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Andreas Ulbrich ( SDE – Microsoft Robotics
Why CCR? Hello, World! Message-Based Coordination CCR Examples Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) User Interfaces Error Handling
C Concurrency Process many task simultaneously Scalability, Responsiveness Leverage parallelism C Coordination Exercise control Orchestrate asynchronous operations Handle (partial) failures R Runtime Scheduler, Extensibility
Asynchronous message passing (in-process) No explicit threads, locks, semaphores! Task scheduled based on message availability Data-dependency scheduler Models concurrency Coordination primitives (join, choice, …) Composition of data-driven components Iterative tasks Express sequential control flow of async. tasks
var queue = new DispatcherQueue(); var port = new Port (); port.Post("Hello, World!"); Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.Receive( false, port, message => Console.WriteLine(message) ) ); Port: channel for sending and receiving messages Post: sends a message Task: delegate that handles the message (message is consumed) Receive arbiter: coordination primitive Task queue: dispatcher schedules queues RR, task must be activated on a queue Port on which to receive the message Not persistent: handles only one message
Dispatcher Port Dispatcher Queues Threads Arbiter Handler Arbiter is attached to port Arbiter is activated on queue Dispatcher schedules items from its queues round-robin to run in its threads. Post places a message on the port Arbiter checks whether it can consume the message. Creates work item from message and handler Creates work item from message and handler Enqueue work item Thread calls handler with message as arg. Scheduler picks next work item to execute
Handler Dispatcher Port Dispatcher Queues Threads Arbiter Handler There can be many of everything
Message triggers an operation PortSet Message carries parameter for operation Decouples sender from actual implementation Message signals completion of operation Port, PortSet, … Port is stand-in for actual result Port can be send to other tasks Coordinate tasks with messages
Single-Port Primitives Task-Scheduling (non port-specific) Multi-Port Primitives
Executes at most one of its child-tasks PortSet resultPort = … Arbiter.Activate( queue, Arbiter.Choice Arbiter.Choice( resultPort, result => Console.WriteLine("result: " + result), exception => Console.WriteLine("exception“) ) ); Handler if string received Handler if exception received
Executes when all of its branches can execute Coordinate on completion of concurrent tasks Atomic consumption to prevent deadlocks Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.JoinedReceive Arbiter.JoinedReceive (false, resultPort1, resultPort2, (result1, result2) => { Console.WriteLine(“done”); } ) ); Ports on which to receive messages Handler receives both results as arguments
Executes on reception of multiple items of the same type Scatter/Gather, coordinate completion of parallel tasks Atomic consumption to prevent deadlocks Arbiter.Activate( queue, Arbiter.MultiplePortReceive Arbiter.MultiplePortReceive( false, resultPorts, results => { Console.WriteLine(results.Length); } ) ); Array of ports on which to receive messages Handler receives array of results as argument
Why CCR? Hello, World! Message-Based Coordination CCR Examples Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) User Interfaces Error Handling
BCL: Asynchronous versions for many operations BeginOperation, EndOperation pair Callback when operation completed/failed BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) Returns IAsyncResult (moniker for pending result) Also passed to callback EndRead(asyncResult) Returns result of operation
Callback maybe called from any thread, e.g. Calling thread (synchronous completion) Thread pool (potential to starve) Depends on implementation of Begin/End Coordination is clumsy Sequential (continuation passing, nested delegates) Recurrence (ping pong between callbacks) Scatter/Gather, Partial failure
Use CCR to Model concurrency of application Coordinate asynchronous operations Getting out of APM is easy In the callback post IAsyncResult to a CCR port
IEnumerator CcrReadFileAsync(string file) { var resultPort = new Port (); using (var fs = new FileStream(file,…,FileOptions.Asynchronous)) { var buf = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.BeginRead(buf, 0, buf.Length, resultPort.Post, null); IAsyncResult result = null; yield return Arbiter.Receive(false, resultPort, ar => { result = ar; }); try { fs.EndRead(result); ProcessData(buf); } catch { // handle exception } } Iterative task: models sequential control flow 1)Begin read operation 2)“wait” for result of read 3)Process read data Iterative task: models sequential control flow 1)Begin read operation 2)“wait” for result of read 3)Process read data 1 2 3 Use port to coordinate on completion of async. operation Callback: simply post IAsyncResult as a message Yield receiver task, Task is activated by dispatcher, Dispatcher calls MoveNext() when task complete. Does not block thread! Yield receiver task, Task is activated by dispatcher, Dispatcher calls MoveNext() when task complete. Does not block thread!
