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Enhancements  Expanded fire safety and evacuation plan requirements  Periodic testing and inspection for sprinkler, standpipe and fire alarm systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancements  Expanded fire safety and evacuation plan requirements  Periodic testing and inspection for sprinkler, standpipe and fire alarm systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancements  Expanded fire safety and evacuation plan requirements  Periodic testing and inspection for sprinkler, standpipe and fire alarm systems (NFPA standards)  Fire apparatus access roads  Construction site fire safety manager  Enforcement of industry standards

2  Subject to the approval of fire code official, the use or occupancy of an existing structure shall be allowed to be changed and occupied for purposes in other groups without conforming to all the requirements of this code and the International Building Code for those groups, provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.

3  IFC Section 102.5 now specifies that requirements for fire department access roadways, fire protection water supplies, premises addressing and similar provisions are applicable to IRC regulated buildings.  Administrative, operational and maintenance provisions are also applicable.

4  The codes and standards referenced in this code and any subsequent revisions or amendments to the referenced codes and standards thereto, shall be those that are listed in Chapter 47 and as such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference.  When differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply.

5  Section 104.9.1 requires that research reports or tests used as a design basis be submitted to the fire code official for review and approval.  When test results are submitted, they require the basis for testing (i.e., relevant ASTM or ANSI test standards).  If an approved standard is not available, the fire code official must approve the test method.  This proposal does not address proprietary data that may be subject to FOIA requests.

6  The issuance or granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction.  Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid.  The issuance of a permit based on construction documents and other data shall not prevent the fire code official from requiring the correction of errors in the construction documents and other data.  Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance by the fire code official, as evidenced by the issuance of a new or amended permit.

7  This new section addresses requirements for notifying fire code officials of inspections and maintaining the area of interest accessible.  Section 106.2.2 sets forth provisions for systems that require progressive inspections (e.g., installation of an automatic sprinkler system).

8  Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters, or repairs a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the building official or of the fire official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties in accordance with Chapter 1 of the Mobile City Code.  Violation of the provisions of the 2009 International Fire Code (IFC) shall be subject to $250.00 fine unless otherwise listed below:  Working without proper license, certifications or permit. $500.00  Interference with a fire code official. $100.00

9  The 2009 IFC requires automatic sprinkler protection in a AHCF fire area and an automatic smoke detection system with occupant notification throughout the building.  Sprinkler protection is only required in the Group B AHCF fire area. If located above or below the grade plane, sprinkler protection is also required at the level of exit discharge.

10  A child care facility that provides care for more than five but no more than 100 children 2 ½ years or less of age.  where the rooms with which the children are cared for are located on a level of exit discharge (first floor) serving such rooms has an exit door directly to the exterior, shall be classified as Group E Occupancy.  If all conditions listed above for child care are not met the child care facility shall be classified as Group I-4.

11  Open flame, fire and burning in Group R occupancies shall comply with the requirements of Sections 308.1 through 308.1.6.3 and 308.4.1.  The management of multi-family residential occupancies which have balconies, decks, or patios shall notify their tenants in writing of the prohibitions of open flame cooking devices on balconies as outlined in 308.1.4 of this code when the tenant or occupant initially occupies the building and periodically thereafter as may be necessary to ensure compliance.

12  Section 403.3 now requires a crowd manager for events where more than 1,000 persons congregate.  When an event or venue has more than 1,000 persons in congregation, Section 403.3 specifies that one crowd manager be provided for each 250 individuals.  Can be reduced by the Fire Code Official if in sprinklered building.

13  Building lockdown plans requires the fire code official’s approval and must contain specific procedures.  Section 404.3.3.1 requires the plan to establish procedures for:  Plan initiation  Accountability of occupants  Plan recall  Communication and coordination  Training frequency A lockdown plan is applied when normal evacuation would put occupants in risk.  Section 404.3.3.3 requires that the means of communicating during the lockdown be separate and distinct from fire alarm signals.

