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Published byIsrael Elias Modified over 10 years ago
Presentation Meeting Presentation Meeting Year Miss Varina- 1 Larch Miss Sanford- 1 Birch Year 2 Miss Gillani- 2 Pine Miss Marshall- 2 Elm Thursday 11 th September 2014
Staff Class TeachersPPA Staff Miss Sanford - 1 Birch Mrs El Saidi Miss Varina- 1 Larch Miss Buton Teaching Assistants Mrs Tottman Miss Lucien
A day at school Literacy and Numeracy taught in the morning starting at 8:55am Break time – 10:20am – 10:35pm Lunchtime – 12:05pm – 1:05pm Afternoon break time – 2:10pm – 2:20pm PPA cover – Birch – Wednesday pm and Thursday am – Larch – Thursday am ICT will be on Tuesdays Year 1 P.E days: Indoor – Monday Outdoor –
Transcription: to present neatly, to spell correctly, to punctuate accurately Handwriting: to learn to form and orientate letters correctly, Composition: to write with purpose, to use imaginative description, to organise writing appropriately, to group related information, to use sentences appropriately Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation: To use full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks, to use a range of sentence openers, adjectives, adverbs and verbs Word Reading: To decode unknown words using phonics, to read common exception words, to re-read books to build confidence and fluency Comprehension: to show understanding of the text by answering questions, predicting and discussing events, characters and the writers’ word choices Literacy
Reading at home helps children understand texts with meaning and develops their vocabulary and imagination. Spelling homework will be set once a week and children must memorise them and then transfer them into their writing. Guided reading will take place three times a week. The teacher will sit with one group whilst the rest of the class will do a variety of language based activities.
Maths Number, place value and rounding Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions (1/2, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 in real life contexts) Properties of shapes (2D and 3D) Position, direction and movement Measures (standard and non-standard) Statistics Algebra (Missing number problems)
Foundation Subjects The foundation subjects we will be teaching this year are: Music, Art, History, Geography, Science, PSHE, R.E., P.E., Design and Technology, All subjects will be covered during each of our topics over the year, our topics are; Seasons, Light and Dark, Fairy tales, Monsters and Africa. For each topic we are planning on attending a trip or visit to enrich their learning experiences.
Staff Teaching Assistants/Learning support teachers: Miss Marshall- Class 2 Elm Teacher Miss Gillani- Class 2 Pine Teacher Mr Whaley- Year 2 Classroom Teaching Assistant Mrs Thorn- Year 2 Classroom Teaching Assistant and Intervention groups. Miss Dias, Miss Tottman, Miss Sehdev- One to One and intervention Teaching Assistants Mr Sports Coach- for Outdoor PE
A day at school Literacy and Numeracy taught in the morning starting at 8:55am Break time – 10:20am – 10:35pm Lunchtime – 12:00pm – 1:05pm PPA cover – RE and outdoor PE lessons ICT will be on Year 1 P.E days: Indoor – Outdoor – Year 2 PE days: Indoor – – Outdoor –
Pirates Landmarks of London Life on an Island Mother Nature- SATs Significant people Topics being covered in Year 2
Transcription Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Word Reading Comprehension Literacy
Topic: Pirates Character Descriptions using interesting vocabulary Diary entries/ letters Creating wanted pirate posters Story writing- looking at the setting and the main characters Drama through role- play and hot seating Film- storyboard and film reviews Literacy
Topic: Landmarks of London Writing a recount as a victim from the fire Play scripts- Great Fire of London/ Plague Diary entry- imagining to be Samuel Pepys Topic: Life on an Island Letters- writing to a relative explaining their experience on an Island Instructions- How to make a puppet Literacy
Topic: Mother Nature Looking at non- fiction books about nocturnal animals Analysing information books Organising and presenting information Speaking and listening activities Writing non-chronological reports using paragraphs Literacy
Topic: Significant People Researching information about famous people Using non-fiction books The impact these people have made in society Biographies/ Autobiographies Writing reports Using timelines Literacy
Reading at home helps children understand texts with meaning and develops their vocabulary and imagination. Spelling homework will be set once a week and children must memorise them and then transfer them into their writing. Guided reading will take place three times a week. The teacher will sit with one group whilst the rest of the class will do a variety of language based activities.
