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Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D / 888-2436

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D / 888-2436"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D / 888-2436

2 What I Saw During Break

3 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote

4 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?

5 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?  Had someone else use your code

6 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?  Had someone else use your code and not cast aspersions on your intelligence?

7 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?  Had someone else use your code and not cast aspersions on your intelligence?  Looked at code you wrote 6 months ago

8 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?  Had someone else use your code and not cast aspersions on your intelligence?  Looked at code you wrote 6 months ago without thinking, “What was I smoking?”

9 Quick Show of Hands  Used code that someone else wrote and enjoyed the experience?  Had someone else use your code and not cast aspersions on your intelligence?  Looked at code you wrote 6 months ago without thinking, “What was I smoking?” know  Written code you know is really optimized?

10 High-level Objectives  Learn to write code that doesn't suck  Bug-free (within reason)  Even after 6 months, can be modified & updated  Less likely to be hunted & killed by colleagues  Have programs complete before next ice age  Have fun

11 Expectations of Me  Lectures prepared and organized  Give interesting, thoughtful, fun problems  Be (reasonably) available to answer questions  Be honest and forthright

12 Why Most Classes Suck

13 Teaching Style  Reasoning more important than answer  Once answered, rarely see question again  Lucky guesses are not meaningful  Explaining how & why demonstrates mastery  Class participation is vital  Need to understand problem to adjust approach

14 Adult Learning  Students read material before class  (Short) lecture explains key ideas  Provides 2 nd opportunity to see material  Limits long, boring droning  Students work in teams to solve problems  Make sure you actually understand material  Easy to correct when mistakes made early

15 Expectations of You  Work hard  Come to class prepared  Support & help all your classmates  Ask for help early and often  Let me know what you are thinking

16 Important Policy  Class examines real-world problems  Not typical for most CSC courses  Requires everyone act like you are an adult  Assumption needed for labs to be reasonable  Keeps the problems small, but sufficient  Use simple meanings without arguing

17 Important Policy  Class examines real-world problems  Not typical for most CSC courses  Requires everyone act like you are an adult  Assumption needed for labs to be reasonable  Keeps the problems small, but sufficient  Use simple meanings without arguing

18  Grades available via Angel  Tests given on Mar. 12 th & Apr. 19 th  Receive one grade for both lab & lecture Course Grading Tests 26% Final 30% Lab Projects 25% Activities 7% Pattern Report 12%

19 Grading Philosophy  Grades reflect student's demonstrated ability  Not a competition where grades are relative  Quite happily give "A" to all who earn it  Remain fair for students past, present, & future  When in doubt, I consider what is most fair  Effort alone insufficient to raise a score  Important to reward working efficiently

20 Grading Philosophy Doctor Who Cures You Doctor Who Works Hard Would you rather have:

21 Course Grading Goals  Build skills needed to write good code  Provide opportunities to learn & improve  Present material in variety of ways  Spot problems early & correct them quickly

22 Lab Programs

23 Collaboration  Fellow students are a great resource  Provides multiple viewpoints & understandings  Get together, discuss material, and study  Can have them answer lingering questions  Clarify assignment and what it requires  Learn and practice some basic social skills

24 Collaboration  Work you submit must be done by you  When discussing lab projects for this course  Leave conversation with memories only  Wait 15+ minutes before starting on your own  Solutions always unique after waiting  Step away from computer when discussing code  When in doubt, ask me

25 Course Website  Pages for course found on Angel  Handouts, slides, assignments posted before class  Can also find solutions after work is due  May not include everything said in class  Better than nothing, but worse than being here!

26 Textbook  Head First Design Patterns, Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Freeman, O’Reilly Media, 2004.  Additional readings linked from Angel pages  Available at local bookstores &  Covering most of this textbook

27 Read me that page, Daddy! -Shoshanna Hertz (at age 3)

28 Design Patterns  Grady Booch called them: One of greatest advances in past fifteen years  Booch popularized object-oriented design in 80’s  In last fifteen years, co-created UML in 1997  Agile Alliance founder (along with others)  Abstracts programs to go far beyond code  Popular for object-oriented systems: C#, C++, Java  PHP, Perl, ECMAscript use; commonly used on web  Drives modern scripted languages: Ruby, Groovy

29 Grady’s Words [C]ode is the ultimate truth, but not all the truth. There is […] a loss of information […] from vision to construction[…] Even though I may stare at some code, I do not have access to the rationale or the patterns that sweep across the […] code

30 For Next Lecture  Read pages 1 – 14 in the book  For next lecture: Describe 2 great & 2 lousy tools  What makes them great/bad?  Who were they made for?  How do they accomplish the job?  There is lab Friday  Only time you must attend the actual lab

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