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Bibliography Cards Use index cards of a different size or color from your note cards Use a separate card for each bibliography entry Write in ink Be sure.

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Presentation on theme: "Bibliography Cards Use index cards of a different size or color from your note cards Use a separate card for each bibliography entry Write in ink Be sure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibliography Cards Use index cards of a different size or color from your note cards Use a separate card for each bibliography entry Write in ink Be sure to list all necessary information Separate titles from subtitles For books, note the call number in the lower left corner of card Record the library name Make a note of any outstanding features (good charts, extensive index, etc.) Punctuate titles within titles correctly examples: “Imagery in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby” “Imagery in Robert Frost’s ‘Birches’” Imagery in “The White Heron”

2 For a book, the bibliography card needs the following information:
Author(s) or editor(s) Title of book, underlined Publication information including: Place of publication Publisher Date of publication (most recent) Magazine: Author(s), if given Title of article, in quotation marks Title of magazine, underlined Date of publication Page(s)

3 Magazine: Author(s) Title of article, in quotation marks Title of newspaper, underlined Date of publication and edition if more than one Page(s) Electronic Sources: Title of document, in quotation marks Title of complete work, if applicable, underlined Date of publication, or last update, if given The full URL (Web site address), enclosed in angle brackets 6. Date of your visit, in parentheses

4 Note Cards Before you take notes, number your bibliography cards. Take notes on index cards of a distinct size or color. Put only one idea from one source on a note card. Use ink. Write only on one side of the card. Identify the source. Identify the page number. Identify the topic. Strive for representation from many sources. Do not number note cards. Check illustrations. Take adequate notes. Double-check every note card (source number, page #s, slug and note). Let your outline guide your reading.

5 -How will this information help me support my thesis statement?
THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE! -How will this information help me support my thesis statement? -What is this material really saying? -How can I use this in my final paper? Finally, add notes to yourself; for example “may need more detail here”, or “use for final argument”. FINALLY: to avoid plagiarism, DO NOT: use exact words from a source without putting them inside quotation marks and crediting the source; DO NOT reword a passage without giving credit to the source; DO NOT summarize a passage without crediting the source.


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