Maths Number, place value and rounding Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions (including decimals, equivalent fractions) Properties of shapes Position, direction and movement Measures Statistics
Maths Passports
Foundation Subjects The foundation subjects we will be teaching this year are: Music, Art, History, Geography, Science, PSHE, R.E., P.E., Design and Technology We will be making cross curricular links within the specific topics being taught We will be organising linked school trips and classroom experiences to enrich the children’s learning
Autumn 1 topic- Pirates History: Pirates now and then, pirates in history e.g Gulliver’s Travels Geography: Modern day pirates, maps, routes, coordinates and transport Science: Healthy eating- what does a pirate eat? D&T: Pop up pirates Art: Treasure map drawing and painting Music: Pirate songs and music games- walk the plank
Changes to S pecial E ducational N eeds ~ The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years ~ Came into effect on 1 st September 2014 We have 3 years to make these changes ~ some changes have already happened others will be introduced over time Person-centred planning : Pupil views of utmost importance Increased involvement of parents and carers in the decision making process We will be introducing the opportunity for you to meet with the class teacher prior to the ‘Provision Mapping’ meeting to share your views about your child’s needs. This will inform the provision being offered. A second meeting will be arranged to discuss the Provision Map and the provision further. Continue to have at least 3 meetings per year to discuss your child’s needs and types of provision on offer Special Educational Needs provision and progress will be commented on in your child’s Annual Report
Changes to S pecial E ducational N eeds ~ The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years ~ What are the main differences? OldNew Supported ~ Educational Setting0-25 ~ Birth to Adulthood Levels of support: SA and SA+SEN support Assess ~ Plan ~ Do ~ Review StatementEHC (Education, Health and Care plan) Personal Budgets SEN categories Cognition and Learning Difficulties Communication and Interaction Needs Behaviour, emotional and social development needs Sensory and/or Physical Needs SEN categories Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Mental and Emotional Health NOTE – No behaviour Sensory and /or physical The Local Offer ~ an information directory of education, health and social care services in the local area
Changes to S pecial E ducational N eeds ~ The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years ~ for-parents-and-carers for-parents-and-carers Ealing ~ The local offer
Homework Homework must be completed in homework books. Literacy will be sent out on Thursday and will be handed in on Tuesday. Numeracy will be sent out on Thursday and handed in the following Tuesday. Spellings will be handed out on Monday and due back for the following XXXXX. Please encourage your child to use Mathletics at home on a regular basis. Where possible support your child in their reading and spellings by asking them questions and helping them to revise.
Lunchtime Behaviour System Yellow card This is a warning. The lunchtime supervisors will write down the child’s name in their book and talk to the child about what rule they have broken. Red card If they break a rule a second time or they do something serious, the child will get a red card. Miss Alison will send a letter to the parent/carer to tell them about the behaviour and the child will have a lunchtime detention the following day with Miss Alison. If they misbehave again, they will receive another red card. The parent/carer will have to come for a meeting with Mrs Holland and Miss Alison to discuss the behaviour and they will have a lunchtime detention for 2 days. If your child gets another Red card, it is very serious, they will have a lunchtime detention for 3 days and you will have a meeting with Mrs Holland. The child will go on a ‘report card’ to check their behaviour every play and lunchtime for 10 consecutive days. You will then meet Mrs Holland again to check improvements have been made. At the end of each term the slate is wiped clean and children start each term without a record of detentions or red cards.
General Reminders Please make sure that book bags, PE kits and water bottles are in school every day. All school clothes and PE kits MUST be labelled, (there is a uniform list on the school website). Call the office if your child is absent. No holidays will be authorised in term time.
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