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Presentation on theme: "Seasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons

2 What is the difference between Earth’s ROTATION & REVOLUTION?
Rotation- Earth spinning on its axis (day and night) Revolution- The Earth orbiting around the sun (year) 1 Rotation = 1 Day 1 Revolution = 1 Year


4 Winter Solstice Date: December 21st NH- Winter & SH- Summer Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S)

5 Winter Solstice Date: December 21st NH- Winter & SH- Summer Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S) NH- Tilted Away & SH- Tilted Toward from the sun

6 Vernal Equinox Date: March 20th NH- Spring & SH- Autumn Most Direct Sunlight: Equator Winter Solstice Date: December 21st NH- Winter & SH- Summer Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S)

7 Vernal Equinox Date: March 20th NH- Spring & SH- Autumn Most Direct Sunlight: Equator Neither Hemisphere is tilted towards or away

8 Vernal Equinox Date: March 20th NH- Spring & SH- Autumn Most Direct Sunlight: Equator Summer Solstice Date: June 21st NH- Summer & SH- Winter Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) Winter Solstice Date: December 21st NH- Winter & SH- Summer Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S)

9 Summer Solstice Date: June 21st NH- Summer & SH- Winter Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) NH- Tilted Toward & SH- Tilted Away from the sun

10 Vernal Equinox Date: March 20th NH- Spring & SH- Autumn Most Direct Sunlight: Equator Summer Solstice Date: June 21st NH- Summer & SH- Winter Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) Winter Solstice Date: December 21st NH- Winter & SH- Summer Most Direct Sunlight: Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S) Autumnal Equinox Date: September 22nd NH- Autumn & SH- Spring Most Direct Sunlight: Equator

11 Autumnal Equinox Date: September 22nd NH- Autumn & SH- Spring Most Direct Sunlight: Equator Neither Hemisphere is tilted towards or away

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