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General Office Ergonomics VDT’s Chairs Workstation.

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Presentation on theme: "General Office Ergonomics VDT’s Chairs Workstation."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Office Ergonomics VDT’s Chairs Workstation


3 What is neutral positioning? Non-stressed postures Relaxed, right angles at –Knees, hips and elbows –Wrists straight rather than flexed (down) or extended (up) –Lower and upper back supported

4 Good Working Postures Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor. Head is level, or bent slightly forward, forward facing, and balanced. Generally it is in-line with the torso. Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally at the side of the body. Elbows stay in close to the body and are bent between 90 and 120 degrees. Feet are fully supported by floor or footrest. Back is fully supported with appropriate lumbar support when sitting vertical or leaning back slightly. Thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat and generally parallel to the floor. Knees are about the same height as the hips with the feet slightly forward.

5 Monitors Viewing Distance:20”-40” Viewing Angle:15-20 degrees below horizontal Viewing Time Viewing Clarity

6 Desks Work Surface Depth Location of Frequently Used Devices Should be Located in Repetitive Access Zone Recommended Zones for Workplace Components


8 Chairs Chairs should contain: 5-pronged swivel base with castors; Padded, height-adjustable seat pan with a rounded front edge, preferably adjustable from the seated position; Height- and tilt-adjustable back rest; Height-adjustable lumbar support; Height- and width-adjustable arm rests.

9 Chair Adjustment Pull chair away from workstation; Adjust height of seat pan so thighs are parallel with the floor and feet are flat on the floor; Use foot rest if necessary; Adjust the height of the back rest so that it supports the lower portion of the back;

10 Chair Adjustment Adjust back rest to enable a 5-10 degree backward tilt; While seated comfortably, arm rests should gently support the arms, and should be adjusted for width so leaning to the side is not required.

11 Keyboard Adjustment With fingers on the home row of the keyboard, adjust keyboard height so forearms are parallel with the floor. Use a wrist rest to support the hands and wrists in a neutral position during rest periods while keying.

12 Keyboard Accessories Ensure that the keyboard tray is wide enough to accommodate a mouse to enable a neutral posture during mouse use.

13 General Workstation Requirements Ensure adequate leg room. Ensure adequate space for documents, holders, and supplies. Place frequently-used items nearest the operator.

14 General Recommendations Properly adjust workstation Alternate work activities. Take micro-breaks lasting 2-5 seconds every twenty minutes: looking at a distant object. Take mini-breaks lasting a few minutes every 30-60 minutes: getting a drink, making a phone call, filing

15 Citation Slides 2-7 come from: Burkett, Guy, “Office Ergonomics 2005” Powerpoint presentation. College of the Mainland. 2005

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