREP 6 Good Reporting n The Five C’s of SITREPs -Clear -Concise -Complete -Current -Critical

7 SITREP 7 Ground Rules n Always use the same measurements n Make the report understandable n Follow-up on issues or problems previously reported.

8 SITREP 8 Formatting n Make submissions electronically n Follow submission guidelines n Word Formatting -Times New Roman Font -10 point -No tabs, No indents -Use left justification

9 SITREP 9 Writing Hints n Do not use proper names except for -Elected Officials -i.e. Congressmen Smith n List dates rather than days of the week n Don’t quote people. n Don’t editorialize.

10 SITREP 10 Analysis n What does it really mean? n Provide analysis of figures and data n Report trends and impacts n Take the complex and make it simple

11 SITREP 11 Analysis n Day to Day Function n Subject Matter Expert Provided n Coordinate with Others n Use Good Management Skills

12 SITREP 12 Narrative n Use Narrative Format n Use Third Person n Clear and Concise n Proper Spelling n Proper Grammar n Current Information

13 SITREP 13 Use Proper Channels n Use the Command Structure n Keep your management informed n Internally de-conflict information n Prevent nasty surprises

14 SITREP 14 Where to Start n Action Plan Assignment n Critical Milestones n Facts and Figures n Changing Conditions n Changing Assumptions n Nothing to report?

15 SITREP 15 I&Ps Role n I&P compiles the report n I&P reviews inputs for inter-section conflicts n I&P reviews completeness n I&P spell and grammar checks n I&P should come to you for major changes

16 SITREP 16 Final Reminders n Plan Ahead – Be on Time n Do it Right the First Time n Remember your Audience n ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS

17 SITREP 17 Exercise Time Review the Handout and Select the Best Situation Report Input.

18 SITREP 18 Exercise Review n Correct Answers -1 – B -2 – B -3 – A -4 – B -5 – B -6 – B -7 – A

19 SITREP 19 Are there any… Questions?

20 SITREP 20 Graduation & Evaluation Course Evaluation Forms = Course Certificates!

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