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Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment SCHOOL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (SAC) TRAINING January 7, 8, 12, and 16, 2015 ACCESS for ELLs.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment SCHOOL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (SAC) TRAINING January 7, 8, 12, and 16, 2015 ACCESS for ELLs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment SCHOOL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (SAC) TRAINING January 7, 8, 12, and 16, 2015 ACCESS for ELLs & Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

2 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 2 ACCESS for ELLs 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sections: 7 Introduction and Test Overview Important Dates Test Security WIDA Training Course District and School Code Numbers Roles and Responsibilities Tier Structure and Tier Placement 8 Test Administration 9 Test Materials

3 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 3 Important Dates 12/16/14 - Pre-ID file data provided by the state 1/14/15 - Schools receive test materials 2/2/15 – 3/20/15 - ACCESS for ELLs test window 3/24/15 - All test materials returned to MetriTech 5/26/15 - Retrieve early student-level results in Test WES 7/28/15 - Public release of results 8/3/15 - District receives student paper results, ISRs 1

4 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment Introduction 4 2 ACCESS for ELLs stands for Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners. It is a large-scale test of English language proficiency based on the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards that form the core of the WIDA Consortium’s approach to instructing and assessing English language learners (ELLs) in Grades K–12. WIDA Consortium manual 2014-2015

5 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment Test Overview 5 The ACCESS for ELLs test assesses students’ English language proficiency in five areas: Social and Instructional Language (SIL), which incorporates proficiencies needed to deal with the general language of the classroom and the school; Language of English Language Arts (LoLA); Language of Mathematics (LoMA); Language of Science (LoSC); Language of Social Studies (LoSS). It is a secure assessment given annually during a specific test window determined by each state. ACCESS for ELLs is used to satisfy state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of the English language proficiency of ELLs. WIDA Consortium manual 2014-2015

6 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 6 Required WIDA Training Courses  District MLL staff created personal accounts for various SPPS staff to enter the ACCESS for ELLs Online Training Courses to complete the required test training modules.  Recertification is required for test administrators for the group-administered tests reading, writing and listening.  Certification is required in every domain for new staff.  Kindergarten ACCESS requires annual recertification for all domains.  Alternate ACCESS requires annual recertification for all domains.  District MLL staff are training licensed teachers to administer the grades 1-12 speaking test, K-12 Alternate ACCESS tests and all kindergarten tests. If you have any questions, please go to your TOSA in your building. 3

7 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 7 Test Security Nondisclosure Agreement Test Items Materials Not Allowed During Testing Test Administration Report (TAR) Security Measures for 2014-15 4

8 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 8 Nondisclosure Agreement – Everyone with access to test materials and test items must sign the Nondisclosure Agreement. – Anyone who may come in contact with or see test items, can be asked by a student about an item or handle test materials must sign a Nondisclosure Agreement. – Paper Nondisclosure Agreement available here on REA website:

9 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 9 Test Items All Test Items are secure – Discussions of items are not allowed with students and co-workers. – Test items and student tests are not allowed to be reviewed by teachers or building staff. – Test items may not be reproduced in any form. – Cell phone cameras are not allowed. – Emails or discussions in on-line social media are not allowed.

10 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 10 Materials Not Allowed During Testing – All instructional posters and graphics in the classroom or on a student’s desk that relate to the subject being tested must be covered or removed during the test administration. – If the materials are related in any way to the subjects being tested, they must be covered or removed. (revised MDE policy 2010- 2011) – Per page 51 in the ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manual: it is not necessary to cover any print on the walls or on classroom materials. This is incorrect for Minnesota test administrations. ALWAYS follow MDE policy.

11 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 11 Test Administration Report (TAR) – All invalidations of a student’s test must be documented on the MDE TAR which is available on the REA Test Coordination website. – All unique circumstances; transcribing answers, fire drills, etc. must be documented on a TAR – Lavatory use or illness during testing – collect test materials from student before s/he leaves the room – What to do when students complete the test?  Remain seated or leave the classroom? – Principal’s decision.

