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Basic Introduction to the Teen Challenge Residential Recovery Program Part 1: Induction Introducción Básica al Programa de Rehabilitación Residencial de.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Introduction to the Teen Challenge Residential Recovery Program Part 1: Induction Introducción Básica al Programa de Rehabilitación Residencial de."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Introduction to the Teen Challenge Residential Recovery Program Part 1: Induction Introducción Básica al Programa de Rehabilitación Residencial de Desafío Juvenil Parte 1: Inducción/Iniciación By Por Dave Batty By Por Dave Batty 7/2009 T510.021Residential Program 1--Induction Teen Challenge Staff Training Course T510.02

2 1. Months 1-4 of the residential program Meses 1 – 4 del programa residencial A.History of how the Induction Centers came to be part of TC program structure B.Benefit of this two stage residential program structure 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction2

3 2. Basic description of residential recovery program Descripción básica del programa rehabilitaciónresidencial A.Size B.Focus C.Location 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction3

4 3. Goals of the Induction Phase Metas de la Fase deInducción A.Get off drugs Dejar las drogas B.Become a follower of Christ Llegar a ser seguidor de Cristo C.Learn basics of Christian lifestyle Aprender los principios de la vida cristiana 7/2009 T510.02 Residential Program 1--Induction4

5 3. Goals of the Induction Phase Metas de la Fase deInducción 7/2009 T510.02 Residential Program 1--Induction5 D.Establish hope for their future Establecer la esperanza para el futuro E.Assess their problems Asesorar los problemas F.Commit to finish the TC program Hacer el compromiso a terminar el programa

6 3. Goals of the Induction Phase Metas de la Fase deInducción 7/2009 T510.02 Residential Program 1--Induction6 G.Begin to restore relationship with their family Iniciar la restauración de la relación con la familia

7 4. Structure of the Induction Program La Estructura del Programa de Inducción A.Intake process El Proceso del Ingreso 1)Making contact with those who need help 2)Interview process 3)Are they desperate to get help? 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction7

8 4. Structure of the Induction Program La Estructura del Programa de Inducción B.Detox options Las Opciones de la desintoxicación 1)Medical clinics, hospitals 2)Detox at Teen Challenge--history 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction8

9 4. Structure of the Induction Program La Estructura del Programa de Inducción C.Daily program schedule La agenda del programa diario 1)Structured 2)Consistent 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction9

10 Daily/Weekly Schedule MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun 6:00 AM Wakeup -- 6:30 AM Devotions -- 7:00 AM Breakfast Wakeup 7:30 AM Chores Devotions 8:00 AM Chapel Breakfast 9:00 AM Class Study Work DetailChurch 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM Work Program - 3:00 PM Work Program Free Time- 5:30 PM Dinner Lights Out Dinner 6:00 PM Chores - 7:00 PM Study HallDevotionsChurchCounselingChapelFree Time- 9:00 PM Reading -- 10:00 PM Lights Out 7/2009 T510.0210Residential Program 1--Induction

11 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction11 La agenda del programa diario

12 4. Structure of the Induction Program La Estructura del Programa de Inducción D.Bible classes Estudios Bíblicos Priority in your weekly schedule 1) Group Studies for New Christians (GSNC) Estudios Grupales para nuevos Cristianos 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction12

13 4. Structure of the Induction Program La Estructura del Programa de Inducción 2)Personal Studies for New Christians (PSNC) Estudios Personales para nuevos Cristianos 3)GSNC 1 Hr per day/5 days a week PSNC 2 Hrs per day/5 days a week 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction13

14 4.Structure of the Induction Program E.Counseling La Consejería 1)Help them begin to face their problems 2)Formal and informal settings 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction14

15 4.Structure of the Induction Program F.Family visits Visitas Familiares 1)No visits first 3-4 weeks 2)Phone calls 3)On campus visits 4)Off campus visits 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction15

16 5.Staff needed for an induction center Personal necesario para el Programa de Inducción Staff-student ratio 1 to 3 Staff-student ratio 1 to 3 La proporción de personal a alumnos 1 para cada 3 Director DirectorDirector 7/2009 T510.0216Residential Program 1--Induction

17 5.Staff needed for an induction center Intake Intake Coordinador de Admisión Staff counselors/ministers Staff counselors/ministers El personal consejero/ministro Teachers TeachersMaestros 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction17

18 5.Staff needed for an induction center Work supervisor Work supervisor Supervisor de Trabajo Food servicesCocinero Food servicesCocinero Office and maintenance Office and maintenance Oficina y mantenimiento Interns Interns Alumno en prácticas 7/2009 T510.02Residential Program 1--Induction18

19 Questions for discussion Preguntas para Charlar 7/2009 T510.0219Residential Program 1--Induction

20 Contact information Global Teen Challenge Información de Contacto: 7/2009 T510.0220Residential Program 1--Induction

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