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 The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS AB exam.  Stacks are last in first out. LIFO.  A stack is a sequence of items of the same.

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2  The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS AB exam.  Stacks are last in first out. LIFO.  A stack is a sequence of items of the same type.  These items can only be added and removed at one end.  Stack operations are either push or pop

3  boolean isEmpty()  Are there any elements in the stack?  E push(E item)  Add or push item onto to the stack.  Returns the item.  E pop()  Return and Remove or pop last element pushed from the stack.  EmptyStackLocation is thrown if empty.  E peek()  Return last element pushed from the stack.  EmptyStackLocation is thrown if empty.

4  Expressions within other expressions  Methods that call other methods  Traversing directories and subdirectories


6  This interface is testable on the AB exam.  Queues are first in first out. FIFO.  A queue is a line of items of the same type.  These items can only be added and removed at one end.  Stack operations are either add or remove

7  boolean isEmpty()  Are there any elements in the queue?  boolean add(E item)  Put an element into the queue.  E remove()  Returns first element in the queue.  NoSuchElement is thrown if the queue is empty.  E peek()  Returns the first element in the queue.  Returns null if empty.

8  Going back to the beginning and retracing steps.  Simulating lines.

9  Queue with a priority field.  Elements in a priority queue must implement Comparable.  Does not allow insertion of null elements. A NullPointerException is thrown if null.  Priority Queues allow for:  Rapid insertion of elements that arrive in arbitrary order.  Rapid retrieval of the element with highest priority.

10  A database of patients awaiting liver transplants, where the sickest patients have the highest priority  Scheduling events. Events are generated in random order and each event has a time stamp denoting when the event will occur. The scheduler retrieves the events in the order they will occur.

11 AlgorithmStackQueuePriority Queue InsertO(1) O(log n) RemoveO(1) O(log n) PeekO(1)


13  The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS AB exam.  A binary tree is a finite set of elements that is either empty or contains a single element called the root.  Each node in the tree has a Left and Right.


15 Root Node Leaf Children Parent Descendant Ancestor Depth Level of a node Level of a tree Height Balanced Tree Perfect Binary Tree Complete Binary Tree

16  A balanced binary tree is where the depth of all the leaves differs by at most 1. ABDEHCFG

17  A perfect binary tree is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth or same level. ABDECFG

18 ABDECF A complete binary tree is either perfect or perfect through the next- to-last level, with leaves as far left as possible in the last level.

19 public class TreeNode { private Object value; private TreeNode left, right; public TreeNode(Object initValue); public TreeNode(Object initValue, TreeNode initLeft, TreeNode initRight); public Object getValue(); public TreeNode getLeft(); public TreeNode getRight(); public void setValue(Object theNewValue); public void setLeft(TreeNode theNewLeft); public void setRight(TreeNode theNewRight); }

20 public abstract class BinaryTree { private TreeNode root; public BinaryTree() { root = null; } public TreeNode getRoot(); public void setRoot(TreeNode theNewNode); public boolean isEmpty() { return root == null; } public abstract void insert(Comparable item); public abstract TreeNode find(Comparable key); }

21  The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS AB exam.  A binary search tree is a binary tree that stores elements in an ordered way that makes it efficient to find a given element and easy to access the elements in sorted order.

22 public class BinarySearchTree extends BinaryTree { public void insert(Comparable item) { if(getRoot() == null) { setRoot(new TreeNode(item)); } else { TreeNode p = null, q = getRoot(); while(g != null) { p = q; if(item.compareTo(p.getValue()) < 0) { q = p.getLeft(); } else { q = p.getRight(); } if(item.compareTo(p.getValue()) < 0) { p.setLeft(new TreeNode(item)); } else { p.setRight(new TreeNode(item)); }

23 public TreeNode find(Comparable key) { TreeNode p = getRoot(); while(p != null && key.compareTo(p.getValue()) != 0) { if(key.compareTo(p.getValue()) < 0) { p = p.getLeft(); } else { p = p.getRight(); } return p; }

24 ABC In order BAC Preorder ABC Post order BCA In order Left-Root-Right Preorder Root-Left-Right Post order Left-Right-Root

25 public void postorder() { doPostOrder(root); } private void doPostOrder(TreeNode t) { if(t != null) { doPostOrder(t.getLeft()); doPostOrder(t.getRight()); System.out.println(t.getValue()); }

26 *-83+42 (8-3) * (4 + 2) *-83+42 83-42+*

27 OperationBalanced BSTUnbalanced BST Insert 1 elementO(log n)O(n) Insert n into empty BSTO(n log n)O(n^3) Search for keyO(log n)O(n) Traverse TreeO(n)

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