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Introducing the Policy Injection Application Block

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1 Introducing the Policy Injection Application Block
MGB 2003 Introducing the Policy Injection Application Block © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

2 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Motivation and Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Call Handlers and Matching Rules Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

3 Enterprise Library 3.0: New Features At a Glance
New application blocks Validation Application Block Policy Injection Application Block Improvements to existing application blocks Data Access Application Block Logging Application Block .NET Framework 3.0 integration Logging, Exception Handling and Validation Application Blocks Configuration improvements Visual Studio-integrated configuration tool Environmental Overrides Manageable Configuration Source Automation Application Block Software Factory Strong Naming Guidance Package

4 Enterprise Library 3.0 Application Blocks
Caching Security Data Access Logging Exception Handling Config Helpers & Design Instrumen- tation Object Builder Cryptography Core Policy Injection Validation First up is the configuration application block and configuration tool.

5 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Motivations and Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Matching Rules and Call Handlers Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

6 Context Applications include a mix of business logic and cross cutting concerns Cross cutting concerns include security, state management and operational Authorization, logging, caching, transaction management, etc. Both types of logic are necessary, but each have unique characteristics Business logic is highly contextual and often not reusable Cross cutting concerns are often applied consistently across layers and applications

7 Mixing Business and Cross-Cutting Concerns
Traditionally, business logic and cross-cutting concerns are mixed together in code Even if a shared component or application block is used, it is still generally called from code This can lead to Code that is hard to read and maintain Duplicated code Inconsistent behavior

8 Sample Method Customer GetCustomerById(int id) {
if (id < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Customer Id"); Customer customer = HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(id.ToString()) as Customer; if (customer != null) return customer; try Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("CRM"); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader("spGetCustomerById", id)) if (reader.Read()) customer = new Customer(id, reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1)); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(id.ToString(), customer, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); } return null; catch (Exception ex) if (ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Data Policy")) throw;

9 Policy Injection Application Block Goals
Separate cross-cutting concerns from business logic Use interception and injection to apply policies at runtime Allow policies to be defined declaratively, using configuration or attributes At a coarse- or fine-grained level Make it easy to integrate Enterprise Library application blocks into policies Validation, Logging, Authorization, Exception Handling, Caching, Performance Counters Design for loose-coupling and extensibility

10 Sample Method with Policy Injection
[ValidationCallHandler] [CachingCallHandler(0, 1, 0)] [Tag("Data Access")] Customer GetCustomerById( [RangeValidator(0, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, 0, RangeBoundaryType.Ignore)] int id) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("CRM"); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader("spGetCustomerById", id)) if (reader.Read()) return new Customer(id, reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1)); }

11 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Motivation and Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Call Handlers and Matching Rules Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

12 Policy Injection Application Block Basics
Policy Injection Application Block provides a factory for creating or wrapping policy-enabled objects If policies are defined in attributes or configuration, a proxy is returned in lieu of the real object When calling policy-enabled members, a handler pipeline is executed before and after the real member is called Each handler can access the data going in and out of the call

13 Policy Injection Application Block Basics
Normally, each handler will implement a cross-cutting concern before passing control to the next handler (or the target) A handler may also choose to abort the pipeline if deemed appropriate

14 Policies The definition of which handlers should execute for which objects and methods is called a policy There are two types of polices: Configuration-based policies Attribute-based policies

15 Configuration-based Policies
A configuration-based policy consists of A set of matching rules A pipeline of handlers Matching rules are predicates that specify which members the policy should apply to For example, everything in the GlobalBank.BusinessLogic namespace, or all members returning a BankAccount Multiple matching rules are ANDed together The handler pipeline specifies the ordered list of handlers that will execute if the matching rules pass More than one policy may apply to any given member They will be applied in the order specified in configuration

16 Attribute-based Policies
An attribute-based policy consists of a set of call handlers applied directly to objects and members using custom attributes Matching rules are not used Attributes are discovered first on types, then on members, and applied in order of discovery Order of discovery of multiple attributes applied on the same element cannot be guaranteed Attribute-based policies are always applied before configuration-based policies [CachingCallHandler(0, 1, 0)] [LogCallHandler(LogBeforeCall = true, LogAfterCall = false, BeforeMessage = "About to call the method")] public int DoSomething(string input) { /// }

17 Disabling Policies Both configuration- and attribute-based policies can be disabled for a given type or member Use the [ApplyNoPolicies] attribute to prevent policies being applied Useful for methods that are performance critical, need no cross-cutting concerns or implement concerns differently

18 Interception and Injection
In order for policies to execute when a method is called: Configuration- or attribute-based policies must apply to the member The instance must be created or wrapped using the PolicyInjection factory The target object must be interceptable Requirements depend on the chosen injection mechanism Method must be called via the proxy returned from the PolicyInjection.Create/Wrap methods, not directly on the object

19 Creating or wrapping objects
Objects must be created or wrapped with the PolicyInjection class for policies to apply Even if no policies apply now, you may want to create objects this way to allow policies to be added in the future Performance impact is very low if no policies apply MyClass1 object1 = PolicyInjection.Create<MyClass>(); MyClass2 object2 = PolicyInjection.Create<MyClass>(param1, param2); IMyInterface object3 = PolicyInjection.Create<MyClass3, IMyInterface>(); MyClass1 object4 = new MyClass(); MyClass1 object4proxy = PolicyInjection.Wrap<MyClass1>(object4); IMyInterface object5 = new MyClass3(); IMyInterface object5proxy = PolicyInjection.Wrap<IMyInterface>(object5);

