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General information About the designer/volunteer Name developer: Mark McConnell developer: Function/daily job: Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "General information About the designer/volunteer Name developer: Mark McConnell developer: Function/daily job: Instructional."— Presentation transcript:


2 General information About the designer/volunteer Name developer: Mark McConnell E-mail developer: Function/daily job: Instructional Designer Reviewed by: [name reviewer  added by reviewer] E-mail reviewer: [email reviewer  added by reviewer] Please fill in the above information to complete this form.

3 General information About the lesson Lesson number: M0203 Grade: Grade K Average age targetgroup: 4 to 5 years old Continent where the exercise takes place: The Poles / Antarctica Context exercise: Penguins Please take notice of the above information Before starting developing your storyboard, make sure you look at the learning goals for this lesson in the teacher guide slide (slide 18)

4 Introduction exercises – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the introduction]

5 Introduction exercises - text Main Character of this lesson Main character name: Pickles, the penguin. Pickles lives in the Antarctica. Pickles is lost and is trying to find his family. (Image from Google images provided for reference only!) Text Main CharacterHello, I’m Pickles. I live in the Antarctica. I’m lost and I’m trying to find my family. Can you help me? Do you see the icebergs? My family and I live on one of them. But I don’t know which one! Can you help me vists each iceberg and find the right one? How many icebergs do you see? Text ChipTo help Pickles get back home, go to each of the four icebergs and help Pickles complete each task. When you are done, Pickles will have everything he needs to get back to his family. Good luck! Audio:All text highlighted in orange. Voice over textAll text highlighted in blue.

6 Exercise 1 – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the exercise] 3 1

7 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: Exercise 1. Counting Icebergs. Question/problem main character: Can you help me count the number of icebergs in the right order? Look at the number on each iceberg and drag the iceberg and drop it on the ocean. Activity 1:2 icebergs with the numbers 1 & 2. Activity 2:3 icebergs with the numbers 1 to 3. Activity 3:4 icebergs with the numbers 1 to 4. Activity 4:5 icerbergs with the numbers 1 to 5. Activity 5: Thank you by main character: Thank-you! You did a great job counting the icebergs with me. Positive feedback:Fantastic!/ That’s great! Pickles is one step closer to home! Negative feedback:Oops! That’s not quite right! / Can you try that one again? Voice over text:Mouse over the iceberg to hear the number from Chip.

8 Explanation exercise 1 – text in pop up Chip Generic textHelp Pickles place each iceberg in the ocean in the correct number order. Image example 1Show a screen illustrating activity 1. Move the iceberg labeled 1 followed by the icberg labeled 2 into the ocean. Explanation 1There are two icebergs in the ocean. Now you give it a try! Image example 2[Describe image] Explanation 2[Give explanation for image example 2]

9 Exercise 2 – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the exercise] 5 3 1

10 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: Exercise 2. Feeding Pickles. Question/problem main character: I’m so hungry! Can you help me catch some fish? Activity 1:There are 3 fish swimming in the ocean. Catch 3 fish and place them in the bucket with the number 3 on it. Activity 2:There are 5 fish swimming in the ocean. Catch 5 fish and place them in the bucket with the number 5 on it. Activity 3:There is 1 fish swimming in the ocean. Catch 1 fish and place it in the bucket with the number 1 on it. Activity 4:There are 4 fish swimming in the ocean. Catch 4 fish and place them in the bucket with the number 4 on it. Activity 5:There are 2 fish swimming in the ocean. Catch 2 fish and place them in the bucket with the number 2 on it. Thank you by main character: You’re great! I’m not hungry anymore. But...I am starting to get a little cold. Positive feedback:You’re doing a great job! Pickles is not hungry and he’s getting closer to home now! Negative feedback:That’s not quite right! Please try again. Voice over text:How many fish do you see? Can you help me put the right number of fish in each bucket?

11 Explanation exercise 1 – text in pop up Chip Generic textHelp Pickles fill the buckets with the correct number of fish. Image example 1Show the screen of activity 1. Highlight the number of fish and the bucket with the correct number of fish on it. Explanation 1 Image example 2[Describe image] Explanation 2[Give explanation for image example 2]

12 Exercise 2 – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the exercise] + = 11 2. 3. 1.

13 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: Exercise 2. Helping Pickles Stay Warm. Question/problem main character: I’m cold. Can you find the number of hats needed to complete the sum? Activity 1:Using images of a wool hat to depict simple addition problem, randomize sums from 1-5. Activity 2:Using images of a wool hat to depict simple addition problem, randomize sums from 1-5. Activity 3:Using images of a wool hat to depict simple addition problem, randomize sums from 1-5. Activity 4:Using images of a wool hat to depict simple addition problem, randomize sums from 1-5. Activity 5:Using images of a wool hat to depict simple addition problem, randomize sums from 1-5. Thank you by main character: You’re great! I’m not cold anymore. But...I am starting to get a little thirsty. Positive feedback:You’re doing a great job! Pickles is not hungry or cold and getting closer to home now! Negative feedback:That’s not quite right! Please try again. Voice over text:Blue/ orange text

14 Explanation exercise 2 – text in pop up Chip Generic textHow many fish does Pickles need to make 5? Image example 1Large iceberg in the background. Pickles sits on the iceberg. The exercise begins with 1 fish on the left and four on the right. Explanation 1Drag and drop the correct number of fish to the left to make five. Image example 2[Describe image] Explanation 2[Give explanation for image example 2]

