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Energy in Our Life. Miroslav Hruška Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy in Our Life. Miroslav Hruška Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy in Our Life

2 Miroslav Hruška Czech Republic

3 Our school

4 Electromagnetic radiation …is a form of ENERGY

5 Forms of E-M radiation radio waves microwaves infrared radiation visible radiation (light) ultraviolet radiation X-rays gamma rays

6 Electromagnetic waves wavelength - in metres frequency - in hertz


8 Wave formula wave speed = = frequency x wavelength c = 300,000,000 m/s the higher frequency the lower wavelength

9 Differences in sources in penetrability in impact on people in use

10 Radio waves

11 Microwaves - oven

12 Microwaves - communication

13 Microwaves - radar

14 Thermal radiation infrared radiation visible radiation = light ultraviolet radiation

15 Thermal radiation - sources Sun and other stars light bulb hot oven infrared heater melting iron hot lava

16 Thermal radiation formula The hotter a body is, the shorter wavelengths it emits, and the more energy it looses.

17 Infrared radiation - use thermography night vision infrared heating remote control

18 Infrared radiation - thermography

19 Infrared radiation – night vision

20 Infrared heating

21 Infrared photography

22 Light from 390 nm to 790 nm

23 Light spectrum prism  spectrum

24 Light - spectroscopy spectral analysis => chemical composition

25 Laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

26 Laser – optical recording CDred laser 780 nm DVDred-orange 650 nm Blu-ray“blue” (violet) 405 nm

27 UV radiation UVA 315-390 nm UVB 280-315 nm UVC 100-280 nm

28 UV radiation


30 X-rays


32 Gamma rays


34 Gamma rays – in medicine

35 Thank you!

36 Electromagnetic radiation © Miroslav Hruška, 2012

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