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ACR Systems Inc. ISO 9001 Registered World Class Data Loggers.

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Presentation on theme: "ACR Systems Inc. ISO 9001 Registered World Class Data Loggers."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACR Systems Inc. ISO 9001 Registered World Class Data Loggers

2 A Brief History, 1983 to Present  Started by Albert C. Rock  The original manufacturer of compact data loggers  Revolutionized the Chart Recorder Industry  Today, 28 people company  Occupying 12,500 square-foot premises in Surrey, Canada  World Wide Reseller Network  Shipments of around 10,000 Data Loggers per Year  More than 160 products  Dedicated to research and development (ensure that the company remains on the leading edge in the field of data logging).  Customer focus and dedication to quality ISO 9001 Registered

3 SmartReader Loggers Different modules are available to measure and record: –Temperature –Relative Humidity –Pressure –Electric Current –Process Signal –Pulse Features: –8 Bit A/D Converter –Quartz Crystal Clock –Lithium Battery ISO 9001 Registered

4 SmartReader Loggers Memory: –32 KB –Capacity to store up to 32,767 readings Enabling Channels: –Unused channels can be disabled to conserve memory Sampling Rates: –Can be set from 8 second to 5 day increments –One channel sampling at 1 minute intervals can record for 32,767 minutes Sampling Methods: –Continuous (First-in, First-out) –Stop when full ISO 9001 Registered

5 SmartReader Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Loggers have a 3 year warranty Batteries have a 10 year warranty

6 SmartReader Loggers ISO 9001 Registered SmartReader Network   Using the IC-200, a maximum of 8 loggers can be networked together

7 SmartReader Plus Loggers Features : –12 Bit A/D Converter –Quartz Crystal Clock –Lithium Battery Fast Read : –Record up to 25 data points per second with the use of an external power supply Alarm Capabilities: –Set high and/or low alarm thresholds which trigger:  External Alarm Module, or  Alarm-Dial-Out ISO 9001 Registered

8 SmartReader Plus Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Loggers have a 3 year warranty Batteries have a 10 year warranty

9 SmartReader Plus Loggers ISO 9001 Registered SmartReader Plus Network Using Y-connector and:   Unshielded cable: Maximum 3 Loggers   Shielded cable & Network Power Supply: Maximum 10 Loggers

10 Owl Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Different modules are available to measure and record: –Temperature –AC Current –DC Current –DC Voltage Features: –8 Bit A/D Converter –Single Channel, Configurable –Quartz Crystal Clock –Optical Data Transfer –Lithium Battery

11 Owl Loggers Memory : –32 KB –Capacity to store up to 32,767 readings Sampling Rates : –Can be set from 8 second to 12 hour increments –Fast Read Mode allows for samples every 0.2 seconds Sampling Methods : –Continuous (First-in, First-out) –Stop when full Alarm Capabilities : –Set high and/or low alarm thresholds –Optical port can be set to flash when alarm is triggered ISO 9001 Registered

12 Owl Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Loggers have a 3 year warranty Batteries have a 10 year warranty

13 Nautilus Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Waterproof Data Logger Single 8 Bit Channel Pressure Range up to 2000 P.S.I. Anodized Aluminum or Stainless Steel Nautilus85 Range:-40°C to 85°C Nautilus135 Range:10°C to 135°C

14 Nautilus Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Memory & Sampling: – –32KB of Memory – –Capable of storing up to 244,800 readings with data compression – –Sampling rates from 8 seconds to 34 minutes – –Continuous or FIFO Sampling – –Spot or Average Sampling – –Delayed Start Capabilities

15 Nautilus Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Battery and Logger have a 3 year warranty

16 JR-1000 Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Single 8-bit Temperature Channel Plugs directly into serial port without the need for an interface cable Operating Range:-40°C to 85°C Accuracy:±0.2 °C @ 25 °C Sampling Rates:8 seconds to 34 minutes 32KB of Memory – –Up to 244,800 readings when using compression

17 JR-1000 Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Also available in Intrinsically Safe version (JR-1000) Five year warranty under normal use

18 TRH-1000 Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Low-cost, easy-to-use data logger Two channels   Temperature   Relative Humidity 64KB of Memory at 8-bits of Resolution Sampling Methods:   First-In First-Out or Stop When Full   Delayed Start   Spot or Average Sampling rates from 8 seconds to 34 minutes

19 TRH-1000 Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Range: -40°C to 70°C 0 to 100% RH Five Year Warranty on Battery One Year Warranty on Logger

20 SmartButton Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Single Temperature Channel Data Logger with 8-bits of resolution 2KB of Memory for 2,048 readings Range :-10°C to 85°C Sampling Rates from 1 minute to 255 minutes Maximum start delay of 255 minutes Programmable alarm thresholds One year warranty

21 SmartButton Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Accuracy  -10 to 45°C (14 to 113°F)±1.0°C (1.8°F)  45.5 to 70°C (114 to 158°F)±1.5°C (2.7°F)  70.5 to 85°C (159 to 185°F)±2.5°C (4.5°F)

22 PowerWatch Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Event triggered recordings 32KB of Memory Store up to 4000 events – –Sags – –Surges – –Impulses – –Outages – –Frequency variations Optical Interface Built-in EMI and RFI protection

23 PowerWatch Loggers ISO 9001 Registered Operating limits: -40°C to 70°C 0 to 95% RH

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