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Tennessee Agricultural Emergency Management System (TAgEMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Agricultural Emergency Management System (TAgEMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Agricultural Emergency Management System (TAgEMS)

2 The Problem Tennessee currently has no efficient system for collecting and providing up-to- date information during disasters to field staff, decision makers, media, and other stakeholders

3 Examples Point to the Need Tracking FMD cases in United Kingdom Sulfuric acid spill in Knox County Winter storms blocking roads, knocking out power for several days Identifying shelters for animals that must be moved Identifying suitable dead animal disposal sites

4 Potential Ag Disasters Disease outbreak Natural disaster Hazardous materials releases Disruption of services Radiological event Agroterrorism

5 Stakeholders Livestock owners –Farmers: beef, dairy, equine, poultry, etc. –Integrators –Companion, service animal owners Regulators –Field staff, decision makers Buyers, processors, retailers Consumers

6 Types of Info Needed Animal inventories –Type –Number –Locations –Ownership –Health status

7 Types of Info Needed Maps –Roads with geocoded addresses –Streams –Utilities –Soils –Topography –Aerial imagery

8 Types of Info Needed Services –Veterinarians –Emergency Services –Transportation –Materials handling –Specialized Portable incinerators

9 Types of Info Needed Staff assignments –Locations to inspect –Incident history for each location –Situation reports for the area –Stakeholders in affected area –Info sent to stakeholders –Navigational assistance

10 Types of Info Needed Inspection reports –Locations inspected –Findings –Quarantine zones established –Etc.

11 Types of Info Needed Other –Roadblock locations –Sources of supplies –Disposal sites / facilities –Transportation, materials handling equip. –Shelters for humans & animals –Disaster assistance centers –Educational materials

12 Collecting the Information Much data readily available –Maps, aerial imagery, etc. Agricultural data generally not available –Ag Census data summarized by counties –Some public data available Licensing records Government payment records –May never identify all livestock owners

13 Collecting the Information Data that is available is scattered –Multiple agencies Data is in multiple formats –Paper based –Computer databases Inconsistent file formats Multiple datums, projections

14 Managing the Information systemNeed a system for: –Establishing database formats –Collecting needed data –Quality control and data maintenance –Data security and privacy –Developing data collection & analysis tools –Training users

15 Geographical Information System Computer based system for: –Storing, manipulating, and analyzing –Multiple databases –Georeferenced data

16 Internet Mapping Server Permits multiple users access to GIS data –One set of data for multiple users –All users have access to latest information Data queries and analysis possible Access privileges allow use by various stakeholders








24 The TAgEMS Proposal Develop GIS and IMS systems to meet needs of stakeholders during agricultural disasters Develop protocol for data collection and management Train users & test TAgEMS Provide appropriate system access to stakeholders

25 The TAgEMS Proposal System based on ESRI products –ArcView GIS –ArcIMS –ArcPad ESRI products most widely used –Data compatibility with partners

26 The TAgEMS Proposal Direct recording of field data –GPS and notebook/handheld computers –Menu driven data collection tools Faster, more reliable Near real-time data delivery –Synchronize wireless or from local office Everyone has most current information

27 Phase 1 Collect, verify, and serve existing data –Identify data sources –Import and modify for GIS use –Develop field data collection protocol

28 Phase 1 Launch basic IMS server Develop scenarios Develop data entry, analysis tools Test IMS server and data tools

29 Phase 2 Pilot counties –Refine data –Collect additional data GPS data, map-derived, geocoding addresses

30 Phase 2 Field testing –IMS testing by field staff –Data synchronization by field staff Training & tabletop exercises

31 Phase 3 Continued development & refinement Launch additional counties –30+ counties per year

32 TAgEMS Evaluation Data reliability Data security User friendliness System performance Compatibility with end-user systems System reliability

33 Who Does What? UT –Personnel develop system –Computer resources TDA –Advise on system uses –Testing system features Local GIS departments –Access to data and GIS expertise

34 University of Tennessee Personnel –Precision ag specialist –IT specialist –Graduate student –Hourly student labor

35 University of Tennessee Computer resources –Initially use UT Ag servers Windows NT servers –Migrate to UT SunSite servers Faster processing and Internet connections Greater data storage, regular backups Backup power supplies for servers and routers 24/7 onsite support

36 Other Key Players TDA, USDA TEMA GIS departments Homeland Security NRCS, FSA UT Extension Service

37 National Needs Leadership and consensus –Prioritize needs –Standardize data formats –Standardize methods, rules for collection and use of personally identifiable data –Eventually establish a standard basic AgEMS system states customize with additional data & tools




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