12 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 12 Security Measures for 2014-15 Tip Line MDE has launched a Test Security Tip Line. Educators, parents, students and others can report suspected incidents of cheating, improper or unethical behavior on any Statewide assessments. Links to the Test Security Tip Line are available in two places on the MDE web site. ˗ View the Test Administration page (MDE>School Support>Test Administration) ˗ View the Testing Information page (MDE>Just for Parents> Testing Information)

13 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 13 Roles and Responsibilities - SAC  ACCESS School Assessment Coordinator  Inventory test materials immediately upon receipt and returns all test materials to MetriTech, Inc.  Consolidates and request additional materials needed for testing.  Request additional materials from or  Schedule test sessions.  Provides District Code number and School Code number to test administrators.  Informs test administrators students must use a number 2 pencil.  Makes sure test administration is performed by trained test proctors.  Distributes test materials on each day of the test.  Reminds test proctors that all test materials are to be kept secure and confidential at all times.  Coordinate distribution of teacher reports and parent/guardian reports. 5

14 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 14 Roles and Responsibilities, cont.  Test Proctors  Attends MLL training for every domain (Train the Trainer).  Becomes familiar with procedures for test accommodations for ELLs with disabilities.  Properly account for test booklet security immediately before, during, and after test administration.  Assures that pre-ID labels are attached to test booklets correctly or that student data is properly bubbled in on test booklet covers if no label is provided.  Provides District Code number and School Code number to test booklets.  Administers the ACCESS for ELLs.

15 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 15 District Number and School Code Numbers SPPS District number is 0625 SCHOOL School Number SCHOOL School Number SCHOOL School Number Adams Spanish Imm410Farnsworth Upper315Journeys Secondary695 Agape High006Focus Beyond608LEAP High School723 ALC Evening High Sch721Four Seasons460L'Etoile du Nord Lower463 ALC Gateway718Frost Lake Elem464L'Etoile du Nord Upper462 American Indian Magnet579Galtier Comm467Linwood Monroe Lower510 Battle Creek Elem422GAP841Linwood Monroe Upper528 Battle Creek Middle310Gordon Parks710Maxfield Elem524 Benjamin E Mays424Groveland Park Elem476Mississippi Elem527 Boys Totem Town825Hamline482Murray Middle342 Bridgeview430Harding Sec215Nokomis North533 Bruce F Vento449Hazel Park Prep489Nokomis South534 Capitol Hill Magnet494Highland Park Elem491Obama Elem578 Central Senior210Highland Park Middle330Open World250 Chelsea Hts Elem425Highland Park Senior220Parkway Montessori344 Cherokee Hts428Highwood Hills Elem496Phalen Lake Elem541 Como Park Elem431Home Hospital007Ramsey Middle345 Como Park Senior212Horace Mann Elem518Randolph Hts Elem545 Creative Arts211Humboldt High225Riverview West Elem551 Crossroads Montessori465Jackson Prep Magnet500St. Anthony Elem557 Crossroads Science466JDC678St. Paul Music558 Daytons Bluff Elem433Jie Ming Mandarin483The Heights Comm488 Eastern Hts452JJ Hill Elem493United Hospital675 EXPO Elem435John A Johnson Elem415Washington Sec252 Farnsworth Lower458 Johnson Senior230 Wellstone Elem552 6

16 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 16 Tier Placement Tier Structure of ACCESS for ELLs Importance of Tier Placement Tier Placement Guidelines SPPS Tier Placement Protocol 7

17 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 17 Tier Structure of ACCESS for ELLs WIDA Consortium Manual 2014-15

18 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 18 Importance of Tier Placement  Test items are presented in 3 tiers for each grade level cluster: A, B, and C.  Each tier presents items to the student that are neither too easy nor too difficult.  The majority of students will receive the Tier B form of the test. Tier A is intended for very low proficiency students and Tier C is for students close to reaching full English language proficiency.  Appropriate tier placement maximizes the accuracy and validity of the ACCESS for ELLs test results.

19 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 19 Tier Placement Guidelines  MLL staff has designated which tier each student should take based on their ELL Level and number of years in the US.  After reviewing the MLL's criteria, when in doubt, place the student in the higher tier.  A number of students are no longer considered EL because of their high performance on the 2013-2014 ACCESS, MCA reading or GRAD reading & writing.

20 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 20 SPPS Tier Placement Protocol Grades 1 - 5 Tier A US and non-US born students Less than 2 years in the US Level 1-1.9 Tier B 0-6 years in the US Level 1-3.9 Tier C 6+ years in the US Level 1-6 Grades 6-12 Tier A Non-US born students Less than 2 years in the US Level 1-2.9 Tier B US and non-US born students 0-6 years in the US Level 1-3.9 Tier C 6+ years in the US Level 1-6

21 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 21 Test Administration Planning for the Administration Test Sessions Master Schedule 8

22 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 22 Planning for the Administration  Students receiving direct ELL service or support service must participate in the ACCESS for ELLs assessments  ACCESS student lists with tier information and Special Ed Accommodations has been combined in one file and is posted to the REA Password Protected Website 

