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Statistics Standard Grade – Final Revision. The table shows the number of children in a family for a survey carried out in a large village. Construct.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics Standard Grade – Final Revision. The table shows the number of children in a family for a survey carried out in a large village. Construct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics Standard Grade – Final Revision

2 The table shows the number of children in a family for a survey carried out in a large village. Construct a cumulative frequency column for this table and use it to determine the median and the semi- interquartile range. Number of children Number of families 038 156 274 331 424 59

3 The table shows the favourite holiday destinations for a group of people. It is intended to use this information to produce a pie-chart. What angle in the pie chart will be used to represent each country chosen? CountryNumber of people Italy13 U.S.A.28 France15 Australia9 Canada28 Germany27

4 The table shows the mode of transport to school for a number of pupils. If a pupil is chosen at random calculate p (Pupil comes to school by bus) p (Girl who walks) p (Pupil does not come by car) CarBusWalkTrain Boys34435512 Girls5640658

5 Tests are to be carried out on a new type of chicken food to see if the new food significantly increases the weight of the chickens. Fifteen chickens are given the new food and another fifteen are fed on the usual chicken food. The weight increases in the chickens are recorded over a short period of time and these results are shown in the tables below. Draw a back to back stem and leaf diagram to compare the figures. Weight increase ( in Kg) – usual food Weight increase ( in Kg) – new food 3.4

6 The strength of cables was measured in an experiment by testing 10 different cables to breaking point by hanging heavy loads (tons) at the centre of the cable. The following results were obtained ∑ loads = 35.9 ∑ loads 2 = 147.03 Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the breaking strength of the cables giving your answers correct to 1 decimal place.

7 The rainfall over a certain period was observed and the results are given in the diagram above. Calculate the average rainfall over the period

8 A firm employs 32 workers under the age of 18 years and 45 workers over the age of 18 years. The average wage of those less than 18 years is ₤268 per week while the average age of those over 18 years is ₤282 per week. Find the average wage for the whole work force.

9 Two dice are thrown. Calculate a) p (sum of the two dice is 9) b) p (sum of two dice is less than 4)

10 Consider the numbers 2,3,5,8,11,17,20,21,25,30,48,60 One of the numbers is selected at random. Calculate a) p (multiple of 5) b) p (factor of 60) c) p (prime)

11 The figures below show the total length, in mm, of starlings captured during a bird ringing exercise. 184 193 189 214 198 208 Calculate the mean and standard deviation for these measurements giving your answers correct to 1 decimal place.

12 1 4 3 2 5 Bag A 3 4 Bag B 5 There are two bags A and B. Bag A contains the numbered balls 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Bag B contains the balls numbered 3, 4, and 5 as shown in the diagram. A ball is drawn at random from each bag. List all the possible outcomes. Calculate a)The probability that the sum of the two balls is odd. b) The probability that the sum of the two balls is 6.

13 The diagram shows pupils marks in Physics and Maths exams. On the diagram draw what in your opinion is the best fitting straight line through the points. Choose two points on this line and find the equation of the line. Use this equation to estimate the Maths mark for a pupil who scored 72% in the Physics exam but missed the Maths exam.

14 A class survey showed the number of pupils involved in different sports to be as follows. Draw an appropriate statistical diagram to illustrate this information. SportNumber of pupils Hockey7 Football2 Rugby11 Cricket3 Athletics7

15 A survey was carried out to see how many books were being carried by pupils in their schoolbags. The results are shown in the bar chart opposite. Make up a frequency table and find the mean. Add in a cumulative frequency column and use it to determine the median number of books being carried by pupils

16 The table shows the number of pupils entering the Math's competitions held in the school. If a pupil is selected at random from those entering the competitions calculate P (Girl entering a competition) P (Pupil entering the Intermediate competition) P (Boy entering the Junior competition) BoysGirls Junior3426 Intermediate2825 Senior146

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