14  Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained in accordance with:  Appendix D FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS Section D102.1 Access and loading.  Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road with asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighting at least 75,000 pounds.

15  Section 503.5 contains new requirements for automatically operated gates installed across fire department access roads that require compliance with UL and ASTM standards for gate design, construction and installation.  The provisions were developed to improve gate reliability when access is required and to reduce the potential for injury or death resulting from entanglement or entrapment.

16  All buildings with fire alarm and fire protection sprinkler systems are required to install an approved key box for rapid fire department entry into the building.  All buildings requiring a fire department inspection for Certificate of Occupancy (CO) will require an approved key box.  Entry keys/cards to all parts of the building are required to be placed in the key box and shall be maintained in accordance to 506.2.

17  New requirements in Section 510 address the signal coverage and strength of public safety radio systems in new and existing buildings.  Coverage is deemed acceptable when the strength and location of signal transmitted outside of and received inside of buildings equals or exceeds code specified limits.

18  Section 510.1 permits the installation an approved wired communication system in lieu of an approved in- building amplification system.  Section 510.3 requires approved coverage in all buildings without any exemptions.

19 Section 603.3.2 now permits up to 3,000 gallon of Class II or IIIA fuel oil inside of buildings supplying fuel-fired equipment.  A Protected AST (PAST) must be used and located on a level that is protected by automatic sprinklers.  The PAST cannot be located more than 2 levels below grade.

20  Section 603.4.2 sets forth new requirements for portable outdoor gas-fired heating appliances.  Heaters must be constructed to ANSI Z83.26, Standard for Gas-Fired Outdoor Infrared Patio Heaters and specific IFC requirements.  Prohibited locations  Minimum clearances to buildings and combustible materials  The location of heaters in relation to exits  Installation and maintenance  Storage and exchange of fuel gas cylinders

21  Section 604.2.14.3 now requires electrically powered fire pumps in high-rise buildings be connected to an emergency power branch circuit.  The NFPA 20 fuel duration requirements for engine driven generators serving electrically powered fire pumps are more restrictive when compared to the IFC requirements.

22  Section 609.3 sets forth requirements for the operation and maintenance of commercial cooking equipment that include cleaning frequencies based on the type of cooking operations.  This section requires qualified individuals to perform an inspection of cleaned Type I hoods.  These new requirements are independent of the requirement in Section 904.11.6.1 which specify a 6 month inspection frequency for fire extinguishing systems protecting commercial cooking operations.

23  A high rise building with an occupied floor over 120 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access now requires a dedicated elevator for use by the fire service.  The elevator is required to have direct access to an exit enclosure.  The elevator lobby requires a minimum 1-hour smoke barrier.

24  Access to the building’s Class I standpipe is required between the elevator lobby and the exit enclosure.  A means of monitoring the elevator from the fire command center is required. Monitoring is accomplished using a Standard Emergency Service Interface in accordance with NFPA 72.  Power conductors serving the elevator shall be protected by a minimum 1-hour shaft or through the use of circuit integrity cables.

25  Before requesting final approval of the installation, the installing contractor shall furnish a written statement to the Bureau of Fire Prevention that the subject fire protection system has been installed in accordance with approved plans and has been tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and the appropriate installation standard.  Any deviations from the design standards shall be noted and copies of the approvals for such deviations shall be attached to the written statement.

26  Automatic sprinkler system, standpipe systems and fire alarm system contractors shall be certified by the Alabama State Fire Marshal’s Office before applying for permission to perform work on these systems within the City’s jurisdiction.  All other fire protection system contractors shall submit proof of certification from the fire protection system’s manufacturer to perform work on those systems.  The fire protection system permit requirements does not relieve the permitted of additional qualifications and permits required from other adopted codes and ordinances.

27  Group E occupancies greater than 12,000sf require sprinkler systems. (formerly 20,000sf)  Every portion of Group E occupancies below the level of exit discharge (basements) require fire sprinklers, regardless of size.