IEnumerator CcrReadFileAsync(string file) { var resultPort = new Port (); using (var fs = new FileStream(file,…,FileOptions.Asynchronous)) { var buf = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.BeginRead(buf, 0, buf.Length, resultPort.Post, null); yield return (Receiver)resultPort; var result = (IAsyncResult)resultPort; try { fs.EndRead(result); ProcessData(buf); } catch { // handle exception } } Simplified notation
Directly new IterativeTask queue.Enqueue( new IterativeTask(“test.txt”, CcrReadFileAsync) ); Yielded from an iterative task new IterativeTask(…); yield return new IterativeTask(…); As task conditioned by an arbiter Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator( false, port, CcrReadFileAsync ) )
Simplified code Access to locals, no need to pass async. state Sequential control flow, e.g. loops No nesting, ping/pong of callbacks using try/finally Ability to use using, try/finally Simplifies resource management
Block-copy large file from input stream to output stream Sequential control flow with repeated async. operations while (input not empty): read block from input write block to output
public static PortSet Read( Stream stream, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { var resultPort = new PortSet (); stream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, asyncResult => { try { resultPort.Post(stream.EndRead(asyncResult)); } catch (Exception e) { resultPort.Post(e); } }, null); return resultPort; } Port set: collection of ports, one for each possible result of the operation Post result or exception
static IEnumerator CopyStream(Stream source, Stream dest) { try { var buffer = new byte[blocksize]; int read = 0; do { Exception exception = null; yield return Arbiter.Choice( StreamAdapter.Read(source, buffer, 0, buffer.Length), r => { read = r; }, e => { exception = e; } ); if (exception == null) { // write to dest Choice arbiter: executes only one of its branches depending on the received message Port set on which to receive message Handler if int is received Handler if Exception is received
static IEnumerator CopyStream(Stream source, Stream dest) { try { var buffer = new byte[blocksize]; int read = 0; do { var readResult = StreamAdapter.Read( source, buffer, 0, buffer.Length); yield return (Choice)readResult; var exception = (Exception)readResult; if (exception == null) { // write to dest read = (int)readResult; Simplified notation
See the complete sample in Visual Studio
Read and write are sequential Modify to exploit parallelism Read the next block while writing Have to coordinate “wait” until read succeeds and write succeeds or read fails or write fails Receivers Join Choice
while (write > 0) { var writeResult = StreamAdapter.Write(dest, bufferB, 0, write); if (read > 0) { // read new bytes and write existing buffer readResult = StreamAdapter.Read(source, …); yield return Arbiter.Choice( Arbiter.JoinedReceive (false, readResult, writeResult, (r, s) => { read = r; } ), Arbiter.Receive (false, readResult, e => { exception = e; }), Arbiter.Receive (false, writeResult, e => { exception = e; }) ); Choice arbiter: only one of its branches will execute Receiver branches for exceptions Join branch: receives int on readResult and EmptyValue on writeResult Join handler delegate gets both messages are parameters
See the complete sample in Visual Studio
Concurrency desirable for responsivenes UI often single threaded or has thread affinity WinForms, WPF Manual thread management, cross-thread calls Use CCR to decouple UI from application logic Adapter for handling cross thread calls messages
CCR to UI adapter (WPF or WinForms) CCR to UI adapter (WPF or WinForms) Application Logic (CCR Tasks) Application Logic (CCR Tasks) UI sends message to trigger application logic Application logic sends message to indicate completion or status CCR adapter handles message in UI context
Concurrent, async: try/catch wont do the job Method 1: explicit handling Exception caught at origin and posted as message for coordination See CopyStream sample Method 2: Causalities Captures all exception thrown by tasks that are executed as result of the same cause (transitive) Nested exception handling in concurrent, asynchronous programs!
void ExecuteWithCausality() { var causality = new Causality("my causality"); Dispatcher.AddCausality(causality); var port = new Port (); port.Post(42); Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.Receive(false, port, HandleMessage) ); Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.Receive(false, (Port )causality.ExceptionPort, Console.WriteLine ) ); } void HandleMessage(int message) { throw new Exception("Catch me if you can!"); } Create a new causality and add it to the active causalities of the current task Send a message and activate a receiver. All active causalities travel with the message to the tasks that handle the message. Handle the exception thrown within the causality.
Manage queue of tasks Tasks are picked round-robin from queues in scheduler Parameters Execution policy, queue length, scheduling rate Use separate queues to Separate tasks with significantly different arrival rates Enforce scheduling policies
Manage a thread pool Default: 1 per core, or 2 on single core Parameters Number of threads, STA/MTA, Priority, Background Use separate dispatchers Interop with legacy components (COM) Isolate “uncooperative” components Separate tasks with significantly different lengths
Asynchronous message passing Easy coordination of concurrent, asynchronous task Compositional Arbiters Sequential control flow with iterators Exploits parallelism Easy integration into.NET applications
Microsoft CCR and DSS Toolkit 2008 Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 Express Version (free for non-commercial use) Standard Version (free for academic institutions) Internal on \\products
Derive from CcrServiceBase Stores reference to dispatcher queue Overloads for Activate, TimeoutPort, etc Model operations as messages PortSet for response Expose operations port Activate persistent receivers for operation messages
Protect state with Interleave arbiter TearDownReceiverGroup Terminates Interleave ExclusiveReceiverGroup Message handlers that modify state ConcurrentReceiverGroup Message handlers that read state Efficient reader/writer lock (writer biased) Interleave protection spans iterative tasks!
public CcrComponent(DispatcherQueue queue) : base(queue) { Activate( Arbiter.Interleave( TeardownReceiverGroup new TeardownReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive (false, _operationsPort, StopHandler)), ExclusiveReceiverGroup new ExclusiveReceiverGroup( Arbiter.ReceiveWithIterator (true, _operationsPort, WriteHandler)), ConcurrentReceiverGroup new ConcurrentReceiverGroup( Arbiter.Receive (true, _operationsPort, ReadHandler)) ) ); }
Culture, user principal, … Explicit Make it part of your message Dispatcher Useful if set of context is limited E.g. one dispatcher per culture Custom receivers Capture context on post Set it on execute
Intel Xeon 5150 (2x 2.66 GHz), 4 GByte Persisted signal item receiver latency Send message schedule task run task 1.67 µs Iterator latency Spawn schedule run task 2.1 µs
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