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Flan Pâtissier by Mathieu & Siméon. Ingredients - I shortcrust pastry - 4 eggs - 1 liter of milk - 150 g. sugar - 90 g. of Maizena - 1 vanilla pod.

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Presentation on theme: "Flan Pâtissier by Mathieu & Siméon. Ingredients - I shortcrust pastry - 4 eggs - 1 liter of milk - 150 g. sugar - 90 g. of Maizena - 1 vanilla pod."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flan Pâtissier by Mathieu & Siméon

2 Ingredients - I shortcrust pastry - 4 eggs - 1 liter of milk - 150 g. sugar - 90 g. of Maizena - 1 vanilla pod

3 1. Boil the milk with the vanilla pod

4 2. Mix the Maizena with the sugar and the beaten eggs

5 3. Mix and add the boiling milk

6 4. Cook the mixture on a how heat without stopping stirring about 1 to 2 minutes

7 5. ( Make dorker ) a rectangular dish beforehand with butter with the shortcrust pastry

8 6. Pour the mixture

9 7. Bake at a medium temperature for 30 minutes to 40 minutes


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