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Year 2004, in a small town called Laholm, the security and comfort of a small teddy bear was completely taken away from him as he was thrown out into.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2004, in a small town called Laholm, the security and comfort of a small teddy bear was completely taken away from him as he was thrown out into."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 2004, in a small town called Laholm, the security and comfort of a small teddy bear was completely taken away from him as he was thrown out into the coldness. And he was left there, freezing and sad. And with a lot of other feelings. … Med musik

3 The small teddy bear felt abandoned.. Nobody liked him anymore. He was all alone on earth and had no friends he could trust.….

4 The lonely teddybear was freezing and grew evermore sad and pale.…

5 But then real good and understanding friends showed up. And when they saw the the little lonely teddybear, they felt great empathy for him and took him home and did everything they could to make him come back to what he once was....

6 The new friends « mended » and helped the teddybear to come back,…to believe in his friends and forget all wrongdoings. The teddybear might not become as pretty as before, but it has got a new and strong belief in real friends who will be there for you when you need them. And the golden rules for the teddybear have always been and will forever be...

7 …Appreciate your friends...

8 …And be careful with your own time… …And be careful with your own time…

9 ... Don‘t give up, even though things might not turn out the way you‘d like...

10 …The winner never gives up... …The winner never gives up...

11 …Even though there might not be any money in it for you...

12 …Sing, as if nobody could hear you...

13 …Dance, as if nobody was looking … …Dance, as if nobody was looking …

14 …Make the most of every minute, every opportunity... …And learn from all situations...

15 …love all people as if you never were hurt..

16 …Live each day as if it was to be your last day on earth... …Live each day as if it was to be your last day on earth...

17 …Do all the things you‘d like to do and and bring joy to others… Hihihi !!!

18 …Take delight in everything that happens, instead of just seeing the bad things...

19 The teddybear is the symbol of love and friendship… I hope all people would believe and feel as the little teddybear. Thank you

20 It‘s not required from you to further this, but … …then you might miss the oppurtunity to make someone laugh.

21 …Have a nice day and take care.. You have just one life... Take care

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