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Biography Genre. Characteristics of a Biography #1  A story about a real person  (sometimes a fictional character)

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Presentation on theme: "Biography Genre. Characteristics of a Biography #1  A story about a real person  (sometimes a fictional character)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biography Genre

2 Characteristics of a Biography #1  A story about a real person  (sometimes a fictional character)

3 Characteristics of a Biography # 2  The author knows a lot about the person  The author must do extensive research on the subject by conducting interviews, reading books, scripts, etc.

4 Characteristics of a Biography # 3  Describes the person’s environment  Such as, where, when and how they lived

5 Characteristics of a Biography# 4  Provides details that show the person in action  Such as, their accomplishments, goals, behavior, ideas and influences.

6 Characteristics of a Biography # 5  Shows how the person affects other people such as:  New discoveries (science, medicine)  New inventions  Inspirational art (visual art, film, music)  How the person has changed the world for the better (or worse)

7 Characteristics of a Biography #6  States or implies how the writer feels about the person  Different authors will or may have a different view point of the person  The author’s point of view could be positive or negative

8 Finding a Biography  The call number of a biography is indicated by a B  Under the B are the first three letters of the person’s last name that the book is about.  For example, Martin Luther King B KIN You can also try the internet. is a good place to find biographies about historical figures in Canada

9 Different types of Biographies  Books  Plays  Songs  Poems  Biopics  Documentary  art

10 First Hand Biography  Reveals another person though the eyes of a writer who has had an ongoing, face-to-face, personal relationship with the person

11 Autobiography  The main character is the author  For example, if you were to write a biography about yourself, then that would be an autobiography

12 Autobiography  Recounts key incidents/events in the author’s life

13 Autobiography  Describes major influences (people, events, places) on the writer A teacherHome A teacherhome A Speech

14 Autobiography  Describes interactions between the writer and significant people in his or her life A teacherA pastorA fatherA mother

15 Visual and Oral Forms Autobiography  Pictures and paintings that depict events or people they are familiar with  Photo albums or video tapes that record important moments in their lives  Skits and plays based on their life stories

16 More Visual and Oral Forms Autobiography  Informal anecdotes about their lives, shared in conversations with friends and family  Tangible mementos and souvenirs, such as awards, seashells, or favorite childhood toys

17 Unauthorized Biography  Biography about a person that was not approved by the subject that the book is about  These are usually about celebrities.  Risk of suit is great  Purpose is the entertain

18 Biography Summative  Pick a person to research.  This person should be someone who has had a significant impact, either on you or on the world  Produce a multimedia presentation on this person which you will present to the class.  You may do this individually or in PAIRS. No groups.  Prepare to present the last week in January.

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