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Emerald High School Dress Code Note: The dress code policy is set by the Greenwood District 50 School Board and can be reviewed in the Rights and Responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerald High School Dress Code Note: The dress code policy is set by the Greenwood District 50 School Board and can be reviewed in the Rights and Responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerald High School Dress Code Note: The dress code policy is set by the Greenwood District 50 School Board and can be reviewed in the Rights and Responsibilities as well as the Emerald High School Student Handbook.

2 1. All pants will be worn above the hips. UnacceptableAcceptable

3 Clothing or accessories that depict alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racial slurs/epithets, sexual suggestion/insinuation, inappropriate language, or gang association is prohibited. Acceptable

4 3. Halter tops, tank tops, and see-through clothing are prohibited. Cleavage will not be shown. UnacceptableAcceptable

5 Shorts, skirts, and culotte-type clothing are allowed in grades 5-12 with the following restrictions: a.Said garments may not be made of clinging material, such as but not limited to biker shorts and pants, surfer pants, form-fitting knit material, etc. b.All garments should be of an appropriate length, as determined by the school principal. Note: Appropriate length at Emerald High School is knee length.

6 Unacceptable Acceptable

7 Hats will not be worn in the building. Note: This rule applies to any head covering as shown below.

8 Consequences for Failing to Follow the Code 1 st OFFENSE: Warning/Call Home/Violation Corrected 2 nd OFFENSE: 1 Day in ISS/Call Home 3 rd OFFENSE: OSS/Call Home

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