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Alternative briefs for The Great Wall of China thrown about by Emperor Meng T’ien, in various meetings with his wall design agency, around 221 BC. Oliver.

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1 Alternative briefs for The Great Wall of China thrown about by Emperor Meng T’ien, in various meetings with his wall design agency, around 221 BC. Oliver Cartwright (after Damian O’Malley)

2 ‘Please build a big wall’ (bad) ‘Please build a very big wall, longer than ten thousand li.”(worse) ‘I’ve got lots of spare labour so I wondered if you might put it to good use, by building a very big wall or something’ (much worse) ‘Please build a wall to keep us safe from invasion’ (better) ‘Please build a Great Wall, stretching from Lin-t’ao to Liao-tung, that will forever protect the people of the newly unified China from the murderous barbarian hordes to the north‘ (best)


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