20 Interception Requirements
The requirements for intercepting objects and members depends on the chosen injection strategy The PIAB ships with a Remoting Proxy injection strategy Can be replaced by alternative methods The Remoting Proxy Injection requires: The class derive from MarshalByRefObject, or The class implement any interface, with intercepted calls made through that interface

21 Calling Policy Injected Members
Calling policy injected members is no different to calling any other member The caller can’t even tell if policies exist or not Policies do not alter the method signature Although they may alter the behavior Caller just calls a method and gets a return result or exception Caller doesn’t know if result came from the method or a handler BankAccount account = PolicyInjection.Create<BankAccount>(accountId); try { account.Withdraw(amount); } catch (Exception ex) // do something

22 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Motivations and Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Call Handlers and Matching Rules Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

23 Supplied Handlers PIAB ships with six handlers
Validation Handler Logging Handler Authorization Handler Exception Handling Handler Caching Handler Performance Counter Handler Most are shims over other Enterprise Library application blocks

24 Validation Handler Validates parameters to a method, using the Validation Application Block Validation rules can be defined As rule sets defined on parameter types, using either attributes or configuration By applying validation attributes directly on the method parameters If validation fails, an ArgumentValidationException is thrown, and the method is not called Exception contains the ValidationResults from the validation call

25 Logging Handler Writes a log entry before and/or after the method is called, using the Logging Application Block Uses a TraceLogEntry which contains additional properties related to the method call Handler may be configured to log additional data, including: Call Stack Parameter Values Return Value or Exception Call execution time Log Categories are configurable and may include tokens such as {method} and {type}

26 Authorization Handler
Uses a Security Application Block Authorization Provider to determine if the current user is authorized to perform an operation Current user is determined from the thread principal Handler is configured with The name of the Authorization Provider instance to use The name of the Operation, which can include tokens such as {type} and {method} If authorization fails, an UnauthorizedAccessException is thrown, and the method is not called

27 Exception Handling Handler
Executes after a method is called Processes any exceptions thrown by the method using the Exception Handling Application Block Handler is configured with the name of the Exception Policy to use After processing, the handler will throw either the original or the new exception back to the caller, based on the exception policy definition Exceptions may only be swallowed for void methods

28 Caching Handler Uses the System.Web.Cache to cache method return values, keyed off the method signature and input parameters Keys are generated using GetHashCode Handler is configured with a TimeSpan indicating how long return values should be cached Before the method is called, the handler checks if a value is in the cache for the set of inputs If so, the cached return value is returned, instead of calling the method. If not, the method is called and the return value is cached for future use

29 Performance Counter Handler
Increments a number of performance counters that provide useful metrics around use and performance Handler can be configured to specify which counters and instances to use Available counters include Total number of times the method is called Rate of calls (per second) Average call duration Number of exceptions thrown Rate of exceptions thrown (per second)

30 Supplied Matching Rules
PIAB includes a number of matching rules that test members against static metadata: Assembly Matching Rule Custom Attribute Matching Rule Member Name Matching Rule Method Signature Matching Rule Namespace Matching Rule Parameter Type Matching Rule Property Matching Rule Return Type Matching Rule Tag Attribute Matching Rule Type Matching Rule

31 Effective Policy Viewer
While the PIAB offers many benefits, separating business code from cross cutting concerns can also create confusion Complete behavior cannot be determined only by looking at code To take away the mystery, p&p provides the Effective Policy Viewer This application shows which policies and handlers (configuration and attribute-based) will apply to which members in which order Tool can be downloaded from

32 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Goals
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Call Handlers and Matching Rules Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

33 Extensibility points The Policy Injection Application Block is designed to be extended Defined extensibility points are: Matching Rules Handlers Injectors Other changes are possible by modifying source code

34 Building Custom Matching Rules
Build a new class implementing IMatchingRule Create necessary constructors and fields for configurable properties Implement Matches bool Matches(MethodBase member) Build a runtime configuration class, if you want strongly-typed configuration, or use CustomMatchingRuleData Add the ConfigurationElementType attribute to the class, pointing to the runtime configuration class

35 Building Custom Handlers
Build a new class implementing ICallHandler Create necessary constructors and fields for configurable properties Implement Invoke IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input, GetNextHandlerDelegate getNext) Perform any pre-processing Call the next handler using getNext().Invoke(input, getNext); Perform any post-processing Return the desired return value or exception Build a runtime configuration class, if you want strongly-typed configuration, or use CustomCallHandlerData Add the ConfigurationElementType attribute to the class, pointing to the runtime configuration class

36 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
MGB 2003 Agenda Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction Policy Injection Motivations and Goals Policy Injection Application Block Architecture Call Handlers and Matching Rules Extending the PIAB Summary © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

37 Summary The Policy Injection Application Block is about separating business logic from cross cutting concerns Cross cutting concerns are applied using policies, comprising of matching rules and a handler pipeline Each handler can perform logic before or after a method call Policy-enabled objects are created with a factory that returns a proxy wired up to the handler pipeline Used wisely, this application block can improve clarity, maintainability and consistency of applications

38 Resources Download Enterprise Library and related resources from:
Join the Enterprise Library Community at: Share community extensions at: Read blogs from the Enterprise Library team at:

39 MGB 2003 © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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