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M.S.T.A Monkey’s Sustainable Tree’mendous Adventure AIM: To design a prototype adventure game for a local primary school that helps children learn about.

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Presentation on theme: "M.S.T.A Monkey’s Sustainable Tree’mendous Adventure AIM: To design a prototype adventure game for a local primary school that helps children learn about."— Presentation transcript:

1 M.S.T.A Monkey’s Sustainable Tree’mendous Adventure AIM: To design a prototype adventure game for a local primary school that helps children learn about sustainability in a fun and interesting way.

2 Contents Page Game Concept------------------------------------------------------------------ Background Story-------------------------------------------------------------- Overview of Gameplay------------------------------------------------------- Movement to Movement Gameplay--------------------------------------- Menu Navigation--------------------------------------------------------------- Game Controls------------------------------------------------------------------ Initial Character Designs----------------------------------------------------- Playable Character - Monk-------------------------------------------------- Non-playable Character - Logger------------------------------------------ Non-playable Character - Tobias the Tyrant---------------------------- Objects---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Screen---------------------------------------------------------------- Power Ups----------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory Cutscene-------------------------------------------------------- Environment Concept Art---------------------------------------------------- User Feedback------------------------------------------------------------------

3 What is the game? My game takes place in a forest that is subjected to Deforestation. The aim of the game is to stop the loggers from destroying the forest and to teach children of the importance of keeping trees and forests intact. Why create this game? This game is being created so that children can learn about deforestation in a fun and interactive way. Where does the game take place? This game takes place in Paradise Forest; this is a large forest full of wildlife. Game Concept

4 Monk is a monkey that has lived in Paradise forest all his life, he has dedicated his life to training under marshal arts that where passed on by his ancestors. Meanwhile the millionaire tycoon Tobias has arrived at the forest with his team of loggers. His plan is to cut down all the trees and sell the wood, he is willing to destroy the forest for his own personal gain. However little does he know that a certain forest resident is going to put up quite a fight to stop him. Background Story

5 What does the player control? The player will control a Monkey that lives in the forest and is trying to stop the forest from being destroyed. Lee Sheldon Wrote :”The player-character can have his mobility affected in any number of ways. It can slow him down or speed him up. He may be able to swim or not. Not only do these kinds of choices suggest gameplay, they obviously are a part of the physical dimension of a character.” Therefore I will need to add a hazard to affect the main character. How many characters are there? There are 3 main characters they are: MONK- He is the hero of the game, a monkey that has lived in the forest and trained under many martial arts. Unfortunately Monk cannot swim so has to be careful when travelling the forest. LOGGERS- These are the generic loggers that will keep trying to cut down the forest and stop monk by any means. TOBIAS THE TYRANT- He is a millionaire tyrant who just cares about money. He wants to destroy the forest and sell the wood. He doesn’t care about the wildlife or the forest. This is the main boss of the game. If monk manages to stop him the game will be over. Overview of Gameplay

6 What is the main focus? The main focus of the game is to save the forest. This can be done by stopping the loggers from cutting down trees, by planting new trees and by ultimately beating Tobias the millionaire tyrant boss. What is different about the game? The different with this game is that it gives an important lesson to children about the importance of keeping our forests intact. Overview of Gameplay

7 Movement to Movement Gameplay The chart below shows the basic moment to moment gameplay which will occur in this game on Level 1

8 Movement to Movement Gameplay The chart below shows the basic moment to moment gameplay which will occur in this game on Level 2

9 Menu Navigation Main Menu Start New GameEnter PasswordOptionsExit Enter Password For Level 2 Level 1 Level 2 Credits Exit Options Change Brightness Change Volume Opening Cutscene Complete Level Complete Game Enter Correct Password

10 AttackJumpMove Left Move Right Plant Tree Game Controls

11 Initial Character Designs

12 Playable Character MONK He is the hero of the game, a monkey that has lived in the forest and trained under many martial arts. Unfortunately Monk cannot swim so has to be careful when travelling the forest. When loggers came to destroy the forest, he will do anything in his power to stop them.

13 Non-Playable Character LOGGER These are the generic loggers that will keep trying to cut down the forest and stop monk by any means. These loggers can be beaten by a swift hit to the head which will knock their helmet over there eyes and render them useless.

14 Non-Playable Character TOBIAS THE TYRANT He is a millionaire tyrant who just cares about money. He wants to destroy the forest and sell the wood. He doesn’t care about the wildlife or the forest. This is the main boss of the game. If monk manages to stop him the game will be over.

15 Objects RIVERS Monk is unable to swim, so must avoid the water. CUT DOWN TREES These trees will be obstacles that monk will need jump on and over SEEDLINGS These will be powerups that allow Monk to harness the power of nature

16 Time Trees planted Health Player Enemy Level no. Hazard Power Up

17 Power UP When monk finds a seed within the level he will automatically pick it up. But this is only half the task, he must then find a mound of earth and press “T” to plant the seed. This act of selflessness allows Monk to harness the true power of nature and become invincible for 10 secs. GOING GREEN!!


19 Introductory Cutscene Monk is sitting in calm meditation within Paradise Forest. When he hears the sound of an unstoppable force. Its loggers and they have come to destroy the forest.

20 Introductory Cutscene What a battle! Monk smug with his defeat then hears the noise of something coming out of the rubble. These loggers are stronger than he thought.

21 Introductory Cutscene Can Monk stop these loggers from destroying the forest…..

22 Environment Concept Art Here is basic level environment for level one, this is deep within the forest near to where monk lives.

23 Environment Concept Art Here is the environment for level two some of the forest has been destroyed by Tobais.

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