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Ocean Jeopardy How much do you know? 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 The Great Whales Survival in The Sea VenomSharks Mountain in The Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Jeopardy How much do you know? 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 The Great Whales Survival in The Sea VenomSharks Mountain in The Sea."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ocean Jeopardy How much do you know?

3 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 The Great Whales Survival in The Sea VenomSharks Mountain in The Sea Star Gardens

4 What is the largest creature to have ever lived? Blue whale

5 A baby right whale is about how long? 15 to 20 feet long

6 How do male humpback whales communicate? singing

7 True True or False: On a long, deep dive, sperm whales can hold their breath for more than an hour

8 Grey Whales migration journey is how far? 11,000 miles

9 How long can a striped Marlin grow? 15 feet long

10 How many weeks does it take for Grunion eggs to hatch? 2 weeks

11 Grunion are different from most other fishes because they lay their eggs: On the beach

12 What do bottlenose dolphins use to find their prey in the sand? echolocation

13 slash and stun their prey before eating it What do striped marlin do with their "sword-like" bill?

14 grunion What kind of fish comes ashore to spawn and lay their eggs?

15 8 inches The round bell of a jellyfish can grow to what length across?

16 sea urchins and sand dollars What do helmet snails eat?

17 in caves and crevices of the reef Where are lionfish typically found?

18 the tentacles of the tube anemone What do Rainbow Nudibranches eat?

19 3 feet How big can swell sharks get?

20 The hammerhead Which shark swims in schools?

21 The Blue Shark What is one of the most common open ocean sharks?

22 The Whale Shark What shark is the largest fish in the sea?

23 The Great White Shark Which shark is at the top of the food chain?

24 sharks What is the rays’ cousin?

25 The frogfish What fish can expand its’ body to eat prey longer than itself?

26 It pulls its’ head and legs inside its’ shell. What does a hermit crab do if it feels threatened?

27 cartilage What are rays’ skeletons made of?

28 Bear live young Do rays lay eggs or bear live young?

29 8 inches How big can bat stars grow?

30 6 years How old can Sarcastic fringe heads live?

31 Crabs and shrimp What do Red Irish lords eat?

32 Because their arms break off easily. How did Brittle Stars get their name?

33 6 feet How big do wolf eels get?

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