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Combustion Catalyst Renergi The MERGI effect Manufactured by:

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Presentation on theme: "Combustion Catalyst Renergi The MERGI effect Manufactured by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combustion Catalyst Renergi The MERGI effect Manufactured by:

2 Combustion Catalyst MERGI Fuel Additive Ignition Catalyst Disperse Stabilize Reduces Ignition Delay Gradually Burning Pre Injection Pre Combustion The MERGI effect Fuel

3 Fuel High demand for “light” fuels: gas, petrol.. Availability of HFO Straight Distillate – HFO Blends + Deterioration of Marine Fuel Reduction of the willingness to ignite

4 Combustion Smallest Particles Largest Surface of Droplets Air Fuel Mechanical Solutions: Turbo Blower Increase Injection Pressure 400-2000 bar

5 Fuel Problems = Asphaltenes Polar Vanadium empowers the polarity Building of agglomerates of asphaltenes Agglomerates are hard to reverse Let's look at some models and lab tests

6 Single asphaltene

7 Four asphaltenes building up to an agglomerate

8 Disperse Asphaltenes Reduce Polarity Avoid Asphaltenes building up to an agglomerate Excellent dispersing aromatics are Toluene Benzene Let's see the results in a Lab-Test

9 Before After Lab test dispersing Asphaltenes

10 MERGI’S FUNCTION As an additive Dispersing Asphaltenes Keeping them separated As a catalyst Reduction of ignition delay Catalysts: Metal versus Organic

11 InjectionTimeIgnition Ignition Delay Reduction of Ignition Delay

12 Catalysts - different types Metal Catalysts Iron, Fe. Zinc, Zn. Copper, Cu. Aluminum, AL. Magnesium, Mg. Carcinogenic Galvanizing Electrolytic Spoils Pumps Effects ? Disadvantages of metal catalysts Reversing Environment

13 Catalysts - different types Organic Catalyst [-O-H] & [-O-N] Nitrates [-O-N] Chemical Soot Blowing Producing NOx [-O-H] Structures Xylitol: HO-CH-(CH-OH)3-CH2-OH MERGI uses………………………… Free Radicals Secret

14 Reducing Ignition Delay Scientific Data (Constant Volume Bomb) Diesel Oil 10 % Ignition Delay Reduction HFO 8.8 % Ignition Delay Reduction

15 InjectionTimeIgnition Ignition Delay Reduction of Ignition Delay MERGI Gas Oil 10% HFO 8.8%

16 Reduction Ignition Delay f(P,T) = Ignition, Combustion Slow Steaming: dP/dt and dT/dt low 80% Load: dP/dt and dT/dt optimum Reduction of ignition delay strong effect on Combustion Specific fuel consumption Test on M/V Esso Slagen

17 Reduction SFC & Soot Test on MT Esso Slagen

18 Specific Fuel Consumption Marintek “A reduction of the ignition delay will generally be beneficial and should result in a more efficient and complete combustion.” Effect on Fuel Consumption

19 Fuel Consumption Reduction DNV Rapport No 85-6115 Fuel Oil Consumption Tests - M/T “VINGA” “The specific fuel consumption of the engines was reduced with 4% when the combustion catalyst MERGI was applied”

20 Fuel Consumption Reduction Aboitiz Jebsen, Fuel Management Dep. MV “MILLENIUM DRAGON”, MV “MILLENIUM EAGLE” MV “MILLENIUM TIGER” 6.2% -8.0% reduction in the specific fuel oil consumption

21 Aboitiz Jebsen The Millennium vessels – 3 sister vessels

22 TAXI Amsterdam Blind test

23 Norwegian Army Vestre Oslofjord Forsvarsdistrikt

24 IHI Sulzer 9RTA84 C 40,000 BHP @ 89 RPM Fuel 380 cSt Fuel consumption 120 Tons/Day Clogging up of Nozzle rings with carbon residue, 1.5-3 mm Maintenance interval turbines ≤ 4000 hours Maintenance Reduction P&O Nedlloyd MV Oriental Bay

25 Nozzle Ring - M/V Oriental Bay Dec 4, 1998

26 Nozzle Ring - M/V Oriental Bay March 22, 1999 December, 1999

27 Nozzle Ring - M/V Oriental Bay

28 P&O Nedlloyd Results Maintenance intervals < 4000 hours Maintenance intervals = 15000 hours.

29 Results during operation P&O Nedlloyd M/V Bremer Reeder InfoInfo M/V Stolt Sunrise InfoInfo J.P. Pedersen & Son

30 Soot CO HC NO x Emission reduction

31 Wroclaw University of Technology Soot reduction

32 Wroclaw University of Technology CO reduction

33 Wroclaw University of Technology NO x reduction

34 NO x Normal Combustion Temp 1500 °C NO x when Temp > 2000 °C Hot Spots

35 NO x Reduction - Gas Treatment Exhaust Gas Catalysator Reduction - Engine Twin Injection Injection with water Common Rail Fuel Injection Reduction - Fuel Reducing the ignition delay Combustion Catalyst MERGI

36 Maintenance Saving Fuel Saving Emission Reduction

37 Installation of MERGI Dosage Unit MERGI

38 MERGI Combustion Catalyst More questions? Decide Which vessels / engines do you have in mind?

39 Combustion Catalyst MERGI The fuel saving alone more than pays for the cost of using MERGI Complete Combustion gives: Less maintenance Fuel saving Reduction of CO, NOx,and HC Emissions

40 Combustion Catalyst MERGI Decide Which vessels / engines Start today We like to service you in reducing operational costs

41 Renergi

42 M/V Bremer Reeder Type of fuel : Diesel Oil. Immediately: clean exhaust and slow steaming was now possible. Changes during 7 weeks : cleaner boiler, rpm raised from 850 to 860. Cylinder temperature: decrease 10 dg. Changes next 6 weeks : cleaner filters, turbo pressure raised 1,75 - 2,0 bar. Max cylinder temp difference : now 15 dg, before 60 dg. Time between cleaning lube oil purifier slowly increased 100% Inspection of injectors : before 2000 h. After 6000 h. Lower fuel consumption. This mainly because it was now possible to run the engine at any load without having soot problems. Back

43 Test on MT Esso Slagen

44 Back Wroclaw - investigation Exhaust Gas Temperature Reduction

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