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Bell Work: 2/10/13 For your answer, draw all the three pictures and explain why the third picture you chose is correct.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: 2/10/13 For your answer, draw all the three pictures and explain why the third picture you chose is correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: 2/10/13 For your answer, draw all the three pictures and explain why the third picture you chose is correct.

2 Objectives Describe the relationship among genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits. (SPI 0707.4.3)Describe the relationship among genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits. (SPI 0707.4.3) Sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during plant cell division. (SPI 0707.1.4)Sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during plant cell division. (SPI 0707.1.4) Classify methods of reproduction as sexual or asexual. (SPI 0707.4.1)Classify methods of reproduction as sexual or asexual. (SPI 0707.4.1)

3 Mitosis Review 1.Interphase- DNA is copied 2.Prophase- Chromatin (DNA wrapped around protein) forms into chromatids 3.Metaphase- Chromatids line up in the middle of the cell 4.Anaphase- Chromatids separate 5.Telophase- two new nuclei form around the chromatin 6.Cytokinesis- two new cells form



6 Mitosis: process of a somatic (body) cell dividing to produce an exact copy of itself

7 Create the Phases of Mitosis Use the cards at your group to sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during cell division (mitosis) on your desk. Label each box with the phase name and draw each phase in the boxes on your note sheet.Use the cards at your group to sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during cell division (mitosis) on your desk. Label each box with the phase name and draw each phase in the boxes on your note sheet.

8 Mitosis Interphase DNA is copied (in chromatin form) Centrioles copy Animal Cell Plant Cell chromatin

9 MitosisProphase DNA condenses into chromatids Spindle fibers begin to form Centrioles move to opposite sides Nuclear membrane breaks apart Animal Cell Plant Cell chromatids

10 MitosisMetaphase Chromatids (chromosomes) line up across the center of the cell Spindle fibers attach to the centromeres (center of the chromsome) Animal Cell Plant Cell spindle fibers

11 MitosisAnaphase Spindle fibers pull the chromatids to opposite ends of the cell Animal Cell Plant Cell

12 MitosisTelophase Two new nuclei form around the chromatids Chromosomes unwind back into chromatin Animal Cell Plant Cell Cytoplasm still attached

13 MitosisCytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm and the rest of the cell Two new daughter cells! Animal Cells Plant Cells

14 In sexual reproduction, two parent cells join together to form offspring that are different from both parents. These parent cells are called sex cells (sperm & egg). Sex cells are made during meiosis. Meiosis

15 Challenge Question If sex cells, created during meiosis, are part of sexual reproduction where two parent cells join together to form offspring that are different from both parents, what type of reproduction would the cells in mitosis be a part of if they come from one cell and are identical to the parent cell? ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION

16 Meiosis process of a cell dividing to produce 4 cells with half the genetic material Why do the cells produced in meiosis only need half of the genetic material?

17 Meiosis Interphase I DNA copies Centrioles copy

18 Meiosis Prophase I DNA organized into chromatids Spindle fibers form Centrioles move to opposite sides Nuclear membrane breaks apart

19 Meiosis Metaphase I Chromatids line up on each side of the center of the cell Spindle fibers attach chromosomes Meiosis is a bit different because there something called crossing-over happens with the DNA. This crossing over is an exchange of genes. The genes are mixed up, not resulting in a perfect duplicate like mitosis.

20 Meiosis Anaphase I Spindle fibers pull the chromosome pairs apart to opposite ends of the cell

21 Meiosis Telophase I Two new nuclei form Chromosomes unwind (chromatin)

22 MeiosisCytokinesis Cytoplasm splits Two cells

23 Predict what happens next in Interphase II CytokinesisInterphase II Keep in mind the four cells at the end of meiosis only get HALF of the genetic material…

24 Meiosis Interphase II Cell rests DNA DOES NOT duplicate Centrioles duplicate

25 Meiosis Prophase II DNA organized into chromatids Spindle fibers form Centrioles move to opposite sides Nuclear membrane breaks apart

26 Meiosis Metaphase II Chromosomes line up across the center of the cell Spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes

27 Meiosis Anaphase II Spindle fibers pull the chromatids to opposite ends of the cell

28 Meiosis Telophase II Two new nuclei form around the chromatids Chromosomes unwind (chromatin)

29 MeiosisCytokinesis Cytoplasm splits 4 new cells! Each cell with only half of the genetic information

30 Mitosis vs. Meiosis

31 MitosisMeiosis

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