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Lecturer Michael S. McCorquodale Authors Michael S. McCorquodale, Mei Kim Ding, and Richard B. Brown Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Stable Clock.

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1 Lecturer Michael S. McCorquodale Authors Michael S. McCorquodale, Mei Kim Ding, and Richard B. Brown Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Stable Clock Synthesis Solid State Electronics Laboratory Center for Wireless Integrated Microsystems (WIMS) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI USA 48109-2122 International Conference on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Sharjah, U.A.E., 2003

2 2 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Lecture Overview Overview of Clock Synthesis Effects of Frequency Translation on Frequency Stability Top-Down and Bottom-Up Synthesis Application Design and Simulation Results Conclusions and Future Work OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

3 3 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Clock Synthesis The clock is arguably the most significant signal in any synchronous system Harmonic quartz XTAL reference + PLL is the ubiquitous approach –High accuracy and stability –Broad range of output frequencies Drawbacks –Discrete components required (not monolithic) –PLL power and area –Systemic short-term stability degradation (to be presented) Challenges in developing an alternative (possibly monolithic) approach –Accuracy and stability –Monolithic reference (typically low- Q ) OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

4 4 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Short-Term Frequency Stability Metrics Phase Noise: Power relative to fundamental at some offset f m f fofo P fmfm Period Jitter:  of the position of the next edge relative to the ideal Ideal Period Period Jitter tktk t k+1 OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

5 5 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Frequency Multiplication and Division Phase and frequency are related by a linear operator: Frequency mult./div. results in phase noise mult./div.: Using narrowband FM approximation: Linear freq. translation results in quadratic change in noise power Overview Freq. Trans. SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

6 6 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Converting Phase Noise to Period Jitter Typically  f o 2 c called corner or line width: select f m above the corner and below f o Lorentzian implies absence of flicker noise (slope must be 20dB/dec) The SSB phase noise PSD can be represented by a Lorentzian function: fmfm 20dB/dec Which can be approximated for: Using the above: OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

7 7 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Frequency Translation and Jitter Using phase noise conversion expression, determine jitter: Considering fractional, or ppm, jitter: Frequency translation also enhances and degrades jitter OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

8 8 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Relationship with Quality-Factor Leeson model: Q -factor quadratically related to phase noise Q -factor is one of the most significant metrics indicating stability Typical quartz XTAL Q on the order of 10,000 Frequency translation also quadratically related to phase noise Consider effective Q -factor modification due to freq. translation If N div N mult > Q mult /Q div then divided signal more stable Assumption: oscillator power and noise factor are the same N mult for XTAL+ PLL up to 4096: high- Q, but large degradation Leeson Phase Noise Model OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

9 9 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Frequency Translation Summary Variable/Metric Reference Oscillator Frequency Multiplication Frequency Division Output Frequency (Hz) f ref Nf ref f ref /N SSB Phase Noise PSD (dBc/Hz) Period Jitter (s) J Relative Period Jitter (ppm) J ppm OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

10 10 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) A Bottom-Up Approach ÷N Nf ref LPF v ctrl f ref CPPFD Quartz XTAL reference oscillator + PLL The signal that actually drives the processor is a frequency multiplied (and degraded) image of the reference OverviewFreq. Trans. Synthesis ApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

11 11 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) A Top-Down Approach ÷N f ref f ref N A harmonic LC (and monolithic) RF reference The signal that actually drives the processor is a frequency divided (and enhanced) image of the reference LC reference also provides good accuracy as compared to ring or relaxation approach OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

12 12 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Application Test Bench Intel SA-1110 –3.6864MHz XTAL reference + PLL –~200MHz max output frequency Bottom-up Approach –3.125MHz XTAL, Q = 10,000 –Output = 200MHz, N = 64 Top-down Approach –3.2GHz reference, Q = 10 –Output = 200MHz, N = 16 All transistor design with TSMC 0.18 MM/RF OverviewFreq. Trans.Synthesis Application Design & Sim.ResultsConclusions

13 13 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Pierce Bottom-Up XTAL Reference OSC 30 1 50 1 389m4.79f 900 30p 7p 500k 3.125MHz XTAL reference Requires off-chip XTAL + 2 capacitors + 1 resistor XTAL lumped parameter model OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplication Design & Sim. ResultsConclusions

14 14 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Ring Bottom-Up VCO 4 0.18 2 0.18 4 0.18 2 0.18 4 0.18 2 0.18 bias from last stage 20-stage 200MHz current-starved ring VCO OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

15 15 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) A Bottom-Up System LPFPFD ÷N f ref Nf ref v ctrl CP Remainder of PLL modeled with Verilog-A OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

16 16 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) LC Top-Down Reference OSC 40 0.18 100 0.18 40 0.18 100 0.18 36 0.18 2nH bias 950fF 3.2GHz monolithic RF LC reference oscillator OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

17 17 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Top-Down System Implementation Entire system designed at the device level Each feedback flip-flop divides frequency by two OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions DFF Q Q D AMP + - 3.2GHz Q Q D Q Q D DFF Q D Q 200MHz

18 18 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Design and Simulation Bottom-up Approach –Phase noise for reference OSC and VCO simulated at device level –Device-level results modeled with Verilog-A –Entire PLL modeled with phase domain approach using Verilog-A Top-down Approach –Entire system simulated at the device level OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

19 19 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Bottom-Up Phase Noise Performance OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim. Results Conclusions

20 20 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Bounding PLL Phase Noise OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

21 21 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Top-Down Phase Noise Performance OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

22 22 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Performance Comparison Performance MetricBottom-Up SynthesisTop-Down Synthesis Application Frequency, f o (MHz) 200 Reference Oscillator Frequency, f ref (MHz) 3.1253,200 Multiplication/Division Factor, N 6416 Reference Oscillator Quality Factor, Q 10,00010 Reference Oscillator Phase Noise Density, ( N o / P o ) f m (dBc/Hz) -140.8dBc/Hz @ 10kHz-83dBc/Hz @ 10kHz Calculated Period Jitter at Reference from ( N o / P o ) f m @ 10kHz offset, J (fs) 2335.5 Calculated Relative Period Jitter at Reference, J ppm (ppm) 0.7318 Synthesizer Output Phase Noise Density, ( N o / P o ) f m (dBc/Hz) -104.6dBc/Hz @ 10kHz-106.8 @ 10kHz Calculated Period Jitter at Output from ( N o / P o ) f m @ 10kHz offset, J (fs) 2923 Calculated Relative Period Jitter at Output J ppm (ppm) 5.94.6 Phase Noise Density Accumulation/Reduction Factor, (dB) 36.2-23.8 Period Jitter Accumulation/Reduction Factor 0.124.2 Relative Period Jitter Accumulation/Reduction Factor 8.00.23 OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

23 23 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Conclusions and Future Work Frequency multiplication degrades short term stability and effectively reduces reference oscillator Q Frequency division enhances short-term stability and effectively increases reference oscillator Q Bottom-up approach requires reference XTAL OSC + PLL while top- down approach requires only reference OSC + divider For a common application, top-down approach provides comparable frequency stability to bottom-up approach, while being substantially simpler to implement Top-down approach facilitates monolithic integration Such a clock synthesis system has been developed and will be reported in the near future More sophisticated top-down architectures will be explored OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.Results Conclusions

24 24 NSF ERC for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) Conclusions and Future Work Questions? OverviewFreq. Trans.SynthesisApplicationDesign & Sim.ResultsConclusions

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