23 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 23 Allow an additional 15 minutes to the times listed above to convene students and distribute/collect test materials Listening items for the Listening Test are pre-corded for all tiers in grades 1– 2 One CD for every eight students CD player or computer with CD/DVD drive External speakers are required For actual CD run times, see page 54 in your ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manual TBD – Streaming the audio from the Internet Test Session Master Schedule Session 1: Listening and Reading (Group Administered) Grade Cluster TierDomainTime to Administer ALL Listening 25–40 minutes (higher grade-level clusters and Tiers take more time) ALL Reading 35–40 minutes (higher grade-level clusters and Tiers take more time) WIDA Consortium Manual 2014-15

24 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 24 Test Session Master Schedule, cont. Session 2: Writing (Group Administered) Grade Cluster TierTime to Administer 1–2 A30 minutes, plus five additional minutes to finish writing if needed B&C60 minutes, plus five additional minutes to finish writing if needed 3–5 A45 minutes, plus fifteen additional minutes (five minutes per task) to finish writing if needed B&C60 minutes, plus five additional minutes to finish writing if needed 6–8 A45 minutes, plus fifteen additional minutes (five minutes per task) to finish writing if needed B&C60 minutes, plus five additional minutes to finish writing if needed 9–12 A45 minutes, plus fifteen additional minutes (five minutes per task) to finish writing if needed B&C60 minutes, plus five additional minutes to finish writing if needed WIDA Consortium Manual 2014-15

25 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 25 Session 3: Speaking (Individually Administered)  The Speaking Test is individually administered  Plus 5 minutes for transition between students Test Session Master Schedule, cont. Grade Cluster TierTime to Administer ALL At least 15 minutes per student WIDA Consortium Manual 2014-15 All though the WIDA Consortium recommends administering the sessions in sequence order, the sessions/sections may be administered in any order.

26 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 26 Test Materials Test Materials Order Receipt of Test Materials Test Materials Information Precode Labels Paperwork to REA Test Office 9

27 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment ACCESS for ELLs materials, grades K-12, were ordered using information provided by the MLL Dept. Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and Large Print books for some students in grades 1-12 were ordered using information provided by the MLL and Special Ed Departments. Additional materials may be ordered if necessary. Braille is available for ACCESS for ELLs  Braille accommodation must be indicated in the student’s IEP.  Only Tier B test form is available in Braille. Test Materials Order

28 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 28 Receipt of Test Materials  Each school will receive their test materials directly from MetriTech  See Page 10 in your ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration manual for detailed instructions with screen shots.  School Packing List (white) - Use to inventory materials - Notify Robin or Michael if you are missing materials  Security Checklist (white) - Use to inventory materials - Record test administrator who receives and returns test materials

29 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 29  Test Administrator’s Script - 1 for every 8 students at each grade/tier for grades 1-12 - 1 for every 15 kindergarten students  Listening CDs - 1 for every 8 students at each grade/tier for grades  Speaking Flip Charts - 1 for every 8 students at each grade/tier  Test Administration Manual (K only) - 1 for every 15 kindergarten students  Kindergarten Ancillary Kit - 1 for every 15 kindergarten students  5% overage of student test booklets are included in your shipment Test Materials Information

30 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 30 Precode Labels  Student Pre-ID labels were shipped with test materials from MetriTech.  Test Administrators must verify Pre-Id information prior to applying the labels to the test booklet.  If the label is correct, place the label on the box on the front cover of the test booklet in the designated area.  If the label is incorrect or applied to a test book by error, see pages 18 and 19 for detailed instructions with screen shots in your ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration manual

31 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 31  Send paperwork through district mail to the REA Testing Office, 360 Colborne  Copy of Monitor Training Sign-in Sheet  Non-Disclosure Agreements - one for every person that had access to test materials  One non-disclosure agreement per person per year  School Security Sign-out and Return Form, signed  From the SAC to the Test Administrator  Classroom Security Checklists, signed  Copy of Test Administration Report (TAR) if completed Paperwork to REA Testing Office

32 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 32 Site Visit Checklist

33 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment 33 MDE REA Test Coordinator Site District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) Contact Information Robin Lane Office; 651-767-8257 Cell: 651-335-3594 Email: Michael Wirtz Office: 651-632-3776 Cell: 651-261-0045 Email: For more information, please contact the WIDA Help Desk: 1-866-276-7735 or World Class Instructional Design and Assessment, Center for Applied Linguistics, Develops test items, conducts research on assessments and provides technical and psychometric expertise to the WIDA Consortium MetriTech, Inc., Prints, scores, reports and distributes all ACCESS for ELLs test materials and results © 2010 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium

34 Office of Accountability Research, Evaluation & Assessment Place correct student label here if available. Fill in grids if you do not have a correct label. X X X X X X XXX X X X MARSS # CIF # Front and Back Covers of Test Booklet SAINT PAUL SCHOOLS 0625 123 MN 2014-2015

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