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Bent Balthzer Sørensen Copenhagen Police HATECRIMES December 2011.

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1 Bent Balthzer Sørensen Copenhagen Police HATECRIMES December 2011

2 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi EU has initiated the project ”Tracing and Tackling Hate Crimes against LGBT’s”, this project included registering hate crimes and training of the police force in seven countries including Denmark. Dansk Institut for Menneskerettigheder (The Danish Institute for Human Rights) was responsible for the implementation for the project in Denmark. After cooperation with the Danish Chief of Police, The Criminal Investigation Department of Station City in Copenhagen was chosen as the affiliate. The target of CIDs for the training was those, who were likely to get in contact with the people reporting hate crimes, including during events like Pride Brigade and Outgames.

3 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi 3 phases was planned for the implementation of the project: 1.Training of police. (“Tracing and Tackling Hate Crimes Against LGBTs, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, and LGBT and Police in the seven countries in the program. 2.Explanation of Hate Crimes. (Danish Institute for Human Rights). 3.A large scale campaign with the message ‘Stop Hate Crimes” (Copenhagen Police, Municipality of Copenhagen, Municipality of Frederiksberg and The Danish Institute for Human Rights).

4 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi The training of police in the first part of the implementation of the project was planned by Project Manager Garly Andersen and I. It was planned as a 2 day seminar, with training of approximately 20 experienced Criminal Investigators. To have peace and to be able to concentrate on the subject, the training was deliberately placed at the Danish Institute for Human Rights and not at the police station. The training was done in August 2010 and included the following:

5 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi Danish law and definition of Hate Crimes. Introduction to the law, Penal Code §81,6 and 266b. Hate Crimes against different groups (LGBT terminology). Presentation of national statistics. Why is focusing Hate Crimes important? Psychological consequences of Hate Crime (To be attacked because of what you are)

6 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi What do we know about Hate Crimes? Where does Hate Crimes happen? What are the motives for Hate Crimes? Hate Crimes towards LGBT persons in Denmark Experiences from abroad: Great Britain’s effort with LGBT crimes. “The Swedish model”, Cases, numbers and practices.

7 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi Investigation of Hate Crimes at Copenhagen Police Station City. The good investigation. What needs to be included in reporting a Hate Crime. Identification of Hate Crimes. What in particular does the police need to remember. What is the important for the prosecution if they are to raise the charge from normal assault to LGBT assault? Finally introduction to the database for registering Hate Crimes.

8 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi These persons participated in the training of the Criminal Investigators: British Police Swedish Police Danish Police The Danish Prosecution. Consultants from Cowi, who developed the database for registering Hate Crimes The Danish Institute for Human Righs.

9 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi The training was positively evaluated and was later used as basis for the education of Criminal Investigators in the 12 police districts of Denmark. PET (Police secret Service) and Institute for Human Rights are responsible for the training. PET is a relevant partner, because they are responsible for the control of and registering of Hate Crime cases in Denmark. This training has been reduced to a 1 day intensive training, which apart from the above also includes how the Prosecutor deals with LGBT case and that the Attorney General recently revised the guidelines for treating Hate Crime cases. It is also stressed how the victim / or person contacting the police experience this first contact. The police has made an Action Card, which is a list of things to remember when receiving a report of a Hate Crime. This Action Card is included in the training.

10 1. OPT Bent Balthzer Sørensen Københavns Politi Based on the feedback from the LGBT community, it is the opinion of the police, that the relationship of trust has been strengthened and the LGBT community are increasingly feeling, that the police is taking them seriously. The police have strengthened the internal joint attitude that this is a task, which has to be solved in the best possible fashion. This was a description of ‘our’ way to progress from European Standard to Danish Standard.

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