28  903.2.7 will now require Group M occupancies that display or sell upholstered furniture be protected by an automatic sprinkler system.  These provisions do not apply to retailers of mattresses and box springs or furniture that is not upholstered.  Mattresses and box springs are not considered furniture under 16 CFR Part 1633.

29  The dwelling fire sprinkler system is a life-safety system. It is not designed for property protection.  A dwelling fire sprinkler system is not required when a dwelling is altered or renovated.  The design can utilize the prescriptive requirements in Section P2904 or NFPA 13D as an alternative design.  Alabama HB264 prohibits adopting an ordinance requiring residential sprinkler systems.

30  Alabama HB264: Prohibits any entity from requiring fire sprinklers in one- and two-family homes. Status: Amended to remove Code Board's "advisory status" to "sole authority" with regards to adoption, implementation, and revision of the code. Committee substitute for HB264 adopts the 2006 edition of the IRC and prohibits communities from adopting home fire sprinkler requirements. Passed and signed by governor. HB264

31  Section 903.6.2 retroactively requires the installation of automatic sprinkler protection in all Group I-2 occupancies (medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing or custodial care is provided on a 24-hour basis).  Sprinklers are required on the floor housing the Group I- 2 occupancy and floors between the Group I-2 occupancy and the level of exit discharge.

32  The requirements in Section 907 were completely reorganized and aligned with the requirements in NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.  The IFC now explicitly states when occupant notification is required.  Fire safety requirements are also correlated to NFPA 72.

33  Section 907.2 allows the elimination of all but one manual fire alarm box in buildings protected by NFPA 13 or 13R sprinkler systems.  The single manual fire alarm box must be located so it is not publicly accessible.  Where other sections of this code allow elimination of fire alarm boxes due to sprinklers, a single box shall be installed.

34  Locking caps are required on fire department connections for water-based fire protection systems  Exception: The FDC is located inside a security guard- maintained, fenced facility and the Bureau of Fire Prevention has approved the site.

35  The fire pump, driver, and controller shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 20 and the electrical code against possible interruption of service through damage caused by:  explosion, fire, flood, earthquake, rodents, insects, windstorm, freezing, vandalism and other diverse conditions.  All electric fire pumps shall require an emergency generator for an alternate source of power.

36  Section 913.2.1 now correlate the NFPA 20 requirements for the protection of fire pumps with the IFC and IBC.  The provisions are based on the building height or if a fire pump unit is located outdoors.  High-rise building: 2-hour horizontal and vertical separation  Non-high rise building: 1-hour horizontal and vertical separation  Outdoor pump unit: Minimum 50 feet from exposure building and protection from exposure hazards

37  There is no longer an allowance to decrease the required egress width of stairways, hallways, ramps, doorways, corridors, etc for having a fire sprinkler system installed.  Formerly, egress components were figured at.2 inches per occupant (stairways) and.15 inches per occupant for other egress components…..

38  For example:  1000 occupants in sprinkler protected auditorium used to required 200” of egress width on stairways, and 150” of egress width doorways. (two 8’+ stairways and four+ 36” doorways)  Now, the same auditorium would require 300” of stairway egress width and 200” of egress doorway width. (three+ 8’ stairways and five and ½ 36” egress doors)

39  With the exception of Group R-2 occupancies, IBC Section 1024 and IFC Section 4604.2 requires luminous egress path markings in exit enclosures of new and existing high-rise buildings.  These markings are intended to improve the visibility of stair treads, landings and handrails under normal and emergency conditions.

40  Section 1024.3 requires that luminous egress path markings be uniform in throughout the exit enclosure.  Markings are required along the leading edge of each stair step, at landings, and on handrails.  Markings are also required on door frames and door hardware.

41  To function properly, the luminous egress path markings must be exposed to a minimum light luminance level for a minimum period daily. These levels vary by manufacturer.  A key requirement is IBC Section 1024.3 which requires consistent and uniform dimensions of the marking system throughout the exit enclosure.

42  Section 1007.6.3 is a new provision that requires a means of two-way  communications for use by mobility –impaired individuals.  A communication means is required at each elevator lobby located one or more levels above or below the level of exit discharge.

