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P ASS I NTERFERENCE. R EQUIREMENTS FOR P ASS I NTERFERENCE A legal forward pass that crosses the neutral zone. Physical contact. Defense – ball must be.

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Presentation on theme: "P ASS I NTERFERENCE. R EQUIREMENTS FOR P ASS I NTERFERENCE A legal forward pass that crosses the neutral zone. Physical contact. Defense – ball must be."— Presentation transcript:


2 R EQUIREMENTS FOR P ASS I NTERFERENCE A legal forward pass that crosses the neutral zone. Physical contact. Defense – ball must be in the air. Offense – restriction starts a the snap. Responsible for avoiding contact. An intent to impede the opponent. Catchable pass Exception – Offense blocking downfield when the block is beyond the neutral zone

3 W HAT TO L OOK FOR Qualify the defender Is he playing the ball or the man? Is he beat? Look for four hands Find the missing hand(s). Make it materially strong enough. Blocking downfield – see the block and find the ball. Wait for the pass to be thrown. If in “Chase” mode, the defender must be looking for the ball for incidental contact. Pt3-00.mp4

4 D EFENSIVE P ASS I NTERFERENCE Six Classifications 1. Not Playing the Ball 2. Playing Through the Back 3. Grabbing and Restricting 4. Arm Bar 5. Cutting Off 6. Hooking and Restricting

5 N OT P LAYING THE B ALL 1.Early contact by a defender who is Not Playing the Ball is defensive pass interference provided the other requirements for DPI have been met, regardless of how deep the pass is thrown to the receiver. DPi - Not playing the Ball 1 DPI - Not playing the Ball 2 DPI - Not playing the Ball 3 DPI - Not playing the Ball-Notre_Dame_vs_Stanford

6 P LAYING T HROUGH THE B ACK 2.Playing Through the Back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball. DPI - Playing Thru the Back 1 DPI - Playing Thru the Back 2 DPI - Playing Thru the Back 3 DPI - Playing Thru the Back 4

7 G RABBING AND R ESTRICTING 3.Grabbing and Restricting a receiver’s arm(s) or body in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass. DPI - Grabs Arm 1 - 3 plays DPI - Grabs Arm 2DPI - Grabs Arm 2 (one armed receiver) DPI - Grabs 3

8 A RM B AR Extending an arm across the body ( Arm Bar ) of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of the fact of whether or not the defender is looking for the ball. DPI - Arm Bar 1 - 2 Plays

9 C UTTING O FF Cutting Off or riding the receiver out of the path to the ball by making contact with him without playing the ball. DPI - Cut Off 1 DPI - Cut Off 2 DPI - Cut Off 3 DPI - Cut Off 4 DPI - Cut Off 5

10 H OOKING AND R ESTRICTING Hooking and Restricting a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving. DPI - Hook & Turn 1DPI (no foul) Hook & Turn DPI - Hook & Turn 2 DPI - Hook & Turn 3 DPI - Hook & Turn 4 DPI - Hook & Turn 5

11 A CTIONS THAT CONSTITUTE DEFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING SIX CATEGORIES : 1.Early contact by a defender who is Not Playing the Ball is defensive pass interference provided the other requirements for DPI have been met, regardless of how deep the pass is thrown to the receiver. 2. Playing Through the Back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball. 3. Grabbing and Restricting a receiver’s arm(s) or body in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass. 4.Extending an arm across the body ( Arm Bar ) of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of the fact of whether or not the defender is looking for the ball. 5. Cutting Off or riding the receiver out of the path to the ball by making contact with him without playing the ball. 6. Hooking and Restricting a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.

12 O FFENSIVE P ASS I NTERFERENCE Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to the following three categories: 1. Initiating contact with a defender by shoving or pushing off thus Creating Separation in an attempt to catch a pass. 2. Driving Thru a defender who has established a position on the field. 3. OPI for Blocking Downfield will not be called if the passer is legally grounding the ball out of bounds or into an area where there is no player.

13 C REATING S EPARATION Initiating contact with a defender by shoving or pushing off thus Creating Separation in an attempt to catch a pass. OPI - Separation 1 OPI - Separation 2 OPI - Separation 3

14 D RIVING T HRU Driving Thru a defender who has established a position on the field.

15 B LOCKING D OWNFIELD OPI for Blocking Downfield will not be called if the passer is legally grounding the ball out of bounds or into an area where there is no player. OPI - Blocking Downfield 1 OPI - Blocking Downfield 2 OPI pick OPI rub and pick example

16 I T IS NOT DEFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE (A.R. 7-3-8-IV, VII, XIII, XVIII AND XIX): 1. When, after the snap, opposing players immediately charge and establish contact with opponents at a point that is within one yard beyond the neutral zone. 2. When two or more eligible players are making a simultaneous and bona fide attempt to reach, catch or bat the pass. Eligible players of either team have equal rights to the ball (A.R. 7-3-8-XII). 3. When a Team B player legally contacts an opponent before the pass is thrown (A.R. 7-3-8-XIII). 4. When a Team A potential kicker, from scrimmage kick formation, simulates a scrimmage kick by throwing the ball high and deep, and contact by a Team B player occurs.

17 I T IS NOT OFFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE 1. When, after the snap, a Team A ineligible player immediately charges and contacts an opponent at a point not more than one yard beyond the neutral zone and does not continue the contact more than three yards beyond the neutral zone. 2. When two or more eligible players are making a simultaneous and bona fide attempt to reach, catch or bat the pass. Eligible players of either team have equal rights to the ball (A.R. 7-3-8-XII). 3. When the pass is in flight and two or more eligible players are in the area where they might receive or intercept the pass and an offensive player in that area impedes an opponent, and the pass is not catchable.

18 N OT O FFENSIVE P ASS I NTERFERENCE (P HILOSOPHIES ) Actions that do not constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to: OPI will not be called on a screen pass where the ball is overthrown behind the LOS but subsequently lands beyond the expanded LOS (up to 3 yds) and linemen are blocking downfield, unless such blocking prevents a defensive player from catching the ball. It is not OPI on a pick play if the defensive player if the defender initiates the contact. OPI No Foul - B initiates contact

19 INCIDENTAL CONTACT / F EET E NTANGLEMENT Both players playing the ball – No Foul Defender or Receiver not playing the ball – Foul Both players not playing the ball – No Foul DPI-no foul feet entaglement Tip: Qualify the Defender.

20 N O F OUL No Foul - Bang Bang No Foul - Chicken Fighting No Foul - Hand Fighting No Foul - No Material Effect OPI No Foul defender initiates – measurable amount of time

21 M ISCELLANEOUS T HINGS TO R EMEMBER Defense If defender plays into the receiver and then turns his head it is a foul. Not DPI if running shoulder to shoulder. Equal rights to play the ball. Offense Player trying to go downfield – No Foul Player seeks out defender – Foul Player displaces the defender - Foul

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