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Review Session Art 101 Mid-term Exam Fall 2003 Things to review Important concepts Review of various media Artwork highlights from each period.

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2 Review Session Art 101 Mid-term Exam Fall 2003

3 Things to review Important concepts Review of various media Artwork highlights from each period

4 PART ONE Important Concepts Possible T/F, matching, essay questions Know the basic idea and be able to recognize it in a work of art

5 The “Divine Ruler” The king, emperor, or other political leader is set up as something more than mortal. –They are given their office my divine intervention (deity’s representation on earth) or –They are the physical embodiment of the deity itself

6 Divine Ruler Augustus of Primaporta - Roman Palette of King Narmer - Egyptian

7 Abstract vs. Representational Art Representational - art intended to realistically depict something from life (or, something real) Abstract - an image created by taking something from, or abstracting, an life-like object –Even a photograph is “abstract” since it takes a three-dimensional object and forces it into only two dimensions

8 Abstracted forms (Cycladic statuette) Representational image (Egypto-Roman portrait painting)

9 The “Law” of Frontality The idea that in order to depict a person completely, you had to include as much of that person in the image as possible. Usually reserved for royalty, but not always The figures are intentionally abstracted Palette of King Narmer Egyptian Book of the Dead (detail) - Egyptian

10 Foreshortening As opposed to the flat, frontal style of some works Where the body is depicted more naturally, where objects get smaller as they get further away, forms overlap, etc.

11 Foreshortening Etruscan Tomb Fresco (detail) Frontality Roman Mythological Fresco NO YES

12 Contrapposto Italian for “counterpoise” The nonsymmetrical figure is at rest, but ready for action - “the pose of potential motion” Weight resting on one leg

13 Contrapposto Hermes and Infant Bacchus by sculptor Praxiteles (Greek) Knidos Aphrodite also by Praxiteles

14 Pathos An emotional element in the work of art Subject is designed to elicit an emotional response from the viewer Dignified suffering Dying Gaul - GreekDying Nyobid - Greek

15 Characteristics of the “Classical” Style In sculpture/painting/etc. –Drapery, usually in form of toga-type clothing –Pathos –The search for the “ideal” beauty In architecture –Columns –Pediment –The post and lintel system

16 Classical Artwork Three Goddesses from the Parthenon pediment Greek Nike of Samothrace - Greek

17 Classical Architecture Parthenon - on the Athens acropolis - Greek

18 Form and Content The best works of ART will include both: –Mastery of form - an image showing the artist’ master over the MEDIA they choose to use. –Content, or Meaning - the work will have some message or idea expressed beyond being just a picture Nike of Samothrace Greek Portrait Bust of Queen Nefertete Egyptian

19 Composition The purposeful arrangement of objects, shapes on the picture plane –The arrangement depends on the content of the work (it’s purpose) and the way the artist wants the viewer to look at the image. The area of primary importance The direction of the motion of the eye Roman mosaic copy of Greek painting - Alexander the Great defeating the Persian army

20 Canon A formula that was supposed to create the perfect human form Based on mathematical principles governing proportion Reflects the belief in “absolute beauty” Myron’s Discobulus Greek Praxiteles’ Aphrodite Egyptian

21 Illustration An art object that accompanies a story - brings the message alive using pictures or sculptures (the work is “illustrative”) Villa of Mysteries, Pompeii fresco (Roman) Herakles Wrestling Lion (Greek black-figure pot)

22 Arch The architectural form pioneered by the Etruscans and adopted by the Romans. The Romans used it extensively and it, combined with the barrel vault, allowed them to build extremely large concrete structures.

23 Barrel Vault An architectural space created by a long row of arches. Allowed the Romans to create very large indoor spaces. Used for bath houses and other civic structures.

24 Aesthetics The branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty.

25 Ziggurat Mesopotamian tower structure The tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is an example.

26 The architectural design created by the Romans for large public spaces. Adopted by the Christians after Constantine for church buildings. Basilica Apse Colonnade Aisle Nave Atrium Narthex

27 Vellum Bleached animal skin. Developed by the Greeks as the “paper” for books. Illuminated manuscripts are commonly made out of vellum.

28 “Animal Style” Early medieval, decorative style of carving usually found on the personal gear of barbarians/nomads. Carved into complex animal shapes.

29 Romanesque the term applied to art produced at the end the “dark ages.” Derived from the roman- like arches and columns used in cathedral architecture.

30 Groin Vault the term used to describe the intersection of two barrel vaults.

31 Gothic The international style of church architecture that first appeared in France in ±1137 and spread throughout Europe. Most easily identified by the flying buttresses and pointed arches that allow extremely high ceilings and lots of windows/light.

32 Flying Buttresses Arches connected to the exterior of a Gothic cathedral that support the weight of the high ceiling, taking away the need for thick, brick walls. Allows for numerous, large, stained glass windows.

33 Tympaneum The semi-circular area above the main entrance to a Romanesque or Gothic cathedral. A common location for large- scale low- and high-relief sculpture.

34 PART TWO Media Review Relief vs. in-the-round Marble Terracotta Bronze Tempera Black/Red figure (Greek pottery) Fresco Encaustic Mosaic

35 Relief vs. in-the-round Gods vs. Giants Siphnian Treasury, Greek Kore (female figure) - Archaic Greek Prince Rahotep and Nofrete Egyptian Low Relief Free- Standing (in the round) High Relief Free- Standing (in the round)

36 Marble Octavius depicted as Mercury (Roman) Terracotta (clay) Apollo, from Veii (Etruscan)

37 Bronze Charioteer - Greek Poseidon (or Zeus?) - Greek

38 Black- and Red-figure Greek Pottery

39 Fresco Pigment applied directly to wet plaster to dry in place “Garden” fresco on wall of apartment - Roman

40 Fresco Pigment applied directly to wet plaster to dry in place “Garden” fresco on wall of apartment - Roman Encaustic Painted in molten wax - very durable Egypto-Roman portrait painting

41 Mosaic An image composed of tiny pieces of colored stone (Roman) and later glass (Byzantines). When viewed from a distance, the bits of color mix to form an image.

42 PART THREE Highlights from Each Period See the Website:

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