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Vocabulary Words Lesson 13 Food and Beverages. Acrid Adjective Harsh; bitter We were alarmed by the acrid smell coming from the kitchen.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Words Lesson 13 Food and Beverages. Acrid Adjective Harsh; bitter We were alarmed by the acrid smell coming from the kitchen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Words Lesson 13 Food and Beverages

2 Acrid Adjective Harsh; bitter We were alarmed by the acrid smell coming from the kitchen.

3 Ambrosia Noun Food of the gods, thought to bring immortality; a food with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance Greek gods were thought to dine only on ambrosia and nectar.

4 Bland Adjective Uninteresting or lacking in spice or flavor English cooking is very bland compared to Italian cooking.

5 Bouillon Noun A clear, thin broth, usually of chicken or beef When I have an upset stomach, I drink a cup of bouillon and eat a few crackers.

6 Buffet Noun A meal where guests serve themselves from various dishes A sumptuous buffet was served at the New Year’s Eve party.

7 Concoct Verb To cook up or make up combining ingredients at hand I will concoct a casserole from whatever I have in the refrigerator.

8 Confection Noun Something sweet, such as candy The bakery on the corner sells a delicious confection.

9 Cuisine Noun The manner or style of cooking The French are famous for their cuisine.

10 Epicure Noun A person with excellent taste in food and wine Jack was no epicure; he was strictly a meat and potatoes man.

11 Froth Noun Foam The recipe called for egg whites beaten into a froth.

12 Knead Verb To fold, press, and stretch dough The bread will not rise properly unless you knead it for at least ten minutes.

13 Meringue Noun A pastry topping made of beaten and baked egg whites The lemon pie was topped with a thick layer of meringue.

14 Quaff Verb To drink heartily After his game of tennis in the hot sun, Andre was ready to quaff a cold lemonade.

15 Refectory Noun A dining hall The children filed into the refectory at noon.

16 Savor Verb To taste or enjoy the flavor of When I am in Vienna, I like to savor a strong cup of coffee at an outdoor cafe.

17 Sherbert Noun A sweet water ice, usually fruit flavored On a hot day I enjoy a small dish of sherbert after dinner.

18 Stein Noun An earthenware mug The pub keeps a special stein for each of its regular customers.

19 Surfeit Noun A glut or overabundance Last Thanksgiving there was a surfeit of inexpensive turkeys at the grocery.

20 Tantalize Verb To tease or tempt The clerk tried to tantalize us by bringing in a fresh try of cinnamon buns

21 Victuals Noun Food; meals The diner was renowned for inexpensive but tasty victuals.

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