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Remembering Our Beloved Who Were Murdered 2007 – 2008 Photos and necrologies are from Presented in honor of our dead by.

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Presentation on theme: "Remembering Our Beloved Who Were Murdered 2007 – 2008 Photos and necrologies are from Presented in honor of our dead by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remembering Our Beloved Who Were Murdered 2007 – 2008 Photos and necrologies are from Presented in honor of our dead by Juxtaposed Center for Transformation, Inc., Atlanta Gender Explorations (A.G.E.), Transgender Individuals Living Their Truth (T.I.L.L.T.T.), Feminist Outlawz and YOUTHPRIDE

2 Cause of Death: Strangled Date of Death: November 21, 2007 Kellie was strangled to death with a scarf, by 18 year old Shanniel Hyatt, who then covered the body of 39-year-old Kellie Telesford with a white blanket, with the brown furry scarf used to choke her, still bound tightly round her neck. Hyatt said he killed her after discovering she had male body parts.

3 Cause of Death: Shot in the head because he liked to dress in women's clothes. Killed with an automatic rifle by Antonio Williams who is serving a six year sentence. Brian was 25 years old. Date of Death: December 23, 2007

4 Cause of Death: Attacked and stabbed to death. No other details or motives. Date of Death: December 28, 2007

5 Cause of Death: Shot Several times in the head because he was found dressed in women's clothes. Date of Death: January 8, 2008 Patrick was 39 years old.

6 Cause of Death: Shot in the head Date of Death: January 8, 2008 Stacy was 30 years old.

7 Cause of Death: Shot to Death Aldophus was 18 yrs. Old Date of Death: January 21, 2008

8 Cause of Death: Was found lying face up in a pool of blood. She was a known transvestite in her community; motive of death was not reported. Date of Death: January 22, 2008

9 Cause of Death: Shot in the head Date of Death: February 4, 2008 The age of Ashley Sweeney is unknown, she was only described in a press release as a young transgender woman.

10 Cause of Death: Stabbed to Death Date of Death: February 10, 2008 Sanesha was 25 years old.

11 Cause of Death: Shot to death by a classmate because he liked to wear women's clothes. Lawrence King was 15 years old. Date of Death: February 12, 2008

12 Cause of Death: Shot to death, Simmie was found wearing women's clothing. (Simmie was 17 years old) Date of Death: February 22, 2008

13 Cause of Death: Brutally beaten to death and tossed into a dumpster. No last name was reported for Luna. Date of Death: March 15, 2008

14 Cause of Death: Repeatedly beaten in the head with a brick. Date of Death: April 16, 2008 Lloyd was 45 years old.

15 Cause of Death: brutally stabbed to death by Francisco Javier Hollos, who said he killed her because she would not pay for sex. Felicia was an HIV activist on vacation from Wisconsin. Date of Death: May 26, 2008

16 Cause of Death: Stabbed to Death Date of Death: June 24, 2008

17 Cause of Death: Shot Ebony was 20 yrs. Old Date of Death: July 1, 2008

18 Cause of Death: Was found in her apartment, she had been stabbed in the throat. Date of Death: July 11, 2008

19 Cause of Death severely beaten causing fractures to the head and face before being run over by a car. Date of Death July 14, 2008 Juan Carlos was 35 years old.

20 Cause of Death: Angie was found in her home with two severe fractures in her skull as a result of being beaten with a fire extinguisher. She was murdered by 31 year old Alan Ray Andrade. Angie was 18 years old. Date of Death: July 17, 2008

21 Cause of Death: Stabbed to death Date of Death: July 17, 2008 Jaylynn was 35 years old.

22 Cause of Death: beaten, gang raped and stabbed numerous times before being left for dead. Date of Death: July 29, 2008 Samantha was 30 years old.

23 Cause of Death: Drowned Date of Death: September 21, 2008 Ruby's naked body was found floating in the American River. She was 22 years old.

24 Cause of Death: Shot Date of Death: November 10, 2008 Duanna was found dead in the middle of the street. She was 42 years old. She was the African American transwoman beaten in handcuffs by police in a precinct station and refused medical attention on camera in Memphis. She was murdered before she could file suit against the Memphis police.

25 We Remember and Honor You. We fight the injustice for you now. Trans Pride Flag, courtesy mpd_to_be_more.php Presentation Compiled by Gwynedd A. Thomas, Special thanks to Kelly Price Kuykendall and Ashley Jackson Love in sisterhood to Tracee McDaniel and Jamie Roberts Who supported and inspired us.

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