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Opiates By Tim E.. 1.Opiates are derived from: A. Cannabis. B. Cocaine. C. Poppy flower heads. D. Poppy seeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Opiates By Tim E.. 1.Opiates are derived from: A. Cannabis. B. Cocaine. C. Poppy flower heads. D. Poppy seeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opiates By Tim E.

2 1.Opiates are derived from: A. Cannabis. B. Cocaine. C. Poppy flower heads. D. Poppy seeds.

3 Wrong Answer

4 Correct Answer The milky-dried sap from the flower head of the opium poppy is collected and purified into different forms of opiates. Mouse click to advance to the next slide.

5 2. Which is an opiate? A. Codeine. B. Heroin. C. Morphine. D. All of the above.

6 Wrong Answer

7 Correct Answer Both codeine and morphine are used for medical use as a painkiller. Mouse click to advance to the next slide.

8 3. Opiates are collected from which part of the plant: A. Flower. B. Leaves. C. Seed-head. D. Stem.

9 Wrong Answer

10 Correct Answer Morphine was one of the best weapons the North had over the South in the Civil War. It made amputations and other surgeries nearly painless. Mouse click to advance to the next slide.

11 4. “Chasing the dragon.” refers to using opiates how: A. Injection. B. Ingested. C. Smoked. D. Snorted.

12 Wrong Answer

13 Correct Answer Heroin is smoked by heating it with a lighter under a piece of foil. The fumes are then inhaled. Mouse click to advance to the next slide.

14 5. Opiates are classified as: A. Depressants. B. Hallucinogens. C. Stimulants. D. None of the above.

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17 6.Opiates cause feelings of: A. Hunger. B. Pain. C. Pleasure. D. Sexual drive.

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20 7. Which is the purest form of opiate: A. Codeine. B. Heroin. C. Morphine. D. Opium.

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23 8. Small heroin spoons are called: A. Dope spoons. B. Dragon spoons. C. Heroin spoons. D. Toot spoons.

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26 9. Cutting heroin means: A. Diluting it with water. B. Grinding it up into a powder. C. Mixing it with inert mater. D. Separating it into street-size packages.

27 Wrong Answer

28 Correct Answer Heroin is cut with many different cheap white powders which can be harmful when taken into the body with the drug. Mouse click to advance to the next slide.

29 10. Heroin can cause: A. Death. B. Increased sexual desire. C. Munchies. D. Physical pain.

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32 11. Opiates can be: A. Eaten. B. Injected. C. Smoked. D. All of the above.

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35 12. Heroin is also known as: A. A’s. B. Bennies. C. Dexies. D. Smack.

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38 13. Heroin is usually in which form: A. Liquid. B. Powder. C. Syringe. D. Tablet.

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41 14. Short-term effects of opiate use usually occur in: A. Fifteen-minutes. B. Five seconds. C. Immediately. D. One minute.

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44 15. Heroin is usually injected into a: A. Artery. B. Muscle. C. Under skin. D. Vein.

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47 16. In small amounts heroin causes heart rate to: A. Fall. B. Rise. C. Stay the same. D. Stop.

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50 17. How extreme is heroin dependence (Physical and Psychological) A. High. B. Low. C. Medium. D. None.

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53 18. Which is a risk unique to injecting heroin? A. Death. B. HIV infection. C. Trouble with the law. D. Unknown purity.

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56 19. Effects of opiates are affected by: A. Amount taken. B. Mental stability. C. Past drug experience. D. All of the above.

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59 20. Opiates cause A. Chills. B. Drooling. C. Increased Heart rate. D. Restlessness.

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