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Weather Quiz Review.

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1 Weather Quiz Review

2 1. Weather Created by the movement of air and water
The sun, and uneven solar heating, drives this movement Occurs in the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere The atmospheric conditions at a particular location on a particular day Determines Climate

3 2. Climate the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period: "our cold, wet climate“ Weather over an extended period.

4 3. Conduction Transfers heat by direct contact

5 4. Convection Heat is transferred by the moving of particles/molecules from one place to another

6 5. Radiation Transfer of thermal energy by the release of a photon from the Electromagnetic Spectrum

7 6. Albedo Albedo is a Latin word which means whiteness. Albedo is the ratio of light reflected by an object compared to the total amount of light it recieves.

8 7. Ozone Layer a layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 6.2 miles (10 km) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.

9 8. Meteorologist Meteorologists are scientists who study the weather, including clouds.

10 9. Front A front is a boundary or transition zone formed when two air masses that have different temperatures and densities meet each other.


12 1. Climate vs. Weather WEATHER is the short term conditions of the atmosphere at a specific time and place in terms of temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed, cloud cover (etc…) CLIMATE is a long term average of temperature, pressure, precipitation, wind speed, (etc.) for a particular region on Earth. Weather refers to short term conditions in a specific area. Climate refers to the long term conditions in an area. 20 degrees Celsius, Sunny. – Weather

13 2. List the 5 layers of the atmosphere in order.
Order of Layer Name of Layer 5 Exosphere  4 Thermosphere  3 Mesosphere 2 Stratosphere 1 Troposphere  Earth

14 3. The Earth’s Radiation Budget is how much of the sun’s energy is absorbed by the earth versus how much of it is reflected back out to space. Approximately 71% is absorbed in total ( )

15 4.Albedo A white object reflects light more/absorbs less
A black object reflects less light/absorbs more

16 5/6 What are Clouds? Clouds are made of water.
They are either made up of small liquid water drops or tiny ice crystals. The two items required for clouds to form are water vapour and condensation nuclei

17 1. Items of the Climate system.
Name of Sphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Cryosphere Biosphere What is it? Air  Water Land Ice Living things How does it affect Climate (and thus weather)? Keeps Earth warm with the Greenhouse Effect. Is where weather occurs   Water holds heat & keeps temperature relatively constant. Evaporates/ Condenses in water cycle Different surfaces affect how sunlight is absorbed and this affects temperature  Its high reflectivity affects temperature.Amount of ice/water is tied to water cycle   Produce heat. Take in and give off water so part of the water cycle 

18 2. Three Mechanisms Conduction Transfers heat by direct contact
Matter touching matter Can occur between any state of matter: solid, liquid or gas Metals are good conductors of heat Bad conductors include wood, rubber, glass Example: Heat transfers directly from the element of a stove to a metal pot Convection Heat is transferred by the moving of particles/molecules from one place to another Hotter particles move further apart and rise Cooler particles move closer together and fall Transfer is therefore vertical (up & down) Only occurs in liquids and gases (fluids) Example: Currents are created

19 Radiation Transfer of thermal energy by the release of a photon from the Electromagnetic Spectrum Heat is transferred through space Electromagnetic (EM) waves from the sun can collide with matter of all types The EM waves are converted to heat when they collide with matter Darker and denser objects absorb EM waves faster

20 3. The albedo of clouds Clouds affect the albedo of the Earth
Clouds reflect more sunlight back to space than blue sky The albedo of a cloud depends on many factors including: height of the cloud overall size of the cloud number of water droplets inside the cloud The color of a cloud, from bright white to dark grey, depends on the number, size and color of water droplets in the cloud.

21 Albedo of Clouds Cont’d
Big droplets have a large surface area and reflect more light than small droplets. Large numbers of water droplets leads to bright white clouds. If you are under a big cumulonimbus cloud, it's dark out because the sunlight can't pass easily through the clouds. From space, however, the same cloud would look bright white because it actually has a high albedo. In contrast, a cirrus cloud is nearly transparent to sunlight but looks grey from space because it has a low albedo.

22 Percent Albedo of Clouds

23 4. Clouds

24 5. There are several ways that a parcel air can be forced to rise:
1. Surface Heating – the sun warms the air and then the warm air rises because it is less dense. Also called Convective or Convection Lifting

25 2. Mountains – air is forced upwards as it runs into the higher terrain.
Also called Orographic Lifting

26 3. Fronts - When an air mass of one temperature meets another, the warmer air mass will rise over the cooler air mass. (Frontal Lifting) 4. Air Pressure - When an air mass moves into a lower pressure area, the air will force the air that was there before, upwards. (Convergence Lifting)

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