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Physical Education P.E.A.I. Mission Statement To promote a positive perception of physical activity and a balanced life style.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education P.E.A.I. Mission Statement To promote a positive perception of physical activity and a balanced life style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education P.E.A.I. Mission Statement To promote a positive perception of physical activity and a balanced life style.

2 Journal Of Science 1998 54% of all U.S. adults are overweight. 1 in 5 children in the U.S.between the ages of 7 and 17 were overweight. Health care in the U.S. cost 68 billion yearly. In the U.K. obesity has doubled since 1980. By the year 2005 20-30% of the U.K. population will be obese. A sedentary life style in adults and children is one of the key contributory factors.

3 Educational Developments The computer and the T.V. act as mesmeric baby sitters for our children. The Department Of Education and Science has recently suspended the grant of £500 for P.E. equipment given to schools on a yearly basis. Curriculum overload and P.E.becomes reduced. There is a lack of knowledge concerning the food pyramid, people do not know how to eat.

4 Economic Considerations In the Tiger economy, both parents work and have less time to bring children to sports related activities. Technological advance, Mr Murdoch has brought the performers to our screens.Young people end up spectating. A British Medical Journal in the year 2006 states that 22% of girls between two and fifteen and 19% of boys between two and fifteen are obese. Working women tend to give their children treats because of a guilt complex. The cost of insurance is closing down play areas and sports complexes.

5 Cultural Considerations No motor skills being developed. Culture becoming more passive. Games are becoming elitist, Rugby,Hurling. Our culture is becoming more dependent and materialistic. We have spent years arguing over the Bertie Bowl. Where is the debate about sport in schools that embraces all students. Children spend the equivalent of a day and a half watching T.V. and an hour and a half playing sport per week. Both parents work and rely on convenience food.

6 Our Situation In Ireland 2003 conference on the Irish Medical Organisation, top of the agenda is the issue of obese children. Paediatricians estimate that 20% of children are clinically obese. In the year 1960 this was non existent. By the year 2005, the projections are that our statistics will be similar to that of the U.K. and by the year 2008 our statistics will be similar to that of the U.S. Obesity is costing our country 300 million per year.

7 Toxic Food Toxic food is dooming young people to grow up overweight. Research indicates that food manufacturers have created a toxic environment. Children’s bodies are over-producing insulin, creating an evnvironment that is essentially addictive. Western society over the past 30 years has added sugar to food.

8 Problems The addition of sugar to foods and the removal of fibre both promoted insulin production. Insulin acts on the brain to encourage eating by suppressing leptin, the hormone that signals fullness and boosts the pleasurable dopamine rush that accompaies eating. One can of fizzy drink per day can pile on 7kg in a single year. One can of fizzy drink provides the equivalent of ten teaspoons of sugar. Harvard - Frank Ho.

9 What Are The Facts? 300 million people worldwide are obese. By the year 2025 half of the American population will be obese. 18% of the Irish population are obese. Obesity accounts for 2,500 deaths in Ireland each year. Ireland has the fourth highest prevalence of overweight among men and the seventh highest prevalence among women in the E.U. (Slan)

10 What Are The Effects Of Obesity? Coronary heart disease. (Atherosclerosis) Diabetes – body fails to produce enough insulin to convert food to energy. Stroke – blood vessel rupture and leads to oxygen lack in the brain. Gallstones – cholesterol or pigments crystallise out of bile in the bile duct. Hypertension – Blood pressure 140/90 and remains consistent.

11 What Are The Effects Of Obesity? Chronic inflamation. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular disese. Mental : Anxious, Depression, Stress, Bullying.

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