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1 Visualising your Spatial Data: The SLIP Map Viewer Lance Johnson Senior Project Officer Department of Land Information 14 September 2006 © Copyright.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Visualising your Spatial Data: The SLIP Map Viewer Lance Johnson Senior Project Officer Department of Land Information 14 September 2006 © Copyright."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Visualising your Spatial Data: The SLIP Map Viewer Lance Johnson Senior Project Officer Department of Land Information 14 September 2006 © Copyright The Department of Land Information, Perth, 2006 The document and its contents are confidential and intended only for use by authorised personnel directly involved in the Shared Land Information Platform or so indicated on the document’s distribution list. The document’s contents should not be disclosed to any unauthorised person.

2 2 The Journey thus far Required Core component – SLIP Implementation plan – A Portrayal Service. Requirements from the 4 SLIP focus area’s – NRM, EM, ROI and eLDP were collated as well as DLI focus groups (eg. Landgate). Request for Tender released December 2005. Successful tenderer Amristar and ERMapper consortium (subject to POC confirmation). We are currently in a proof of concept stage with expected completion mid October 2006.

3 3 Proof of Concept – What will it do? Install iDelve server component on SLIP UAT Infrastructure and configure. Connect to various data sets including WALIS Atlas, SLIP data service (WMS) and DLI data directly through SDE (streaming vectors) and ECWP (streaming imagery). Install and configure Register of Interest (ROI) test bed application.

4 4 Key Features Publication from Multiple Sources. Multi-Resolution Vector and Raster Streaming. Continuous Interactivity. On the fly re-projection. Open interface to security, authentication and Service monitoring. Java based server supports all popular platforms.

5 5 What will the SLIP Map Viewer provide? A generic spatial portrayal service to view spatial data available through the SLIP Enabling Framework. A generic spatial portrayal service which can be customised for use within WA State Government Agencies using and through the SLIP Enabling Framework.

6 6 What the SLIP Map Viewer won’t do? Replace high end GIS/Spatial Analysis tools (within the Government sector). Be deployed on Infrastructure other than provided by the SLIP Enabling Framework, although additional (licensing) agreements may accommodate such deployment. Replace other tools, such as a Catalogue, Geocoder etc.

7 7 Next Steps after the Proof of Concept Re-development of the WALIS Atlas. Development of the Interest Enquiry (ROI) system. Re-development of DLI’s Landonline Website as Landgate Shopfront. Other Business solutions/applications.

8 8 Demonstration ROI demonstration – streaming Imagery and Vector plus SLIP WMS data services.

9 9 Outside World Web Browser (Map Viewer) SLIP Applications GIS Applications Client Applications SLIP-EF Reference Model Extends Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Model Application Zone Spatial Services Data Extraction Services Geodata Processing Services Portrayal Services Presentation Services Landgate Application Services SLIP Portal Data Services Data Repository Data Zone Audit & Management Services Metering Services System Management Services Security Services Catalogue Services Core Services Reverse Proxy Services Authentication Services Security Zone Data Repository Agencies SLIP-EF Middleware

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