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Murder on the Orient Express Agatha Christie. Learning Target  Identify the genre of mystery  Analyze Plot and Theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Murder on the Orient Express Agatha Christie. Learning Target  Identify the genre of mystery  Analyze Plot and Theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Murder on the Orient Express Agatha Christie

2 Learning Target  Identify the genre of mystery  Analyze Plot and Theme

3 Genre – category of literature  Agatha Christie wrote fictional mysteries  Mysteries are usually based on a crime committed that needs to be solved.  Mysteries contain suspense.  There are usually no obvious answers in a good mystery.  One of her series of mysteries used the protagonist Detective Hercule Poirot

4 About the author

5 Agatha Christie  Agatha Christie was born in Torquay, England on September fifteen, 1890.  She was the youngest of three children in an upper-middle class home.  Agatha was schooled at home by a governess and tutors—a lifestyle later reflected in her novels.  She was married in 1914 to Archie Christie, a W.W.I fighter pilot. While he was at war, Christie worked as a nurse. She first worked with patients, but was eventually transferred to the dispensary where she gained an extensive knowledge of poisons.  Before Agatha married Archie, Agatha had discussed writing a murder mystery with her sister Madge, but Madge thought it would be too difficult her. Agatha devoted her downtime at the dispensary to proving her sister wrong.

6 Plot Overview  Hercule Poirot, private detective and retired Belgian police officer, boards the Taurus Express train to Stamboul (Istanbul).  During the course of the train ride, a murder takes place and Poirot will have to find out who is the murderer.  Narrated by a 3 rd person narrator – omniscient

7 Possible themes  Justice and Judgment: Is it important to follow law or have revenge?  Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, or equity.  Judgment is the evaluation of evidence and making a decision  Logic and reasoning to discover the truth - The main character, Hercule Poirot uses insight into human nature, powers of observation, and the deductive method to discover the truth.  Strength is not always seen with muscle.  Things are not always as they seem

8 The Orient Express  simplon-orient-express/ simplon-orient-express/

9 Route of the Orient Express

10 Chapter 1 - Vocabulary  Hercules Poirot is a French detective and uses many French expressions in his dialogue.

11 French expressions  Mais oui – of course  Comme Ça – like that  Eh bien – well then  En voiture, monsieur – your car, sir  Enfin – finally  Voila – “a-ha!”  Merci – thanks  Jolie femme – pretty woman

12 Partner Read and Activity  Read chapter 1, pages 3 – 15 with a partner.  Write the vocabulary words in your journal.  Find the definition for the word and write it in your journal.  Find the word on the page in chapter one and then rewrite the sentence in your own words (do not use the vocabulary word in your sentence.  Example:  Poise – p. 9, Definition: a dignified self-confident manner  Sentence: She had a dignified and self-confident manner.

13 Vocabulary –With a partner, find the words in chapter one. Look up the definition. Rewrite the sentence using your own words. Partner 1  Aceding p.4  Delegated p.5  Surrreptitious p.5  Valise p.8  Sallied forth p.9  Eminently p.9  Efficiency p.9 Partner 2  Burnished p.9  Peremptory p.10  Susceptible p.11  Repressive p.11  Tyrannical p.12  Governess p.12  Teeming p.12

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