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Lecture Fifteen: Seminar: Hot Issues discussion. Hot issues Discussion Based on the knowledge learned in the previous lectures and discussion , the students.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Fifteen: Seminar: Hot Issues discussion. Hot issues Discussion Based on the knowledge learned in the previous lectures and discussion , the students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Fifteen: Seminar: Hot Issues discussion

2 Hot issues Discussion Based on the knowledge learned in the previous lectures and discussion , the students are encouraged to think about the new development and tendency of insurance industry both in the international and national market. The discussion is focused on such aspects as a new insurance product, new social insurance programs, insurance fund management, and insurance company operating, etc.

3 Reqiurements The topics of assignment are given to students four weeks in advance (in the tenth week after Lecture 10). In the following month, the students search for the relevant literature, collect data and information, do surveys. Each student should write and submit a paper. The lecturers read the papers.

4 Reqiurements Based on the topics of the papers, the students are classified into several groups. Each group does discussion, then selects their representatives to do presentation in class.

5 TOPICS ( 2005 年 - 2009 年 ) 再保险发展:从环球视角看( 2005 年) 保险人才市场:从环球视角看( 2006 ) 奥运保险( 2008 ) 中国大学生保险 (2009)

6 TOPIC ( The Spring Semester 2009) Insurance of College Students in China ( 中国大学生保险 )

7 Titles of papers submitted by the students Based on the titles submitted by the students , the students are classified into 15 groups. The topics are as follows: Group 1 : An view of Health Insurance of College Students in China ( 我国大学生医疗保险 概况 ) Group 2 : Analysis of College Students Health Insurance under “ Universal Health Insurance coverage ” ( “ 全民医保 ” 形势下大学生的医疗保障 浅析 )

8 Titles of papers submitted by the students Group 3: Survey on the Health Insurance Demand of College Student( 大学生医保现状与 医疗保险需求的调查分析 ) Group 4 : Health Insurance: From Public- financed to Health Insurance ( 大学生医疗保 险 —— 从公费医疗到医疗保险 ) Group 5: Analysis of the Problems of Health Insurance of College Students ( 大学生医疗保险 问题探讨及分析 )

9 Titles of papers submitted by the students Group 6: The Patterns of Health Insurance of College Students ( 我国大学生医疗保险 模式分析 ) Group 7: College Students, an Unforgettable Social Group: Insured the College Students Under the Urban Citizen’s Health Insurance Pilot Program ( 大学生不再是 “ 社会遗忘的角落 ”—— 将大 学生纳入城镇居民医疗保险试点 )

10 Titles of papers submitted by the students Group 8 : Insurance of the Students’ Loan: How to Solve the High Credit Risk (助学贷款保险: 如何就大学生助学贷款违约率高这一现实问题推 出助学贷款 Group 9 : The Status and Future Development of Unemployment Insurance of College Students( 大 学生失业保险在中国发展状况及前景 ) Group 10: Employment Insurance of College Students ( 大学生就业保险 )

11 Titles of papers submitted by the students Group 11: On the Student Safety Insurance ( 有关 “ 学平险 ”) Group 12: On Dormitory Property Insurance of College Students ( 关于大学生宿舍财产保险的分 析 ) Group 13: Accidental Injury Insurance of College Students ( 大学生意外伤害保险)

12 Titles of papers submitted by the students Group 14: How to Solve the Problems of College Students Employment: A view of College Students being Insurance Sale Persons ( 从大学生 从事保险营销看如何破解就业难问题 ) Group 15: The renovation programs of Vietnam student insurance program (越南留学生作业: 越南学生保险计划的完善)

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