15 Exercise 3 – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the exercise]

16 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: Exercise 4: Pickles Makes Five! Question/problem main character: Can you help me count the anchors? Activity 1:Drag four anchors over to make five. Activity 2:Drag three anchors over to make four. Activity 3:Drag two anchors over to make three. Activity 4:Drag one anchor over to make two. Activity 5: Thank you by main character: Thank-you! You are great! But now I’m getting thirsty. Positive feedback:That’s great! Good job! Negative feedback:Uh-oh! That’s not quiet right. Voice over text:Blue / orange text

17 Explanation exercise 3 – text in pop up Chip Generic textCount anchors with me! Image example 1Show the screen of activity 1. Highlight the four anchors and the fifth anchor to make five. Show the anchors beings dragged over to make the correct number. Explanation 1[Give explanation for image example 1] Image example 2[Describe image] Explanation 2[Give explanation for image example 2]

18 Exercise 4 – design [please add graphics to field below that illustrate the design of the exercise]

19 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: Pickles Needs a Drink! Question/problem main character: I need to find 6 glasses of water. Can you help me? Activity 1:Five glasses of water on right side to 1 glass of water on left side. Activity 2:Four glasses of water on right side to 2 glasses of water on left side. Activity 3:Three glass of water on right side to 3 glasses of water on left side. Activity 4:Two glasses of water on right side to 4 glasses of water on left side. Activity 5:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Thank you by main character: [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:That’s fantastic! You’re brilliant! Negative feedback:That’s not quite right! Can you try again? Voice over text:Blue/ orange text

20 Explanation exercise 4 – text in pop up Chip Generic textYou’re doing a great job! Pickles is almost home! Can you help Pickles find 6 glasses of water? Image example 1Pickles sits on another lone iceberg in the Antartica with varying glasses of water sitting next to him. Explanation 1[Give explanation for image example 1] Image example 2[Describe image] Explanation 2[Give explanation for image example 2]

21 1. Teacher guide Overall Learning Goals After taking this lesson, user is able to: make different visual arrangements for the same number, solve simple addition problems, create combinations for numbers to give, model different combinations to five Learning Goal: Exercise 1 Creating combinations for numbers Learning Goal: Exercise 2 Solving simple addition problems Learning Goal: Exercise 3 Model different combinations to five Learning Goal: Exercise 4 Make different visual arrangments for the same number

22 Templates Type of exercises (1 – 5)

23 1. Multiple Choice Template Type of exercise:Multiple Choice Exercise number & title:[which exercise is this? What is the title of the exercise?] Question/problem main character [add text of main character formulated as the problem he/she needs help with solving] Activity 1:[right answer][wrong answer] Activity 2:[right answer][wrong answer] Activity 3:[right answer][wrong answer] Activity 4:[right answer][wrong answer] Activity 5:[right answer][wrong answer] Thank you by main character [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives right answer] Negative feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives wrong answer] Voice over text:[which text needs to be added in voice over?]

24 2. True / False Template Type of exercise:True/False Exercise number & title:[which exercise is this? What is the title of the exercise?] Question/problem main character: [add text of main character formulated as the problem he/she needs help with solving] Activity 1:[text of answer][is the right answer true or false?] Activity 2:[text of answer][is the right answer true or false?] Activity 3:[text of answer][is the right answer true or false?] Activity 4:[text of answer][is the right answer true or false?] Activity 5:[text of answer][is the right answer true or false?] Thank you by main character [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives right answer] Negative feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives wrong answer] Voice over text:[which text needs to be added in voice over?]

25 3. Fill in the blank Template Type of exercise:Fill in the blank Exercise: number & title: [which exercise is this? What is the title of the exercise?] Question/problem main character: [add text of main character formulated as the problem he/she needs help with solving] Activity 1:[what is seen on the screen][right answer] Activity 2:[what is seen on the screen][right answer] Activity 3:[what is seen on the screen][right answer] Activity 4:[what is seen on the screen][right answer] Activity 5:[what is seen on the screen][right answer] Thank you by main character: [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives right answer] Negative feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives wrong answer] Voice over text:[which text needs to be added in voice over?]

26 4. Drag & drop Template Type of exercise:Drag & drop Exercise: number & title: [which exercise is this? What is the title of the exercise?] Question/problem main character: [add text of main character formulated as the problem he/she needs help with solving] Activity 1:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Activity 2:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Activity 3:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Activity 4:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Activity 5:[which objects need to be matched to which other objects?] Thank you by main character: [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives right answer] Negative feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives wrong answer] Voice over text:[which text needs to be added in voice over?]

27 5. Tick the box Template Type of exercise:Tick the box Exercise number & title:[which exercise is this? What is the title of the exercise?] Question/ problem main character: [add text of main character formulated as the problem he/she needs help with solving] Activity 1:[possible answers][right answers] Activity 2:[possible answers][right answers] Activity 3:[possible answers][right answers] Activity 4:[possible answers][right answers] Activity 5:[possible answers][right answers] Thank you main character: [provide text for main character to thank the user for his/her help] Positive feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives right answer] Negative feedback:[formulate feedback given by Chip when user gives wrong answer] Voice over text:[which text needs to be added in voice over?]

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