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Effective SPF Sunscreen By: Lexi Soifer Abstract Effective SPF Sunscreen The purpose of my project is to find which SPF works better. I think the plate.

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2 Effective SPF Sunscreen By: Lexi Soifer

3 Abstract Effective SPF Sunscreen The purpose of my project is to find which SPF works better. I think the plate that has the SPF 60 will have less color than the beads with SPF 45. First you have to gather your materials. Then you label the plate with the correct description of the beads. You next coat the beads with the correct sunscreen, put them on the right plate, then put them outside in the sun. After 5 minutes take then inside. The observe them and record your data. The purpose of my project is to find which SPF works better. I think the plate that has the SPF 60 will have less color than the beads with SPF 45. First you have to gather your materials. Then you label the plate with the correct description of the beads. You next coat the beads with the correct sunscreen, put them on the right plate, then put them outside in the sun. After 5 minutes take then inside. The observe them and record your data.

4 Planning Materials: 4 small paper plates different SPF sunscreen lotions aluminum foil UV sensitive beads 4 black paper squares timer

5 Planning Continued Procedure: Gather your materials. Write “no sunscreen, no sunlight” on one plate. Write ”no sunscreen, full sunlight” on another plate. Label the other two plates with the SPF values of the sunscreens you will test, for example, “SPF 45/full sunlight” and “SPF 60/full sunlight. Write “no sunscreen, no sunlight” on one plate. Write ”no sunscreen, full sunlight” on another plate. Label the other two plates with the SPF values of the sunscreens you will test, for example, “SPF 45/full sunlight” and “SPF 60/full sunlight. Place a small dab of sunscreen on a square of aluminum foil. Coat 4 beads with the sunscreen. Put the beads on the plate with the matching label.

6 Planning Continued Procedure Continued: Repeat with the other sunscreen. Use the same amount of sunscreen. Place 4 uncoated beads on the “no sunscreen/no sunlight” plate and 4 uncoated beads on the “no sunscreen/full sunlight” plate. Put black paper over each plate to keep out sunlight. Wait 5 minutes. Put the plates back in direct sunlight. Remove the black paper form every plate except the “no sunscreen/no sunlight “ plate. Observe the beads after 30 seconds. Record the amount of color change.

7 Data UV Beads UV Beads (description) (description) Amount of Color Change after 30 seconds (none, a little, some, a lot) No sunscreen / No sunlight none No sunscreen / Full sunlight a lot SPF 45 / Full sunlight some SPF 60 / Full sunlight a little

8 What I’ve Learned I have learned that the higher the SPF the more effective it is. The 60 SPF is more effective than the 45 SPF in full sunlight. The beads with nothing on them and no sunlight has no change. The beads with nothing on them and in the sun had the most change. If you don’t wear sunscreen you have no protection. Always wear sunscreen! I have learned that the higher the SPF the more effective it is. The 60 SPF is more effective than the 45 SPF in full sunlight. The beads with nothing on them and no sunlight has no change. The beads with nothing on them and in the sun had the most change. If you don’t wear sunscreen you have no protection. Always wear sunscreen!

9 Sources Cooney, Timothy. Scott Foresman Science. Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foresman, 2006.Cooney, Timothy. Scott Foresman Science. Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foresman, 2006.

10 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my dad. He helped me from start to finish. He helped me set up the project, helped carry things, observe, and corrected me when I did my project the wrong way. I would also like to than my sister for taking some of the photos for me when my hands were full. Last I would like to thank my mom for overseeing the project go smoothly. I would like to thank my dad. He helped me from start to finish. He helped me set up the project, helped carry things, observe, and corrected me when I did my project the wrong way. I would also like to than my sister for taking some of the photos for me when my hands were full. Last I would like to thank my mom for overseeing the project go smoothly.

11 Funny Mess Ups! When we first started all the plates blew everywhere and everything on them fell off. We then labeled the plates wrongly. We put the wrong sunscreen on the wrong beads. We didn’t time correctly so we had to redo it.


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