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Gender:53% female 47% male A survey of fifteen churches of Christ on their last five conversions turned up some interesting statistics about the people.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender:53% female 47% male A survey of fifteen churches of Christ on their last five conversions turned up some interesting statistics about the people."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gender:53% female 47% male A survey of fifteen churches of Christ on their last five conversions turned up some interesting statistics about the people who are being converted to Christ: Age: females:31 % less than 20 years old 46% 20 to 40 years old 13% 40 to 65 years old 10% over 65 years old average age= 31.6 males:37% less than 20 years old 46% 20 to 40 years old 8% 40 to 65 years old 9% over 65 years old average age = 27.8

3 Marital Status (among those 20 years old or older) females:17% single 43% married 30% divorced 10% widow males:27% single 57% married 4% divorced 12% divorced & remarried Contacted:30% child of member 19% friend of member 15% relative of member 10% spouse of member 6% re-baptism of a member 4% advertising 1 % door-to-door work 15% other A survey of fifteen churches of Christ on their last five conversions turned up some interesting statistics about the people who are being converted to Christ:

4 Number of one-on-one studies prior to baptism: 37% zero 11% 1 10% 2 4% 3 3% 4 3% 5 32% more than 5 A survey of fifteen churches of Christ on their last five conversions turned up some interesting statistics about the people who are being converted to Christ:

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6 As we consider this survey there are some insights that we should all consider: 1 – According to the study the number of MEN 47% and WOMEN 53% are very close. Gender does not seem to be a factor in acceptance of the gospel.

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10 If I put into practice the things that we have talked about, what could be the results? What will it change in my life?

11 Many people have expressed concern about local churches and the decline that seems to be going on in many places. Many people may not like the answer, but, none the less, there is an answer to the problem:

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