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IAN page 37 Atomic History Main Ideas 1. Democritus (13) 2. John Dalton (14) 3. Atomic Theories 4. JJ Thompson (15) 5. Cathode Ray Objective Identify &

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Presentation on theme: "IAN page 37 Atomic History Main Ideas 1. Democritus (13) 2. John Dalton (14) 3. Atomic Theories 4. JJ Thompson (15) 5. Cathode Ray Objective Identify &"— Presentation transcript:

1 IAN page 37 Atomic History Main Ideas 1. Democritus (13) 2. John Dalton (14) 3. Atomic Theories 4. JJ Thompson (15) 5. Cathode Ray Objective Identify & Interpret Atomic History by using notes & diagrams on IAN pgs. 38-39 to write a Schafer summary including all of the main ideas.

2 A. Democritus (460-400 B.C.) all matter was made up of tiny pieces called "atomos"-- which is Greek for " that which cannot be broken down or further cut " Science went into a time of stagnation "the dark ages" 460 B.C. – 400 B.C. I. Theories about the Atom Aristotle (384 B.C.- 322 B.C) disagreed with Democritus, he proposed that matter was uniform throughout and not composed of smaller particles.

3 B. John Dalton (1766 - 1844) English scientist, proposed his atomic theories in 1808. 1766 - 1844

4 a. Elements are composed of tiny, discrete and indestructible particles called atoms. b. Atoms of the same element are identical. c. Atoms join with other atoms to make other substances. (Molecules)

5 Divide page 36 of your IAN into 3 ATOMIC MODELS

6 Solid Sphere Model

7 1. In 1897 JJ Thomson (1856 – 1940) discovered that atoms contain tiny, negatively charged particles called electrons. Cathode Ray Experiments. (1856 - 1940)

8 Negatively Charged Beam of electrons Positively charge plates Vacuum Glass Tube

9 PLUM PUDDING MODEL Positive Matter Electrons

10 2. The Electron has a mass of 9X10 -31 kg or one million millionth of the mass of a speck of dust..00000000000000000000000000000009 g

11 Positive Matter a. Thomson still did not identify how electrons moved around? b. Or where the positively charged particles were? (the charge of an atom is neutral) Electrons

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