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Joel Hammer Topic: Abortion. Preface Injustice: Abortion Warning, the following pictures may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Presentation on theme: "Joel Hammer Topic: Abortion. Preface Injustice: Abortion Warning, the following pictures may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joel Hammer Topic: Abortion

2 Preface Injustice: Abortion Warning, the following pictures may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. Do not proceed unless the audience is found appropriate. Proceed with photos and explanation I do not wish to proceed. End show now. Open text version (no pictures) Open text version (no pictures)

3 Shoes The primary message in this picture is the negative emotional effects of abortion. The shot is from above but close up which, along with the color scheme creates a warm feeling. The irony of the picture is in that this is a very “cold” scene. It creates a bittersweet feeling for the viewer which causes more impact than just plain sadness. Also, it is likely that the person who put the shoes there is feeling the same way the viewer is intended to feel.

4 Aborted Child The point of this picture is to show what abortion really does, the part people tend to overlook. It shows that abortion kills a human being, not just several cells clumped together. Its shot generally straight on to put out the message, “here’s what abortion does. But go ahead, make your own opinion.” The other goal of the picture is to use something disturbing that will either get viewers to be disgusted at what’s going on or side with pro-life so they won’t have to see any more pictures like this.

5 2 sides This image is to demonstrate the two sides to the abortion debate. Being an older image, it suggests that this has been occurring for a long time. Shown later in the presentation, after the viewers have had a chance to be persuaded to side against abortion, it causes anger and a desire to fight back against the pro-choice side.

6 Abortion Wall The image is panned back to show a sort of vastness and variety. It gets viewers to see how soon life begins even before birth. Also in the picture, on the other hand, is a little girl reaching out to touch the hand of one of the pictures. She obviously has no idea what she’s looking as but assumes that the person she’s touching is alive. The viewer should realize first that the little girl, unknowingly, has sided with life. Secondly, the viewer should realize that this little girl shouldn’t be standing there. If that’s the case, can abortion possibly be okay?

7 Bus ad The purpose of this picture is to show how all too common abortion is. Even viewers still skeptical about abortion being unethical will probably be persuaded to see that abortion shouldn’t be advertised widely (ie on a bus). The point here is not that abortion is bad but that it is bad to make people think that choosing to have an abortion is not that big of a deal that it can be nonchalantly displayed in the Got Milk? Font.

8 Baby This purpose of this picture is to show what abortion destroys. It shows the sensitivity and innocence by using a soft white blanket. The black and white color also adds to the “clean” effect. The goal of the picture is to cause the viewer to realize that destroying an unborn child would be the same as destroying a child like this one.

9 Aborted Child The main goal of this picture is also to be as disturbing as possible. As mentioned a few slides ago, people tend to ignore this aspect of abortion. However, this is the reality of abortion. The aborted child resembles a born child that the viewer should realize that abortion is in fact murder even at an earlier stage. Essentially, this picture should disgust people into realizing that abortion is wrong and “a woman’s choice” should not even close to a valid argument.

10 Choose life Young kids are often more persuasive than adults especially in images. The goal of this picture is to make the viewer think about a “blind” opinion of a little girl. This is possible mostly because young children have little opportunity have their opinion slighted due to overexposure to one side of an argument of the other. Audiences are also influenced by the “awwwwwe” factor. This means that if a cute little girl is making a very bold choice like carrying a pro-life sign that, it probably wouldn’t hurt to side with her. This is similar to girl scout cookie stands versus boy scout popcorn or the contest tables at the store.

11 Graveyard stat. The purpose of this picture is to stun the viewer with statistics. After they have been convinced or close to it, this photo is a total “kick in the teeth.” Beforehand, a person may believe that abortion really isn’t something worth fighting over. However, such large numbers (its in the tens of millions) really poses no real room for ignoring such an issue. The crosses in the background also remind the viewer that this isn’t 30,000,000(total guess) abortions, it’

12 Ultrasound video This video shows an ultrasound of an unborn child. The purpose is to show life occurring before birth. It also adds to the aforementioned “awwwe” factor. It causes the viewer to realize that there is a living human being before birth and that killing it through abortion would be entirely wrong. This is because it is easier to say that abortion is not that bad because when the object is a fetus. However, when people realize that this also means child, it’s a lot harder to retain such beliefs.

13 More information Other information about this project is available at Abortion wikispace Abortion wikispace

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