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Study of the Central Tracker for Huge Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe Kogakuin University The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the Central Tracker for Huge Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe Kogakuin University The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the Central Tracker for Huge Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe Kogakuin University The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider 9-12 November 2004, Taipei, Taiwan

2 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 2 Contents  Physics Requirements  TPC study with MPI TPC (MWPC)  Beam test w/o Magnetic Field  Cosmic-ray test w/o Magnetic Field  GEM performance  Summary

3 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 3 Europe/Asia TPC collaboration  Europe  MPI  DESY  IPN Orsay  Asia  Chiba University  KEK  Kinki University  Kogakuin University  Mindanao State Univeristy  Saga University  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technorogy  University of Tokyo  University of Tsukuba

4 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 4 Conclusions of Last workshop  Most of R&D questions in Proof of Principle phase have been answered affirmatively. This means that original R&D goals are basically achieved.  Next phase is engineering design, which requires a full scale prototype test. or  We will seek for other possibilities. (e.g. TPC)

5 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 5 Present Situation  ITRP recommends “ Cold ” Technology (August, 2004)  Basically, requirements for Huge detector from physics are almost same.   Requirement for Main Tracker  Good recoil mass resolution  Good jet invariant mass resolution  Time stamping

6 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 6 Recoil Mass Resolution

7 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 7 Jet Invariant Mass Resolution  Good track-cluster matching  z  1mm  2-track separation better than 2mm < 10% hit loss at inner most layer for 250GeV W ’ s  not mentioned in this talk

8 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 8 Time Stamping Capability TESLANLC Repetition rate5Hz120Hz Bunches per train2820192 Bunch separation337ns1.4ns Train-length 950  s 260ns Train separation199ms8.3ms TESLANLC Repetition rate5Hz120Hz Bunches per train2820192 Bunch separation337ns1.4ns Train-length 950  s 260ns Train separation199ms8.3ms

9 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 9 Present Situation  ITRP recommends “ Cold ” Technology (August, 2004)  Basically, requirements for Huge detector from physics are almost same.   Requirement for Main Tracker  Good recoil mass resolution  Good jet invariant mass resolution  Time stamping

10 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 10 Position Resolution  TPC with micro pattern readout

11 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 11 TPC R&D item  Dispersion of charge cloud strongly depends on B- fields & drift length Beam test with Magnetic field MPGD sensor must provide better performance than wires do, but… We should define base line sensor for TPC using MWPC (for fallback option?)  2mm spacing with 1mm gap to cathodes  ExB effect should be smaller  Localize induced charge distribution on pads

12 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 12 JACCEE magnet (for BESS-II)  No Return Yoke  B = 1~1.2T @ center

13 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 13 PS beam line @ KEK PS East Counter Hall E391a experiment (K L →  0 )  2 line    0.6-4GeV/c   p about 20m a few percent effect of magnetic field Magnet excitation was limited only one time

14 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 14  beam line TPC in JACCEE magnet Beam

15 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 15  Detachable endplate  MWPC  MPGD (GEM,  MEGAS)  2.00mm x 6.00mm readout pads  32pads x 12 rows  7padrows equipped  2mm anode-wire spacing  Small wire angular (ExB) effect  Maximal drift length: 270mm  1atm Ar:CH 4 :CO 2 (93:5:2) TDR gas  V drift = 45mm/  s (E drift =200V/cm) MPI TPC Field Cage (V cathod =  6kV) wire charge pad 1mm

16 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 16 JACCEE magnet  No Return Yoke  B = 1~1.2T @ center

17 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 17 Electronics  ALEPH based readout electronics  FASTBUS FADC: 80ns time slot  Pre-amplifier: 500ns shaping time

18 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 18 Typical Event   B = 1T p = 4GeV/c  =  20deg

19 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 19 Pad Response Function X pad -X track (mm) Normalized Q i 1 0 Slice on x axis obtain the mean fit them With Gaussian to get width B = 0T Along z every 10mm by Kijima

20 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 20 Parameterization of  PRF consistent by Kijima

21 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 21  x as a function of drift distance preliminary not calibrated not corrected N e ~25!? by Ikematsu

22 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 22  x as a function of drift distance  C D ~0.1mm/sqrt{cm} @ B=3T (D.Karlen ’ s Cal.&Mes.)  x ~ 280  m @ 2000mm evenif  geom =0  m  Do calibration and correction  Needs gas study  Study why Ne is small (charge screening?)

23 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 23  z as a function of drift distance preliminary   z <800  m for all drift region not calibrated not corrected by Ikematsu

24 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 24 Wire Angular (ExB) Eff.  x as a function of track-wire angle w/ B-field 1T by Ikematsu

25 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 25 Next Step  Cosmic-ray test at the KEK Cryogenic Center

26 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 26 Cosmic-ray test @ the KEK CC Superconducting magnet with return yoke

27 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 27 Next Step  Cosmic-ray test at the KEK Cryogenic Center  MWPC (now suspended because of DAQ problems)  4 layers GEM (from December?)

28 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 28 GEM  bi-conical holes due to chemical etching( CERN, 3M )  Copper electrodes  5um thick  Kapton insulator  CNS@Tokyo univ. + Fuchigami Micro Co.  using Plasma etching -> straight holes  Need Comparison under realistic operation condition !!

29 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 29 CERN GEM & Fuchigami GEM  CERN GEM  dark ring around hole shows Kapton insulator  Fuchigami GEM  straight hall Photos by microscope

30 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 30 GEM readout

31 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 31 GEM beam test  Same time with MPI-TPC w/ MWPC  No Magnetic Field  P-10 gas Test Chamber

32 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 32 Setup 23.5mm 1.5mm V G-G = 2kV/cm V G-P = 3kV/cm Drift region GEM 10M  V GEM 10,30,50M  1mm Readout pads (same with MPI-TPC)

33 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 33 PRF of GEM  Electrons from track (around center of pad) went to only one pad   2mm is too large? Normarized Q x pad  x track Pad Response Function by Sakamoto

34 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 34 Next Step  Cosmic-ray test at the KEK Cryogenic Center  MWPC (now suspended because of DAQ problems)  4 layers GEM (from December?)  Beam test at the KEK-PS Counter Hall (April/May, 2005?)  4 layers GEM   MEGAS  Cosmic-ray test with new readout (summer 2005?)

35 The 7th ACFA Workshop on Physics & Detector at the Linear Collider Takashi Watanabe (Kogakuin University) 35 Summary  We joined the world TPC club and studied the basic line using MPI-TPC w/ MWPC.  We have a lot of study items for TPC w/ MPGD (but we have no enough time).  We are always waiting your comments and joining to our group.

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