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Jeopardy Plant Structures Random Life CycleLeaves Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Natural Processes.

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2 Jeopardy Plant Structures Random Life CycleLeaves Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Natural Processes

3 $100 Question from Plant Structures Which structure of the plant is MOSTLY responsible for collecting the sun’s energy and using it to produce glucose?

4 $100 Answer from Plant Structures In The Leaves!

5 $200 Question from Plant Structures Which structure of the plant is responsible for Reproduction?

6 $200 Answer from Plant Structure Flowers!

7 $300 Question from Plant Structures Which structure of this plant will BEST prevent it from being uprooted or blown over during a hurricane?

8 $300 Answer from Plant Structures roots

9 $400 Question from Plant Structures The plants shown below are able to survive forest fires. Which characteristic best helps the tree survive? a.Large flowers b.Thick stem c.Green leaves d.Thin roots

10 $400 Answer from Plant Structures Thick stem

11 $500 Question from Plant Structures The organism shown below is a seed. Under normal conditions, what will occur NEXT as the plant begins to germinate? a.Seeds and stems will develop b. flowers and fruits will appear c.Stems and leaves will develop d.It’s life cycle will end

12 $500 Answer from Plant Structures c. Stems and leaves will appear.

13 $100 Question from Random What is the name of the food making process in which oxygen is released and Carbon dioxide, water and sunlight mix together to make glucose?

14 $100 Answer from Random photosynthesis

15 $200 Question from Random What is the name of the gaseous liquid that is released Into the air during transpiration?

16 $200 Answer from Random Water vapor

17 $300 Question from Random What is the name of the green chemical That traps sunlight and carbon dioxide?

18 $300 Answer from Random Chlorophyll

19 $400 Question from Random Which structures are tiny holes That allow sunlight and carbon dioxide To enter the leaf?

20 $400 Answer from Functions Stomatas

21 $500 Question from Random The leaf shown below is found in the temperate deciduous forest. Which of the following reasons best explains why it is red? a.It is non vascular b.It is a living organism c.Environmental traits d.There is less sunlight so it loses chlorophyll

22 $500 Answer from Random d. There is less sunlight so it loses chlorophyll

23 $100 Question from Scientific Thinking During this process, sunlight, Carbon dioxide, and water mix together To make that simple sugar called_________

24 $100 Answer from Scientific thinking glucose

25 $200 Question from Scientific Thinking The greenhouse shown below has a very important job for the Plants inside of it. Which of the following reasons best explain how the greenhouse protects the plants? a.It gives them more water b.It protects them from harsh weather c.It allows them to feed consumers d.It takes away sunlight from them

26 $200 Answer from Natural Processes b. It protects them from harsh weather

27 $300 Question from Natural Processes What is the name of that gaseous (gas-like) liquid that evaporates (rises) Into the air during transpiration?

28 $300 Answer from Natural Processes Water vapor

29 $400 Question from Natural Processes What is the name of the simple sugar that is produced during photosynthesis?

30 $400 Answer from Natural Processes Glucose

31 $500 Question from Natural Processes Without this process, the plants would never be able to produce their own food, and we would not have oxygen to breathe.

32 $500 Answer from Natural Processes Photosynthesis

33 $100 Question from Life Cycle This is the name for a baby plant when it is inside the seed. It is the first stage in the plant’s life cycle.

34 $100 Answer from Life Cycle Embryo/seed

35 $200 Question from Life Cycle This is the name for the food supply part of the Seed. It gives food to the embryo.

36 $200 Answer from Life Cycle Cotyledon

37 $300 Question from Life Cycle What is the name of a young plant That is not fully grown? It is the second stage in a plant’s life cycle.

38 $300 Answer from Life Cycle Seedling or sprout

39 $400 Question from Life Cycle This is the name for a plant that is Fully grown and developed

40 $400 Answer from Life Cycle Mature plant

41 $500 Question from Life Cycle Which of the following diagrams show the Correct order of a plant’s life cycle? a.Seed, seedling, flower, fruit b.Seedling, seed, fruit

42 $500 Answer from Life Cycle a. seed, seedling, flower, fruit

43 $100 Question from Random What is the name of the tiny pores That allow sunlight and water to pass Through?

44 $100 Answer from Random Stomatas

45 $200 Question from Random What is another word for grow?

46 $200 Answer from Random germinate

47 $300 Question from Random Why do leaves change color in the fall?

48 $300 Answer from Random They are not getting as much sunlight And lose chlorophyll.

49 $400 Question from Random What word means to “put into groups?”

50 $400 Answer from Random classify

51 $500 Question from Random What is another word for a “living Thing?”

52 $500 Answer from Random organism

53 Final Jeopardy What is the word for when a liquid becomes a gas and rises into the air as water vapor?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Evaporation

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