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PHYSIBEL version 11w new program performances. the following slides contain TRISCO version 11w screen shots explaining the new program performances.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSIBEL version 11w new program performances. the following slides contain TRISCO version 11w screen shots explaining the new program performances."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYSIBEL version 11w new program performances

2 the following slides contain TRISCO version 11w screen shots explaining the new program performances

3 copying and transforming groups of blocks

4 copying and transforming groups of blocks 1. select a group of blocks 2. copy the group 3. transform the group translation in Y dir


6 copying and transforming groups of blocks 1. select a group of blocks 2. copy the group 3. transform the group translation in Y dir 4. for multiple copies repeat steps 2-3


8 importing a bitmap file

9 importing a bitmap file automatic generation of blocks


11 copying and transforming groups of blocks 1. select all blocks and copy them 2. scale in X direction (mirror) 3. copy again 4. translate in X and Z direction (2 times) 5. copy upper part 6. scale in Z direction (mirror) translate in Z direction








19 inserting other TRISCO data 1. insert TRISCO data file 2. transform the group translation in X Y Z






25 improved grid functions


27 list blocks of a given colour

28 improved image colours using shadings

29 multiple grid mesh selections to perform grid functions

30 new boundary condition type known material power density or known material temperature


32 new type TRANSMAT = transparant material (requires RADCON module) example:glazing cavity conduction in argon gas layer radiation between coated surfaces argon filling ( = 0.017 W/mK) low emissivity coating (e = 0.04)


34 clipping of object parts


36 clipping of object parts isotherms without clipping

37 clipping of object parts isotherms with clipping concrete beam and thermal insulation

38 clipping of object parts heat flow density without clipping

39 clipping of object parts heat flow density with clipping concrete beam and thermal insulation heat flow densities inside materials

40 view factor output (requires RADCON)


42 LIST OF TRISCO VERSION 11W NEW PROGRAM PERFORMANCES Selection of one or more blocks, which can be copied, moved, transformed (translation, rotation over right angle, scaling) or merged (block addition). The new way of transformation definitions replace and expand the possibilities offered from version 9.0w. Insert blocks and thermal properties of other TRISCO data file into current TRISCO data file. The grid is automatically reduced to a “minimum grid” after each block operation that involves the grid. Import bitmap file (256-colours BMP file). New view option in Blocks window: list selection of blocks having all a given colour. Simplification of grid functions (split, merge, create minimum grid). Selection of one or more grid meshes to perform grid functions (split, merge). Better feedback (by colour shading) in Image window of current mesh in Grid window (or Minimum Grid window) and current coordinate in Coordinates window. New definition of “zoom in” function: a mouse click is required to define the centre of the zoomed view. New type of boundary condition: material with known temperature or known heat power density. New type of boundary condition in RADCON module: transparent material (with conductive and radiative heat transfer), useful for small air cavities of irregular shape (instead of materials of type EQUIMAT). New view option in Colours window: list defined colours (useful after loading thermal properties template). Object parts having the same colour can be clipped away in the Image window (through a visibility toggle per colour). New calculation parameter to minimize the number of required iteration cycles (to deal with non-linear properties): maximum temperature difference between iteration cycles. New menu item: calculation of view factors (independent from system solution). Calculation of radiative heat transfer using view factors calculated in a coarser grid, reducing memory requirement and calculation time. Output of cumulated view factors between surfaces of different colours (through integration of elementary view factors). A zone of type BC_NOSKY (using RADCON) no longer implies a balance radiation node to represent the open sky as a radiation mirror. Graphic representation of heat flow densities also in material cutoff planes (through clipping), to visualize heat fluxes inside materials. Program switch for opposite operation of rotate and pan in Image window: move object versus move viewpoint. Automatic adjustment of memory space for input data. In former TRISCO versions the input capacity was a program setting. New manual (with tutorial on object modelling; chapter on RADCON module; index).

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