43  The IBC and IFC now permits electromagnetically locked egress doors in limited occupancy groups.  The listed hardware must:  Be readily operable under all building lighting conditions  Be capable of being operated by one hand  Immediately release of the lock upon activation  Automatically unlock upon power loss

44  The IFC no longer allows a 400 foot exit access travel distance in Group F-1 and S-1 occupancies equipped with automatic sprinkler systems and smoke and heat vents.  This deletion resulted from the lack of understanding the interaction between smoke and heat vents and automatic sprinkler systems.

45  Section 1501.2 now addresses the applicability of the flammable finishes requirements when water based formulations are used.  Chapter 15 provisions are no longer applicable when:  The liquid does not exhibit a fire point when tested in accordance with ASTM D92  Any liquid with a flash point temperature >95°F in a water solution or dispersion containing more than 80% water by weight

46  Section 2204.4.1 now limits the volume of containers that can be filled with Class I, II or IIIA liquids at a fuel dispenser to a maximum 6 gallon volume.  If a larger container is desired, it must be listed. The listing standards published by UL or ASTM establish are limited to contains with a volume of 6 gallons or less.  This code change was a result of wheeled fuel containers designed for fuel dispensing or salvage. Some of these containers have volumes up to 30 gallons.

47  Requirements for the design, construction and maintenance of motor vehicle fuel- dispensing stations dispensing alcohol blended fuels are now specified in Section 2206.8.  ABFs contain at least 15% ethyl alcohol with the remainder being gasoline.  Equipment used for the storage and dispensing of ABFs must be compatible with ethanol.  ABFs can present a greater challenge to firefighters.

48  Section 2206.8 requires:  Any conversion of a fuel storage and dispensing system to ABF be approved by the fire code official.  The tank, dispenser, and nozzle are properly identified as being approved for ABF service.  Nozzles, hose swivels and breakaway connections are listed as being compliant with UL Subject 87A, Outline of Investigation for Power- Operated Dispensing Devices for Gasoline/Ethanol Blends with Ethanol Content Greater than 15 Percent.

49  Section 2703.2.1 was revised to now require pressure vessels used for the storage of hazardous materials be constructed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC).  This code change was in response to the 2006 fire & explosion at Marcus Oil Co. in Houston, TX. The incident was investigated by the United States Chemical Safety Investigation Board

50  Section 2703.9.10 now requires listed safety cans when these are used to increase the indoor MAQ of Class I, II and IIIA liquids.  Safety cans must meet UL 30 or Factory Mutual Global standards.  UL listings are limited to metallic cans  FM listings cover nonmetallic and metallic cans  Listed safety cans are not available for storing liquids with different physical hazards.

51  The permit holder shall furnish:  Proof of approval from the Alabama State Fire Marshal and  A certificate of liability insurance in the amount of one million dollars listing the City of Mobile as additional insured.

52  Section 3404.2.15 is a new section addressing maintenance of ASTs.  The provisions apply only to shop fabricated ASTs.  The provisions require ASTs, connected piping and ancillary equipment be maintained in a safe operating condition.

53  Home health care containers are limited to a volume of 15.8 gallons.  Containers cannot be located in egress paths, in areas subject to mechanical impact from falling objects or doors, or where they can be electrically energized.  Not more than 31.6 gallons (120L) are permitted in Group R occupancies.

54  Indoor trans-filling of LOX is permitted inside of dwellings.  The Bureau of Fire Prevention is authorized by the 2009 IFC to require identification of the residence or location using LOX for home health care.  The Bureau of Fire Prevention is authorized to require notification of LOX home health care locations

55  The new Chapter 45 establishes fire protection requirements for marinas.  Chapter 45 requirements address:  General precautions such as electrical equipment and identification of slips  Fire protection requirements  Fire department access and water supply  Marine motor vehicle fueldispensing stations

56  This a new chapter which is primary an accumulation of existing requirements from Chapters 7, 9 and 10.

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