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Remote Sensing Technique on food production and land use change 金沢工業大学 環境・建築学部 環境土木工学科 教授 徳永光晴 Mitsuharu Tokunaga Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Sensing Technique on food production and land use change 金沢工業大学 環境・建築学部 環境土木工学科 教授 徳永光晴 Mitsuharu Tokunaga Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Sensing Technique on food production and land use change 金沢工業大学 環境・建築学部 環境土木工学科 教授 徳永光晴 Mitsuharu Tokunaga Civil and Environmental Engineering Kanazawa Institute of Technology

2 Fundamental of Remote Sensing Measured Value Reflection, Absorption and Emission of electro-magnetic wave on ground surface platform sensor the sun atmosphere object reflection emission clear river water turbid river water vegetation silty clay soil musky soil 20 40 60 80 0 0.4 0.8 1.21.6 2.0 2.4 wavelength (  m) Spectral reflectance Platform Satellite: wide area / repeat observation / over cloud Low resolution, frequently resolution for the earth environmental observations. High and moderate resolution, pointing observ. for region Mid-range platform: come up with platform / narrow area / under cloud

3 Observed Physical attribute and Applications NDVI -> Protein -> Harvest time RS data Model Physical attribute Temperature Soil Moisture others Irrigation, Elevation & GIS-> Suitable land use Compare Land use change Based on RS raw data Classify Land cover birch pine fir wavelength (  m) percent reflectance 0.4 0.9 10 20 30 40 50 60 0

4 Platform (ground resolution, observation opportunity) Spaceborne Remote Sensing (Satellite) Airborne Remote Sensing (airplane, helicopter and autonomous radio control heli ) GeoEye, commercial satellite PA 0.41m MS 1.64m 11 recurrence days, 2-3 days on skew pointing ALOS Japanese governmental satellite PA 2.5m MS 10m 46 recurrence days, 2 days on skew pointing depend on sensor and flying height, mm – cm order observation on demand Growth of vegetations auto flying using IMU and GPS

5 Required specification on food and land use Current Can Soil Moisture is measured? Yes under study, 0-0.6g/cm3, RMS0.043g/cm3, 10Km resolution Can RS detect polluted land? depend on situations Remote Sensing is a useful tool to monitor land use and land change on ground surface under limitation of parameters. RS data should be taken by area size, resolution, physical value, density. New satellites and sensors are coming up. mid-range platform is also. What specification is required on food production and land use? Parameters Spacial Information:Ground Resolution, Positioning accuracy, Observation area, Stereoscopy Frequency of observation:Band width, band numbers Spectral characteristics:pointing, multiple satellite operation

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