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CAB Directives 2014 Amendment to scrum regulation.

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1 CAB Directives 2014 Amendment to scrum regulation

2 Initial Context In a minor revision to the current protocol surrounding the ongoing scrum engagement global trial, the International Rugby Board has confirmed that referees will use non-verbal communication to indicate to the scrum-half when the ball can be thrown into the scrum. Up to now as part of the scrum trial, the referee has told the scrum-half that the scrum is ready for the put-in by the use of the phrase “yes nine”. But following an initial review, including consultation with national coaches and referee managers, it has been decided that referees will adopt a non- verbal communication to scrum-halves for the introduction of the ball. The change is effective immediately for Feb games in all categories.

3 Ball Introduction Referees will indicate, using a distinctive signal to the “9”, the authorisation to introduce the ball. Each referee will use the adequate signal of his/her choice. Each referee shall appropriately brief each team’s number 9 before each game.

4 Recommendation on signs Thumb up Head sign Hit on back Signal toward “9” (see pics)

5 Introduction management: nothing change Number “9” will feed the scrum in a reasonable delay Sanction FK Tolerated delay do not change and is a published: 20.5 No Delay. As soon as the front rows have come together, the scrum half must throw in the ball without delay. The scrum half must throw in the ball when told to do so by the referee. The scrum half must throw in the ball from the side of the scrum first chosen.

6 Essential points: reminder Respect of engagement sequence Binding careful check. Stability of packs. Do not omit the indication to the “9”. Feed credible and in due time.

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